Unexplained images thread

unexplained images thread

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He doesn't want to get his shoes dirty


Perfect explanation, He doesn't want to get mud on his sweet new kicks

uhh who doesn't do this??


Committing murder, attempting to hide sneaker imprints and help cut down on various traceable fibers, pollens, and dirt. Also. mitigate blood splatter on his nice white shoes




wow lok a noombr

sweet numbers bro

I'm genuinely, thoroughly, impressed with myself

practice or prone to seizures

that's easy user

crossing the streams is bad

Christ! So much summer in here, the goggles do nothing!



>band camp
I remember doing that every morning
we didn't have mud every day, but usually it was just to keep our shoes from getting wet with morning dew, which would cause blisters


no u


Are you dense?




fondue by the digital fire place, merry crimmus.



Probably a nice, big RV or conversion van that the guy lives in. Don't you want a wood stove in your nice, comfy cottage on wheels?

How is hard explain, comrade?

deep frying


the wonderful world of bacon

Your doing it wrong you fucking autistic cunt

how to get a urinary tract infection




Underrated post



the leprechaun on his night off

Gotta keep the fire NB's fresh somehow

Useless post

Worst roller coaster ever


Useless toast

white people




isn't obvious what it fucking is?




That's Macklemore's Russian cousin.

A few years ago, I was about 100 yards away from a small, single engine plane crash. Left a crater in the concrete. It shook the ground so hard it felt like my car actually moved.

A jumbo crashing? Holy fuck.

This is a demonstration of how dangerous it is to deep-fry a frozen turkey.

That's actually kinda genius...

Negro host


Dick tucked to his left and hidden to look like a ball, one ball hidden and another dick stuck in from behind

>walking around with ziplock bags on your feet
or you could just i dunno wear shoes without giving a shit about them getting dirty, they're shoes, theyre gonna get dirty




I'm with this guy, his left "nut" looks like the base of a dick

H-holy fuck you are right

this guy is from switzerland.
he wants to sleep in his car when hes too drunk to drive home.

gee bill

Looks like a really fun party to me.







i thought that penis looked familiar


"Wait a second, I know that bulge!"






idiots in their natural environment


he prolly road a bike over there and forgot to take it off.

the chicken whisperer

It's fucking real.

wish i had that shit in my car


>unexplained images thread

I guess a picture of your mom without my dick in her mouth would qualify, faggot


spider pig

are you talking?


they would prolly make better parents than most couples.
