Yo /b, found this when rebuilding my old outhouse, wanna see whats inside ?

yo /b, found this when rebuilding my old outhouse, wanna see whats inside ?



Sure, why not.

no thanks.... have a good night

Rusted shit

kay, open it


nerve gas?

probably from WW2 or cold war,

hit the bottom of the bullets with a hammer. once you knock off the end cap you can tell how old it is by the color of the gunpowder

I bet is the orange gunpowder

mate, you should book a MRI time soon

Clean them up, post again

if its orange than its from around the time of the korean war.... a purple tinge would be ww2.... 70s and 80s is when the gray came into use

Congratulations. You're now the proud owner of two 7.62x54mmR cartridges. There's a good chance they'd still work if you chambered them, so go buy yourself a brand-used Mosin-Nagant rifle model of 1891/30 and have fun.

Don't hit them with a hammer

why? do you not want to know how old they are?

but they still use the purple one in late 70s to save money for vietnam

Keep them, and they could be worth a lot of money in the future.
Make sure to keep them in good condition.
Maybe leave something cool for your kids to sell in the future for drugs or something.

the cold war wasn't an actual war...

>throw the grenade in the toilet and watch the water works

not getting any cleaner

People like this make me wonder why we even have history as a class

I got my Mosin for $30 on ebay, its a damn good gun. You can beat the shit out of it and still be accurate at 100 yards


tnx for info, I'm going to probably keep them

eh people died. it was a war of espionage. no land changed hands, no formal military engagements. but then again the british probably thought that the revolutionist werent fighting a real war either

we have kinda strict laws for guns in estonia, dont know if I can get my hand on mosin from ebay.

Id only clean them if you planned on firing them, if you want them to sell as an antique or collectible id leave it as is.

Hit it with a hammer and that shits goin off, life saved, no being an hero today
White knight out

there should be a stamp, hit the bullets bottom with a hammer


Do you have a hand grenade? Drop it in the toilet.

yeah, what about it ? I have 2 houses, one in the city and one in the wilderness, dont have that kinda money yet to build some fancy shitter