You can only post in this thread if you have seen a vagina in real life

You can only post in this thread if you have seen a vagina in real life.

Pretty sure that's a hermaphrodite's junk


"Ah penus ah-so feminine!"

I went to a strip club once

Fucking gross dude
>inb4 aint seen le puss
Ive eaten thyne pussi....dont tell me who i am


i dont really know how to reply to this

Wow, this post says alot

Op, i think you have some inflammation. See doctor. Or post more pics. Either works.

looks better than most vaginas i have seen

oddly, that pussy still looks fun to fuck.

Seen lots, none that looked like that one though.

finally there is a place i can boast of my vaginal witness


I think it's hilarious how few posts there are in here.

>intestinal bacon

hello then


So you mean you can only post if you are married?

Fucking conservationists
I fucked a goth bitch and a county bitch

well i wasnt gonna post cuz i dont feel the need the tell strangers ont he internet who dont even know who i am about my sexual accomplishments like wut. thats a whole other level of sad.

Not a lot of posts here huh. Not surprised

He didn't want to post. But then. He posted the post

The level of autism is growing

So you're a Mormon then?

Nope. I'm a human being.

Human, canine, horse. ive seen, tasted, and fucked them all.


I've seen a penis tho

ur a vilesome whore for this one OP

my first girlfriend had puss from internal cysts always shitting out of her pussy

How will the children be reared then?

that pussy looks like it belongs to this girl

dat knot

das gay

ya to explain why there might not be many posts

I've only seen good vaginas

k den

you should all leave the computer and live short life to the fullest

I have seen dozens of vaginas.
No one I knew though. I just went to a nude beach.

I now make a new rule
You can only post in this thread if you have earned your red wings


I'm married, so of course I have.
>Second-hand inferior race


The vagina is not the labia.

Funny thing i never ate wifes bloody pussy once in 25 years but i did a old girlfriend back in high school

i believe the term you're looking for is vulva

> doesn't know what a colloquialism is
> womenlaughing.jpg