Should a guy get his haircut like yolandi?

Should a guy get his haircut like yolandi?

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Yes. That way we can easily identify that you're a dirty jewish faggot and gas you appropriately.

The fuck does that have to do with being Jewish?

u know what.

I think he means that it looks like a cheap shitty haircut that a jewish person on their way to Buchenwald would get, souveneir of Mr. Adolf Hitler.


if you dont want the answer dont ask fag

I just don't get the hate for die antwoord they just make music and yolandi happens to be adorable in several ways

Only people who are rich can play off that type of haircut soccer players/muai Thai fighters, celebrities, faggoots

Look: it boils down to this. You know other people don't like it. You can like it all you want, but the fact is other people don't. So don't go around poking the bear expecting a different reaction than the one you know you're going to get. You're trying to be edgy and it's working, so congrat-u-fucking-lations, dipshit.

No because yes

That makes SO much sense. Wait, no it doesn't. And you are homosexual.

But plenty of people do like it what. I'm saying is I don't understand people who hate it its not like they are played on the radio they are simple to avoid I would think this would put them in the "you either like them or you don't care" catagory

Should someone like you live on this planet?

you saw 10 cloverfield lane ???

Good fucking god no. A girl shouldn't either.

Why do you care about what other people like so much? Can't you just be secure in your own musical taste?

This is the problem I have with you Die Antwoord fans. You don't seem to actually like them. You just like how people look at you FOR liking them.

I don't care rather or not anyone likes them what I'm saying is I don't get those who hate them the only way to even be exposed to them is to go out of your way or have friends who are cunts and force you to listen to music you dislike and if that's the case I'm sorry

Apology accepted.

>yolandi happens to be adorable

In my opinion she is the perfect women cute fun loving but can also relax and hangout and doesn't often throw tantrums about stupid shit

Cunt wants an 8" dick, but has 0 tits.

Yeah but she's a dancer and they know how to move

are you serious?! those pictures, of this girl, must be over 6 years old now.

No, and neither should a Woman.
It looks like fucking trash.

So yolandi should have kept this hair?

It says she's 24 in her profile, but 20 up top. She's a dude, this is a scam. Fucking Hurr durr

Yes in uruguay

Again uruguayan male yolandi


sure, why not

That's basically the same haircut... just a little shorter in the back...

No one should get their hair cut like that monger.

What's the deal with some Europeans having the Yolandi face look?



>same haircut
>too not short and sides not shaven off


>lives in south london
>wants an 8 INCH penis


The front part reminds me of Falllout hairstyles. Looks like complete shit


get a mullet, OP





For being as tiny as she is she got some big knees


>ywn fuck boy like yolandi

Why would anyone get their hair cut like that shrill Planet of the Apes-looking bitch?


I saw this chick on there a few days back. Fuckin joke.

Oh well, at least she bothered to write a bio of some sort.

W5 here



This is you


If you wanna look like a tard, sure.

No. Somehow she manages to pull it off, but I doubt many other people could.

She doesn't like it but she did it cause people laptop calling her Britany and such

We measure cock size and height in inches in the UK m8, weight in stones, everything else metric.



Kek, Primark shirt




So fucking perfect


same haircut?


JFC he looks nothing like Yolandi, already

Whys mummy acting like this?

These are my favorite pictures of yolandi where she is making the cute little faces and just being goofy so cute

>hurr durr stop liking what I don't like

Why even come into the thread if you're just going to bitch. Shut your fucking face you tard. 6/10 for making me reply

She's like the opposite of feminism. She's hot, but had to make her hair ugly to get attention.

yeah same here she's so adorable

her hair makes her more cute





If I had a conversation with yolandi I'd try to make her say as many rs as possible

If you're a crackhead then yes

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Yolandi was going to play as Game of Thrones' Daenerys before Emilia Clarke was cast.

THAT would have been so sweet

One of their best songs

No that was girl with the dragon tattoo she would have been better than Emilia but she turned the movie down to focus on musician so I don't think she would have gone for the show


Yolandi needs to star in another film.

Should have been in Mad Max Fury Road

