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I wanna be inside a shark grills belly

Post bellies

Also navel piercings

Fake and gay


Yeah, I think you're right. It's just kinda hard to.

Sure you're doing okay?





I didn't say I was.





I know, I'm just prying a little. You said it wasn't important but it is.


Sexy face, sexy belly... no muscles, though...



aww shit guys!
any of you listen to sabaton?


They're nothing to write home about.

has NS been shitting the bed for anyone else, or is it just me still?

It drops a few posts here and there lately.

I should make a full scale dragon girl torso using some movie prop magic, make its structure, texture and color realistic with scails.

Or a shark one, or both.

Best thing is I already do costume and prop creation so if it's found I can pass it off as a prop project and noone would think otherwise.


I guess if you're not into power metal much



I want to play with your dragon abs

Yea, im a huge fan. Heard about the new album a few weeks ago.




RIP Rei Vegan.
I have no idea where you went.







I like all their shit, but I'm a bit baised.

Hell yeah, too bad we have to wait so long for the release.




Or make skin tight slip on clothing that can be worn by a real person to simulate a dragon girl or shark or what ever you want, but that requires a real person.

Make these, market them at cons, get rich.

Yeah, they're pretty good. Among power metal they're not my absolute favorite, but they are up there. I like my cheesy, fantastical lyrics, like Blind Guardian. I've really only listened to The Art of War though, I'll have to listen to their other albums as well before I really form any opinions.





I need to get a better brush


Stronk Renamon is best Renamon

Nice bike. Ninja 650 it looks like.

>lifting shirt
>navel ring





Dude, Blind Guardian is literally god tier. I have an affinity for Dragon Force too.

I just, I wouldn't say I'm a history nut, but all of Sabatons lyrics are so good.

A brush?

Most of them use a pet brush.

Ah shit, bruh, that's hot.


Here you are op

Yeah, for my fursuit head.

Yeah, I need one that's finer. This coarse one has been good for getting some of the larger knots out of the hair but it needs more refinement

>Dragon Force
I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes them. They get a lot of shit, but I really enjoy them. I was actually listening to Sonic Firestorm and Inhuman Rampage earlier today.
>tfw I will never be this good at guitar youtube.com/watch?v=rePViih8UH8


Ya, just make sure it doesn't pull.


That's what I'm afraid of happening ;___; I really don't want that to happen

Ahh k. I didn't know you had a suit. I bet that makes cons way more fun.

Hah yeah, they do get a lot of shit, but like, cmon, it's power metal, what did you expect?
>tfw I don't even play the guitar
I played the cello for a while but that's the extent of my musical career.


I'm sure it will be fine. And things can always be repaired. That head has already had a lot of work done on it.


I have had one as of last week.

It certainly adds another aspect of potential fun but going to a con is so much fun in or out of suit

Yeah, it's definitely seen use and repairs and they've all been done very well so I don't think I would have an issue having to find someone to work on it.

It's just that if I don't have to, I don't want to. Keep it clean and be gentle with it.


>Hah yeah, they do get a lot of shit, but like, cmon, it's power metal, what did you expect?
Guitar's fun as hell, if you have a good one. Most of the time I don't even play simply because it's a piece of shit that cost like $100, need a better one so it'll be fun.
Cello's cool, I've always wanted to play it.

But seriously, that solo. I've watched it dozens of times, and it never ceases to amaze me. How in the FUCK does anyone remember it? it's absolutely insane.





so you got a used one?
That's still pretty cool. I wish I was into the whole con scene. They look like fun.

Yeah, my older brother has some nice guitars, but he lives a couple thousand miles away.
I swear, some people are like, not people.
I don't care how he does it, it sounds sick as fuck!







Think I'm going to take off for the night and try to sleep.

Night guys

Yes, I'm the third owner, and I'll be the last. The character means more than whatever words I can say and so I want to treat it well and preserve it, but still be able to use it and wear it at cons.

Cons are a ton of fun dude.

Hey Harpo, I'm about to go to bed. Have a good night.






Tell him to send me one, kek.
Yeah, seriously. I mean it's impressive enough being able to play that well, but remembering it is fucking inhuman. It's literally hundreds if not thousands of notes in a two and a half minute solo, with multiple different patterns, and multiple guitarists.... Just.... What the fuck. I'd sell my soul to Satan to play that well, like Dave Mustaine did.


Heya snek.

Later Charles.


night, sleep well!!
That's pretty cool man!

If only I could actually read Cyrillic.
but hello!

Get the fuck out of here Izime.
