Im drunk and I just dont care, I am a co writer on the new Star Wars film in 2017. Ask me anything

Im drunk and I just dont care, I am a co writer on the new Star Wars film in 2017. Ask me anything

Other urls found in this thread:

is it gonna suck


Is Rey still annoyingly perfect at everything she does?

Oh yeah? Says who?

how long do we have to wait to see han solo again

Pretty much my boss is a fucji g feminazi

prove it

2018 is the han solo anthology film. But han solo is terrible to work witjhhfh

Will HK-47 make a special appearance?

OP we need proof you aren't bullshiting us


not even OP but I can answer this: No, because Disney is fucking gay.

What leftist sjw fuckery will Jew Jew Abrams put into this one?

who's tom hardy playing?
also proof?

rian johnson is directing this, not jj

I thought he wasnt involved in this one or the next one?

Every oneis asjw cuckzmsn

can you make one of the background characters named moot?

Who are Rey's mother and father

I guess I'll jump on the drunk bandwagon, though I highly doubt OP's legitimacy. I'm a Netflix storyboard artist. How you guys doing?

Will answer questions that don't fuck me over.


Aniken. It was a womam who worked with padme he had a affair with

Lol kys no one carws

makes literally no sense. contradicts why anakin turned to the dark side.
proof when?

What the fuck is supreme leader snoke? And is there something special abouy rey's staff?

Hey OP, why are you taking part in the molestation of Star Wars?

If I could kill everyone who paid to see these Disney shit films and everyone who worked on them, I wouldn't hesitate. Heretics.

That's fine. Sometimes people are interested in the industry or the process.

Does Finn get lynched with a lightsaber noose like the nigger he is?

Darth revan actualluyy

100%sure that's not it

stop asking for proof, its fake retards
when has anything like this ever been real

not canon anyway

Is the head sith guy actually only 1 foot tall and overcompensates with the giant hologram?

When will they quit with House of Cards? The last 2 seasons sucked some huge black cock.


>have some tits

why is vader considered a good guy for killing palpatine, he did it because he was a sith apprentice and they ALWAYS do that to take over the empire. he was literally just talking to luke like seconds before he did it telling him to help him and he'd get the rebels with leiah to help him to do it.

Also why are the rebels considered the good guys. They're terrorists.
The Empire did nothing wrong! They were democratically elected.

Why didn't Luke just join Vader? Did obiwon use a jedi mind trick to brain wash him telling him he killed his father and all that


dude you're not even trying

>Why didn't Luke just join Vader?

He did, in a sense. Luke is Snoke.

How does the next movie end, could you give a brief summary?

What the fuck is a snoke? I didn't see ep 7.

You answered your other questions in your post.

Snoke is the mysterious badguy.

Well I'm deeply unsatisfied with this.

Pretty sure OP is confirmed for legit Star Wars writer.

Han Solo dies

Leia becomes a fatty

If you want slightly more specific answers to these questions:

>why is vader considered a good guy for killing palpatine, he did it because he was a sith apprentice and they ALWAYS do that to take over the empire

>Also why are the rebels considered the good guys. They're terrorists.

>The Empire did nothing wrong! They were democratically elected.

The First Order would agree with literally all these statements. You probably need to see the film.

>Did obiwon use a jedi mind trick to brain wash him telling him he killed his father and all that

As for this, no. Luke knowingly created the First Order as Snoke in order to bring Kylo Ren (his son) back to the light, after failing him as a traditional Jedi teacher.

He's playing a long game with his children.

This isnt OP.

Interesting theories tho.

I hate feminism but it’s kind of a fucking stretch to say that some super powerful girl really has anything to do with feminism
it’s a fucking fantasy story

only legit truth itt

whoops, and this one


Hes a producers

Kylo ren is Han's and leia's son it is clearly stated in the movie

The only one that I can do to get a new thread in a couple weeks and then you will have a good idea of the house is still a little more time with the new Sprint Network and sharing your thoughts and ideas and suggestions

While I agree the third season was a snoozefest, the fourth season really upped the level of quality.
Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright are killing it. Only show I follow tbh.

Ddin't answer my question though

Are you fucking retarded

Will it actually be original? I'm pretty pissed off from the Force Awakens. It's a shitty movie

um no, i think it's a pretty awesome plot twist and dunno why you dont think so

sry im about o pass out but anyway yeayh

not relay, its gonna follow a lot of the same convesinotns ast empire stirkes back

like darker, plots twists etc

is the philly offensive really getting a netflix show, i dont believe it


do we get to see boobies?