Why don't i have a gf?

why don't i have a gf?

because you learned social grace on Sup Forums now please fuck off and die

You look like a fucking rapist. Be more sociable, go to a gym, stop watching anime, smile more

because your supposed to share a coke with polar bears, not girls.

lol is this the new brandon>?

Because you don't go out and talk to them. One wont randomly just fucking appear out of the blue on your lap while you play fucking WoW

next on real Sup Forums murderers

Because you look like you fap more than 50 times a day


thanks franku
that's a ridiculous overestimate. maybe half that
they don't talk to me though ;-;
nah girls at least like brandon. every time he posts at least one girl says she'd date him. that literally never once happened to me
maybe next time i'll kill myself.

Because you look like a gay Lord furry stalker that never leavs his Mother basement and i should know cous i am King of the trads and Freaks in my zipcode

because you don't wash yourself

Because you keep fucking cans of coke on your shelf

Because you gives of the the vibe of a serialkiller, one that dismentals his fictims and keeps the heads and breast

cause you make stupid faces

You know why...

okay where do you live
not on purpose

i don't

Because you're a quitter you said you were going to kill yourself over some bitch and backed out like a pussy

1. You always look sad/sulking
2. Bad haircut and bad stubble
3. Lack of confidence
4. Bitching on Sup Forums about not having a gf

That's the main things, get a haircut, shave, get in shape, stop posting these threads on Sup Forums, get some confidence and try to force yourself out and socialize more, it's not rocket appliances

i'm sorry. soon enough

Because you need a haircut, a shave, a shower, deodorant, go outside make some friends learn to make some jokes and smile and talk about non autistic things like politics or science or history so u can keep a convo going or start one and ask a girl out.



You know why.