Yo Sup Forums if you can arouse me with 5 words I'll post a pic of sharpie in pooper

Yo Sup Forums if you can arouse me with 5 words I'll post a pic of sharpie in pooper

Other urls found in this thread:


Hitler did nothing wrong

Uh fuck me hard boi

Has to be 5 words

Jews are destroying western civilization.

Here comes dat boi

Fuck me harder please daddy?


That is 4 you autist

Oh shit whaddup

You are a faggot, OP

oy vey shut it down

Hitler did nothing wrong faggot

Michael Brown didn't do nuffin

I have lots of money

It's okay we're only cousins

Spank me hard daddy!

Just don't tell my mum

12 is just a number

Imagine yourself out in the woods...
For some reason you're completely naked.

It's cold, and you're hiding, because you see flash lights and hear foot steps... Every hair on your body stands as you know too well who "they" are, and what they want...

Shit dude

Little girls, sexy little girls.

I'll piss inside your asshole.

alright, then, you want some?


Watch this video very horny

You still remember just an hour ago... Your eyes were covered up, and you can feel a presence between your legs.

The person didn't touch you, but you know he's there... He's so close you could almost feel him... And he breath a breath of hot air between your legs.... And he stops...

It's so cold you almost wish he'd do that again

Keep going this shit is getting good I don't care if it's not 5 words

Make America great again - Trump

"Over here! I found em!"

You take flight, but with your naked feet, it's hard to run as you feel the hard soil and sticks with every step you take.

You felt a push behind you, you fall to what seems to be the trunk of a tree.

"Where do you think you're going?"

you feel someone grab your left ankle, you kicked and scream as you try to hold on to the roots around the trunk.

Before you know it, you hands are held together, your body is pressed down by 2 individual much larger than yourself...


I thrusted, her pajamas tore.

You feel harsh ropes wraps around you wrist behind your back, you squirm despite the pain the hard soil and tiny rocks on the ground makes your abdomen felt.

Very soon, even your kicking legs are held down together, and they begin to tie your ankles together.

They were pressing the back of your head, the back of your left ribs near the waist, and another hand with a sensation of cold ring on the ring finger was pushing your right thighs down.

"Back to the club house baby".

A voice only too familiar

meaty -

Continue, based user

I have a shiny charizard

Pajama pants dropped down, "pocketmoney?"


She says, crying, "Please! Stop!"