Whats better, having a mediocre threesome or having great sex with just one woman?

whats better, having a mediocre threesome or having great sex with just one woman?

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The latter choice, user.

i had a few of the first one, and tonight i have a chance to have sex with two again, but i'm not sure if its worth the effort

which is a better story to tell while drinking a beer with your bros?
>the threesome obviously

Great sex wtf it's even in the question?

>mediocre vs great

Yeah shut the fuck up and come up with a better would you rather


Depends in your definition of mediocre.

If you want them to just service you, and their terrible at it, that's one thing.

But having 2 girls you can switch back and forth from, even when they don't do much, is better than 1 doing all the work. In my book, I suppose I'd want to feel I'm servicing them.

So I suppose it a matter of preference user.

naaa i don't talk about my sex-live, figured a LOT more woman sleep with me if i don't talk about it

the problem is the mental boost you get of sleeping with two women

Believe it or not there are people that get to have sex with no one.

He was pointing out your jaded comment of having sex with just one girl.

>is something mediocre better than something great

Man I don't know

Second option. I don't have much interest in 3somes, seems like too much work, I'd rather just bang one chick.

You sound like a faggot. Lets trade places and I'll stop asking Sup Forums about it for you and just do it.

Mediocre or not it's not that often you do a threesome

Being in a loving relationship that allows for you to have sex with the same woman, and have intimate relations with that one woman.

I talk about it just with my male friends, in a pub, while drinking a kilkenny and eating nachos

everyone can sleep with a girl - its just some effort you have to put into one - and not beeing the "nice guy" but the "funny/interresting guy"

but allright - thanks i do understand it now


This guy atleast knows whats up, bike > threesome

one of the girls IS my girlfriend - so thats not the point

lets say the girls which happen to sleep with my girl and me are friends of mine, so it might appear quite reguarly

yaaay you like my bike - i like you dude!


3somes aren't as fun in my experience although they are more memorable i guess

thats exactly what i meant! its mostly exhausting and the memories are kind of exciting - but the sex is mediocre

How did you meet them? How did you find out they were up for that?

Considering some women freak out at the attention you give the other girl, or they find out they enjoy women better, or hell, think you're fucking the other chick behind their back. Shit happens when you bring in other people into your sex life. Just be careful. If you love her, be careful.

the first one was my girlfriend - the second one (at least one of them) was a friend of mine which sent me nudes a cuple of times, we played a drink game and had to strip - a buddy of mine was with them and they laughed about his dick size - he left after a few hours - the girl stayed, then i asked them to blow me - after that, it happened a few times, the last time we made a few pictures and a movie

another one i told that i think threesomes are quite exhausting and not worth the effort, and she was interrested, i asked her if she was interrested to sleep with my girl and she said yes, the condition was to have sex together



>having great sex with just one woman
this, one hundred times

going to party now - see you faggots

Having great sex with one women
Get this to 100 subscribers

You gonna be taking pics of it?

ahah ye ofc, getting myself a XT660X soon

Anecdote: Threesomes are boring as fuck, awkward to move around and hard to time orgasm with.

I'd take the burden of pounding one pussy any day.

Are those still private?

of the party? or the sex? i did of one of them - wanna see one?

If you want, OK.

a dozen bagels with cream cheese is better than sex.

allright - just one of them :)

Why not a dozen doughnuts?

thats quite the same

Hands down great sex with one women, unless both chicks are incredibly hot.


Even cream-filled?



Any better looks of them?