If you have a problem with this, there is a 96% chance your gay

if you have a problem with this, there is a 96% chance your gay

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Not really into bland white girls, user

Doesn't make me gay

Zhe iz hugly!!!!! XDdDxDXD

It looks like her face is melting into her skull


She was actually cuter when she was younger
Now she just looks awkward and weird.

i fucking love her

too bad she's gonna age like milk in a greenhouse

>smart water
what's so fucking smart about it

also what the fucks up whit her head

you're mum looks weird but nobody is crying about it in the internet


smart water contains beneficial electrolytes to help you hold on to the water in the, well, water. keeps you hydrated longer.

Get this to 100 subscribers

>hey check out my sweet vintage hey arnold sweater i copped off e-bay
>isnt it cool guys????

Oh boy, what a clever insult.
I'll never recover from such a generic response, golly!
Fragile feelings there, friend?


bitch is walking on something and it aint sunshine.

Got them Anthony Davis eyebrows



fuck off you piece of shit

nice shoop crazy hater

But its not Brawndo you smartass.

her BF is white

stop letting your own sick fantasies spill over into reality

hiiiiiiiii haaaa


shes god chubby boy tits kek

>implying he doesn't sit there and watch while thinking
>"she never makes that noise when I touch her"
>"why are they always black?"
>"I could tell the media and ruin her image"
>"but then she wouldn't let me clean him up"

she should have been the khaleesi

aint nothin wrong with the /chlo/mo. nothing at all. if you wouldnt fuck her your either a genuine faggot or extremely picky

cute Chloƫ is cute

quick, post some lame-ass non-porn...

>me on the left


Nothing wrong with Chole that pony tails cant fix

those ducking arms top kek

Doug looking chill tho

she's been pictured with niggers months before these pics you fucking circus freak

i don't "have a problem" with it
it just doesn't do anything for me
looks like the pic has been stretched horizontally a bit as well

she has a nice body user, what is the problem? you know you'd love to cuddle with her just like I would!!

I'm the 4%
I don't understand why people like pig face so much. Is it because she looks young and has smaller tits than a 12y/o?

Why are you shilling in every damn thread


she needs to get to the vet cause THOSE PYTHONS ARE SICK BRO

its like everything except her face grew up...shit sucks, she still looks like an an noying little cunt

lmaoooo this



post more clothed women to be hard about...


>problem with this

lemons in water ? no I'm ok with that - I do it sometimes myself.

yes because whenever someone is photographed in proximity with another person it means they are fucking

i kek'd


Why does she put so little lemon in her hangover water? I use at least seven lemons myself.

>a 96% chance your gay

My gay what?

Correct spelling and use of the apostrophe is the difference between 'knowing your shit' and 'knowing you're shit'.


the only problem is the "smart water"

nope, i just dont like tainted pussy

once its been on black, NEVER go back


hit girl plz kill me, i love you

the second one was Hick Girl

i do like hick girl's costume better
but either one could shoot a hollowpoint or three in my chest and i'd be happy
would prefer she be naked tho

She looks ok from some angles and wierd from other ones. I can't figure out why.

Not a camel toe but a fawn toe like in a cute little baby deer

a cute little baby deer i'd like to pump my cock into until i shoot a pint of cum