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Cutie 22/7


7.5/10. 8.5 in some slutty dresses.



nice ass. more


you lucky bastard. is she slutty?

A little

any good stories? different outfit?


sexy eyes. does she swallow?

Yes. She do

looks very peruvian

doesn't want to have sex with me/10

hey OP, fake her nude. pic related

Nice. I thought I was the only one who used 22/7 lol stopped using it cause no retards ever understood it

Hispanic fag here.

I find our women to be VERY attractive. I grew up around them so I tend to prefer them more than any other ethnicity (which makes sense, similar to how white guys prefer white girls).

I have one problem though. 95% of them go from legit 10/10 to fat pigs as soon as they get married. It's like a god damn curse. And i'm NOT talking about genetics (genetically we age very well), it's purely self-inflicted. My brother married a straight beauty, half Colombian 1/4 Chilean 1/4 Mexican. Like I didn't even fap to porn for a while, the image of her in my memory was good enough. 2 years later she got knocked up and gained a good 50 lbs, never lost it, she also stopped taking care of herself in other regards and now looks like your run-of-the-mill Walmart sloppy spic.

I fucking hate it.

That literally applies to every non asian woman in the world

Eh, maybe you're right. It does seem to me like Hispanics are the WORSE in this regard but maybe that's just because i'm around them more.
