Games you think everyone should play through at least once

Games you think everyone should play through at least once.

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Can't go wrong with a skateboarding dinosaur.



Red Dead Redemption

This level has the best music of any video game ever.


Uhh.. Clearly you never owned a Commodore 64. All of the best game music was on C=64.


Sexy beach

Im not even a fan of the show. I actually cant even stand the show. but season 1 of this game is pure fucking perfection.

Damn dude what's that game called? I had for the original Xbox
Also conquer bad fur day is a must play


it's called filename.jpeg

I love the show. The game was the only game I have ever cried at!! Are the following releases any good? Also are the Game of Thrones games good??

Shenmue II. It's so great.


I cried too haha, I also cried during Season 2, so that ones good too. 400 days is alright, and I havent played that other one that starts with an M though.

I actually just started the Game of Thrones one yesterday lol, I've never seen the show but figured I'd love the game. and so far, it seems really cool

Well, let me tell you about the absolute worst, most sickening nightmare I ever had. This one isn't for the kids. OK, so there's this huge pile of crap, right? It's shaped like a giant tank, and it's walking around on two legs, goin' on a rampage and stompin' on people and houses and stuff. And this giant turd is carrying the nastiest missiles you ever saw. Like whenever it launches one of its turd missiles... whatever it hits - people, trees, buildings - turns into shit. My hometown, my old school, my family, my girlfriend, old man John... Everything in that turd's path turned into shit.

Good luck finding it, but it's the best game on the original Xbox. The multiplayer servers are down, which is what it was made for, but the single player campaign is absolutely worth playing.