>ITT: We start a feminist movement which tells women to abort their male babies so they don't rape them when they come out.


cont. again

ey b0ss


Faggot-14 reporting in

we in here bois

reporting for duty

ey you fucks

Guys, move to Sup Forums

|Convey this message to /r9k/

Posted mine, it's gaining traction boys

need more #NotAnotherMonster pics


Create new accounts faggots. Dont put in the description 'gender studies major' or some shit. Make it real.

This is going to be fun, fun, fun, fun, fuuun!


Lets go fags

This beter be noticable

Ok quickly tell me what we're doing to increase it.

Back each other's fake accounts up. It'll make the retards even more convinced.

sage goes in all fields

it begins.

People are tweeting it to KEEMSTAR. kekkles

We're raiding twitter/tumblr


Should we report counts that go against #NAM?





Someone is taking this seriously lmao

How the fuck are Feminists/SJW's so gullible?

who got the tumblr sock accounts?

they might pick it up.

we have some image macros in this thread.

I'm going to create an account. Pop my cherry on this shit content aggregator.

I don't know if any of my current Twitter accounts are suitable since they all have something to do with Hitler. Might not look legit.

Make the reports ISOLATED if you do. We don't want people catching on that we're trying to hide the fakes. Just argue the fakes trying to sound like one of the tards.

saging with image? Fuck outta here newfag

im lovin this


Feminists started this long before you thought of it.

Twitter activity is dropping off rapidly.


The Sup Forums army lives

Herd mentality. They don't question anything. Listen and believe.

I know, thats the scary part.

Right here, boyo. Send them my way.

looks tumblr-legit

looks good nigga

Spread yourselves out anons! Twitter needs support!

Fuck it's actually happening, big profiles are taking the bait

Kek, reminds me of the piss for equality thing we did awhike back.

It's too cheesy. Ya gotta put more feels into it. I'm on tumblr everyday. I know how they work. Put some stories into it. Tumblr doesn't care about logic it's about stories and feelings.

Should we be making fb posts or just let it circulate through tumblr?

inb4 phil fish supports it

Tell those feminist watching not to be afraid of express 'controversial' ideas.

This is doomed to fail because who exactly is going to see the fucking hashtag YOU just created? Sure as hell isn't getting to Twitter normies, only other troll accounts are seeing the hashtag, dummies.

This. I don't get the point of this. Sure, it'll expose third-wave feminists for the crazy bitches they are, but some may take it too far, and they'll actually abort their child for the sole reason that they are male. At least #peequalrights made dumb sluts openly piss themselves.

I worry about the future of America as we know it.

This. Feels > reals

you spread it, fucker

And they were only hurting themselves.

>faggot detected.

I wonder if any famanons are lurking...

Alright fuck it, organize this way:
Post ending in 0-3: Twitter
Post ending in 4-7: tumblr
Post ending with 7 choose between tumblr and Facebook, above 7 is Facebook. Get to it anons.

>Think of the worst monsters in history; Hitler, Stalin, Reagan, Manson, Trump, Cosby. See a connection? They're men. And the list goes on. And on. And. On.

>There's only one way to stop the violence, rape, and greed. Abort male fetuses!

>There should be 3 women for every man worldwide. It's the only way to save things. #NotAnotherMonster #RadFem #MicDrop

Too obvious?

Femanons? Or Famanons?

suboperation: GET TO IT


ayy lmao

Can someone make a fake abort prescription?

Most of males being murderers aren't feels enough?

Those would be the sloots that just need an excuse to abort. They would abort the baby anyway if they were female.

Mmmmmmm the top greentext is good. The statistic not so much. They're so simple minded try not to overload them with large numbers.

don't fucking mention it, you are just going to make it easier to track the source

She's eating this shit up holy crap

Can someone low-key hack Hillary's twitter

>future rapists, murderers and politicians


Good job we'll be left with all the bloggers and selfie-takers then.

Fuck-tards, we need more Tumblr accounts on this shit!!!


war and rape would have more of an impact imo

>My @ is a joke for my friend btw, fuck trump

That's too direct. Most of tumblr are women and you need to womanize it as much as possible to gain their sympathy. They talk to eachother like they are all friends and everyone's beautiful. Work with things like that.

a male child being rised by a manhating feminist isn't a good thing for him anyway :(

The bait is being taken


>"btw fuck trump" just out of no nowhere


>there's better ways than putting women through the trauma of abortion, yknow?
She completely ignores that this is about eliminating men at this point.

ffs it really is being taken


Watch this go to far and the male population goes extinct

tumblr get

These raids only ever fool anons into thinking that the bait is being taken by people other than anons. Every. Fucking. Time.


damn it user don't roll dubz while posting such ominous shit

Labs have sperm banks and we can keep one man to inseminate us all.

>newfag detected.

Ok so killing men is racist now awesome

Inb4 Sup Forums is what causes the extinction of the male gender... These posts will be in history books anons...

NOOOOOOOO. Sup Forums linked

like feminists can actually change things

How dare you bully these poor women, you vile assholes!

You are all evil, and I feel called to protect these ladies from all of you!

I shall inform them all about what you are up to, and then your operation is exposed and done for. Ha ha ha!

Those are troll accounts replying to this hashtag, moron. No one is noticing this shit but us.

Less competition

*rolls quads*