Is Sup Forums nothing but inbred tards?

Is Sup Forums nothing but inbred tards?
>anyone on b significant in life?

>not inbred
>not tard
>not significant



>work at whole foods
>single no kids
>small apartment broke down car


>Lab supervisor at food company
>No kids (kids are gay)


>made redundant last week (why I'm back here) used to build bespoke stable blocks.
>single no kids
>small apartment (likely homeless again soon) broke down car

similar until last week

>Currently on disability after smashing my skull open in an accident and suffering a brain injury
>Single(thank the lord) No kids(thank the lord)
>Got a nice ass little apt. where I chill with my doge

>BA Physics from BYU
>Own my home
>Building a fusion reactor in my garage
>Going to power my home with it
>No kids
>Work IT for a local bank
>About 50k/yr.
>MENSA member since 2010

Anything else before I go back to /sci/?

I'm an elite hitman.

>work in yacht service (55k) plus bonuses
>not married, no kids
>rent out a room at friends house
>most of my money goes into savings
>just chill with my dog, smoke weed, and play video games on my time off

At least you make enough money to motivate day to day life

Those charms are lucky


>BA Physics
Why not BS...? I didn't even know they gave out BAs in science.

What kind of sustainment are you using for your fusion reactor? I'm only asking because you're a fucking liar.

>I've been in MENSA since 2008.

It's a bullshit society. It only requires an IQ of 135 or so to join (mine is much higher). I actually just stopped paying because it was such a worthless group.

>I used to be a High Energy Physicist
>Now working in Low Energy Nuclear Theory

Riddle me what kind of physics you enjoy.

>fusion reactor
WTF? elaborate plz? i.e. purpose

You win the chocolate milk

I'm not the guy, but I am,
Obviously the purpose to create clean and highly efficient energy? But to create that in one's home is unrealistic. Not to mention EXTREMELY expensive. Still waiting on his reply for his plans so I can tell him why he's an autist attempting to flaunt his Bachelor of ARTS in physics from a shit-tier school like BYU

That would be delicious right now. I'm currently sitting in a bath tub at 2 am reading some notes for a lecture I have to give on Monday about Bayesian Statistical methods for estimating parameters in Effective Field Theories.

im a nigger

>Rx Tech @ highly rated hospital in the US (~34k/yr)
>Lady-friend, no kids
>Small apt in not-that-great neighborhood
>Wondering wtf do do with my life inc killing myself


>blonde hair, blue eyes, 6'
>made 70k last year from inheritance
>doing whatever I want daily
>hiking, bmx, pool, day trips on my motorcycle
>no real friends because of leeches but probably about 100 acquaintaces that I see around the city and party with at the bars
>getting some legal issues taken care of and then I'll be able to live my real dream

dont live at the expense of others

know your boundaries and limits

Well first you need to define significant.

I'd like to think I'm important to my self and my friends. I'm doing shit with my life if that's what you mean fgt

Speaking of DOING things, do condoms go bad? I'm having sex tomorrow if she doesn't flake. I just don't feel like googling

>Successful network marketer creating new markets in e-commerce
>200,000+ per year and growing
>Beautiful wife, no kids
>College dropout, Engineering
>Own 140k bmw

Siiiiick, this is my life goal. You're living it boi, the life. Do it.

condom users would be same tier as queers lesbians infertiles etc

invest in hemp instead

>literally grows on trees

Network/IT field is what I'm looking at after HCC

Well I just have condoms LAYING around. Bags and bags because some dude at a storage place said "Hey kid, stay safe" And basically gave me bags of condoms he wasn't using. So sad.

'significance' is for insecure cunts. either just live or dont.

Awesome man, best of luck. Make it happen.

I'm not buying hemp just to fuck. Maybe if we start fucking every day. Pic related heavily.

how do u stop this fkn song?

Got any useful experience for someone looking to get basic employment and work till I'm ready to further my education??? I have my whole plan, just want to hear legit experience talk. What do I need to do right and not fuck up?
He's got it

I'm a new fag lol

tell my retarded and drunken ass what you mean by 'he's got it'

Bumping to bump harrrrrddddddd baaaaabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>Be me
>Honors Student
>Active in community service contributor
>Blood donor
>Participate in local theater
>Modeling agencies knocking at the door
>Travel the U.S for work
>Work includes me meeting celebrities, getting drunk, and dicking around wherever I go.
>Salary 62K+
>In my twenties

Feels good fam.

Kill yourself I think is the moral f the story.

Smoke weed
Love Sup Forums

'significance' is for retards that don't think of their place in the world and have none. If you live life you fucking live it. That's just it. No "I'm cooler/better than you cuz this this this"

By celebrities he means Richard Dawkins.

Life is good m8, just turned 18. Fucking ready.

who is who and who is saying what about what. fuck me.

im the user who said '"signifcance" is for cunts'.

what if im a cunt too? fuckkk. time for more wine

Hope you're ready for life to get shitty.

I hyper shitted all of my recent posts.

I'm ready, I have worked for 5 months in a super shitty manual labor position just because. I wanted the $$$

I'll post anon17 if it's me hey I'm thinking about loading a bowl and smoking you guys game

41, fat, neet, weaboo

I have weed right here, and I can smoke rn, but I'm saving it for pic related and fuck

Kys if true, wtf are you doing?

I only have experience with what I've done, so if our plans are different, my advice will be limited.
The most important thing by far that I've learned, is to be hungry. Want it more than the guy next to you. And by "it", I mean everything. Make your success happen.
As a marketer, the opportunity "fell" into my lap, but no one built my business but me. Get a solid part time job that pays the bills, and start meeting people.
Things not to do?
- be lazy, complacent
- be idle, if you're not busy someone else is
- give up. If you want it badly enough, you'll make it happen
- have lazy friends. This is the part of meeting people, surround yourself with success and you'll have to rise to their level.

>in culinary class
>fuck up
>girl asks me "are you good at anything" in front of the class

Wrong thread fug

You act like you're cool for doing that but pretty much anyone can do the same thing.

enjoying retirement, anime

Excuse me, but I am a nigerian prince

>janitor, 50k a year.
>live in Australia.
>not significant but pretty Fucken happy. Disposable income and sunshine are pretty great.

Like I said, I already have my whole mantra set for life until I become the guy with a house and money and can smoke weed all day on a mountain, but until then I get all of this stuff.

>Turned 20 one week ago
>Getting a computer science degree
>Not quite sure what I'm gonna do with it though, mainly just buying time while I get a job lined up.
Things could be worse.

>dropped out of university (compsci)
>picked up software eng position lol
>good money
>no gf no keds

Retirement? How??? I thought you meant N educated employed or in training??
Anyone interested in pics of the girl I'm meeting tomorrow?

The fucking timing on that...
This is a goddamn hive-mind.

Anon17 hey brother I get you id save my weed if I had pussy to go with it but I don't watching tonami (adultswim)

>disposable income
We're not American you dumb cunt you're a cleaner.

Yo for real all of that is attainable by anyone. I know plenty of women who are hotter than that and would fuck me real good for drugs. It is so sad to think that what you're doing is some sort of accomplishment.

You mean I'm generally just enjoying it, fag. So what if I hadn't had action in like 2 years lol, I'm happy.

I know that feel all too much bro.

Right? It's not, it's just living. But I have dreams and goals, so I'm just getting there till now.

>studying architecture, which is nice i guess
>europoor, so i'm expecting to live at home till 30
>awesome gf
>she doesn't want kids

I guess I'm doing okay.

I also do blacksmithing, armouring and I make all the tools I need myself.

I guess this is better than other people? meh

Cool, I like blacksmithing, what do you really do? Make swords or something?

Anon17 hey I can get pussy but I want hot pussy lol but I wanna find that special girl I can get to do weird stuff you know true love brahmama

I moved to Australia a few years back. Still call it janitor. Can't believe how much better it is here than the state's.

>the guy with a house and money and can smoke weed all day on a mountain
This is such a shit aspiration for life. Fucking stoners I swear. There are thousands of things better to do than getting toked every fucking wake moment of the day you stupid cunt.

well, not living off my retirement anyway, have a health defect caused by a product i used. legally not supposed to mention by name. not living luxuriously though

Yeah, I guess I was a little harsh. Apologies. And yes, Australia is an incredibly nice country to live in.

> 32
> veterinarian
> own flat
> before divorce
> no kids

Significant but still fucked

Anon17 Hey no hate bro weed is good and Australia is awesome but super deadly man would not live there I'd I was paid

>no job
>no aspirations
>3k in bank but keep spending it slowly

I really want to become rich and I have plans to become financially stable but I just have no idea what the fuck I want to do. I'm willing to work really hard as well. Don't really plan on having kids either.

What do?

>be me
>international class musical composer
>pretty decent instrument(s) player
>modern painter, my paintings go for at least $1,000 each
>High level Karate practitioner, compete in events in my Country, have a few 1-3rd place trophies.
>be very young and successful entrepreneur, but keep myself and name low-key
>think my life is bullshit, so I'm getting degrees in chemistry and biology, I'm going to contribute to science
>doing a little MMA now
>I'm pretty good at cooking
>I'm also pretty good at paintball and airsoft
>writing a few short stories and books on the side

nah man i just want to kill myself
probs could have been something, but i'm not. probs gonna die destitute in a ditch

Didn't mean to quote you, being a vet would be depressing though. We are most likely putting my very ill dog down next week ;(

deets n shit bc dubs
>about to drop out of med school
>no job
>no prospects
>might as well be dead no one would notice

I made a ton of knives and some other shit. Nails, pokers, leaves etc. Tried making a proper sword, but I had a shitty little forge at that point and it broke on me when I tried to harden it.

Atm I do mostly armour cause you can make it almost without heat.



I do have a purpose. I get paid to learn Korean.

No problem. I have Aussie mates. Calling each other cunts and insulting is just part of life. No offence. Yeah Australia is awesome.

Did you know there're a lot of writers, but a lot of them don't write shit?
Want to know why so many writers exist, but so many books don't exist?
It's because they don't JUST DO IT. They're writers, but they don't write shit.

Get off your fucking ass, both physically and psychologically, and fucking get yourself together.

You ever watch Limitless?

Getting your shit together is the logical thing to do.

It's not a great movie because all of a sudden he became intelligent, no.
It's a good movie because he just got up and did shit with his life.

You don't have to be intelligent to be successful.

That's what I kind of just found, like tonight. It's out there user. Chase the dragon.

Was it a shock at the prices compared to your previous country?

Show us one of your paintings then m8 timestamp fucking go

>and sacrifice my anonymity
lol, no

>You don't have to be intelligent to be successful
I 100% agree. I wouldn't call myself a genius, but I definitely like to consider myself above average. At least somewhat anyway.

>he just got up and did shit with his life
This is what I want to do, but I'm stuck in a hole. I work out non stop every single day, but besides my fitness, I don't know where the fuck I'm going.

I don't care about having a hundred mil in the bank but to be financially stable and without hundreds of thousands in debt would be nice.

Kill your self faggot, take a deep breath and relax once in a while. Up tight ass cunt. Breathe in the herb. I have goals, do need rtards on the internet to tell me what to do.


>breathe in the herb
Now I just know you're a fucking stoner fuckwit. I've smoked weed plenty of times. I just know that it's absolutely pointless to do it every single damn day.

I got three beautiful articulate kids you faggot. My kids will be throwing your dumb ass kids out the fucking window. That is if you can ever get laid you limp dick edge lord