Sup Sup Forums it's my birthday today. give me steam games? make an user's birthday special please...

sup Sup Forums it's my birthday today. give me steam games? make an user's birthday special please. I'm not going to give some sob story about why you ought to buy me free games because frankly that's bullshit, I don't deserve them any more than anyone else tbh. However, if you happen to have any extra games on steam send em my way.

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self bump because I'm curious to see if this will actually work.. I forgot, steamid: Chuckles Fan

>post timestamp with id
>Asking for games
>Doesn't leave steam id
>Send them his way. okay

game for dubs? eh?

doesn't post steam ID....................
just give me the game

yes everyone I know I feel dumb as shit for not leaving steam ID but I've been up since 8:00 am yesterday because my family came to visit. cut me some slack.

>Blames family for being retard

Frankly I probably threw my chance of getting games by looking like a retard, but just in case y'all are generous here's the direct link.


Well genetically speaking, fuck my ma and pa. But nah, I'm super glad they visited, I'm just explaining why I was up so early.

Yes. I demand you sacrifice virgin vidya to me in my honor.

143 games and most are 60$.... drink bleach

dam i was joking what game did you want user?
Happy Birthday from a random stranger. is your sign Taurus?

Steam sale. I've never played full price for a game. And also I've made money off of trading. Again, I'm NOT AT ALL pretending I deserve a game in any way shape or form. Never did I claim to be especially poor. It would just be cool. That's all. You have to respect me for at least being honest, right?

I'm a Taurus Gemini cusp, but I fall under Gemini technically. I don't care honestly, just even a shitty 2 dollar game or w/e would make my day and be fun to get.

commit sudoku

Aw, happy birthday, user. Hope you're having a good one. :P

I am not asking for a game so expensive, but if anyone has an extra copy of battleborn for some rediculous reason that would be p cool. please don't pay for it though dear lord.

ok searching a game that falls into the Gemini favor. give me a sec ChucklesFan

has dark souls 3 only plays 1 hour

Thank you! Yeah, my friends just went home so I've already hung out with friends and family for my birthday and it hasn't even happened yet. Can't complain!

my shitty pc can't play it tbh. I was living the dream that a craputer could play it so I bought it. I don't have the money to upgrade my pc quite yet, but I'm saving up. I'll play the SHIT out of it when I up my rig though.

so actually a whole hour is a fuckton. can you imagine depressingly trying to play a game that won't even work for an hour? That doesn't even count the time the game crashed and froze too...

thread is about to die. Thank you for the well wishes those that wished me well. I'm sorry you weren't able to talk me into sudoku tonight whoever tried. Best of luck tomorrow.

id ?


Not going to die user i will post cd keys give me a sec. as its difficult to find a good game for op since he/she is a gemini

what's a steam?

how do you determine what games are good for what signs? seems interesting.

it will die

how can steam be real if we aren't real?

a team with an s

actually i thought i could dammit. fuck it op i got Doom. Happy Birthday purchasing right now also do not post my user here i like to stay anonymous

or an s with a team.

if he can't play ds3 I don't think he could play doom lol

holy shit really? you're such a sweetheart. yeah, I won't. I'll make sure to crop it out when I post your delivery.

Begging for STELLARIS
i really would appreciate your gift.
Thank you m8

Steam id:


This game cost like 70 BUCKS in my country, for real.

what do you mean?

his computer cannot comprehend the power of dooom, if it cannot handle Dark Souls 3

He's saying doom couldn't run on my PC, but I doubt that. Darksouls III was notoriously poorly optimized.
Oy wait for your own birthday m8.

it would crash, or would be at like 5 fps

is that true OP if you cannot play DS3 on your pc then i cannot give you that game

I'm not sure to be completely honest. I'm not going to lie to you. Like I said, give me a shit game or no game at all I don't even care. I understand I'm not entitled to shit.

look at the minimum sys requirements for doom u autistic fuck

there's no way u can even open it

user who is deciding on giving OP a game here. Do you guys want a game? doing OP and a random user. OP PLEASE TELL ME GAME TO SEND YOU

I can play dark souls 3 on ultra at 60, its not that hard

Either stardew valley or battleborn. Preferably stardew because it costs less and I'd feel less bad about it.

Good for you. Not everyone has up to date computers. I for one obviously do not. I'm choosing to spend my money on college rather than a rig. If you want to shit talk me for that go ahead.

I would love a copy of birthday was a few days ago lol

I want a game, Arma 3, or Witcher 3 They look extremely fun

oh shit OP/bday boy here I also think the Witcher 3 looks dope.

would you gift me MGSV DLC Cloaked in silence user?

Only if thats not too much of course, its 5 bucks

thanks for reading and I hope you have a great night :)

OK OP but i do not give you a guarantee that you will get it posting the code. For eitherone of thoese games.
ok witcher 3 next

25 GB
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti / ATI Radeon HD 7950
Windows 7 SP1 64bit, Windows 8.1 64bit Windows 10 64bit
4 GB
Intel Core i3-2100 / AMD FX-6300

I don't even have that lmfao. didn't post steam id hahah


steam family share that shit? So I can play Dark Souls 3? /id/Procrasturbate

$94.99 for gpu
$99.99 for cpu
$17.99 for ram
$44.11 for mbo
$24.99 powersupply
$15.99 case

I literally do not know how to express that I really do not have the cash right now. College is expensive as shit and I'm trying to be responsible.

ok here you go anons Good Luck OP!

Dark Souls 3, please. I want to play with all my friends

then why the fuck do you want games??
Go tu study be responsible and quit being a faggot


then why the fuck do you want games??
Go study be responsible and quit being a faggot

someone got it. it wasn't me. :(

Guy whoever said so is not a fag/10

congrats to whoever was faster I guess.
I have a 4.0 user.

thanks for taking my birthday present :/

you're welcome faggot happy birthday

trips and sorry lol

after I get fuckin trips too. oh well, I'm more than impressed you actually delivered user. god bless you.

alright, I'm gonna leave the thread now guys, that was kind of depressing haha.

ok bye

if you were sorry you wouldn't have taken it. oh well. you were fast as fuck haha.

he is doing witcher 3 next doe

i'm not sorry it's not my fault you were slower
what you said doesn't even make sense

I'm clearly not a very fast typer.

hold out man I belieb

no i am not im tired. next thread guys

till the next time Sup Forumsro

fuck me man. I'm not entitled to a game but shit you got my little heart all excited for nothing :(. Honestly though thanks for the well wishes guys.

just go

Cmon bros, im a fucking student and summer recess is comming soon, i have no girl no money, but a decent pc for this game

if you go to the cancer thread I will laugh kek

Literally fuck all you beggers for hijacking my thread. Can't an user beg for free shit in private on a public board anymore?

go and get a job then


good luck

hypocrite atleast I got stardew


u got me there, but in my coutry you work for shiet m8

Happy birthday man


top keks faggOP hasn't get anything, thanks for deadbreed

thanks for tf2

what was it


It was dead island i wonder who got it

Thats pretty fuck up