Can't make my gf cum

Can't make my gf cum.

>tiny Asian gf
>8 incher
>fuck like a beast
>last about 30 mins to 1 hr
>both kinky af

>Can't make her cum no matter how hard I try

What do /b?

Also, general dick r8 thread

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If that's 8 inches you have some huge ass hands

I wish I had my foreskin

Look like ur a cuck in the making.
Obviously you have penis envy and enjoy looking at black cock hence the pic.
Goodluck with being a cuck.

i do

Because making her cum isn't all about length and girth.
Atmosphere, hitting the gspot and erogenous zones are what makes her cum

kill yourself

Find the clitoris.

The reality probably is she can't make herself cum or she's trained herself to only cum a hitachi. Bottom line is, if she can't make herself cum with her hand, you've got no hope. Oh, and a lot of chicks can't cum via penetration alone.

Might be because you are a nigger. Sorry man, soul brotha too boo coo.

>Micropenis user claiming skill is more important
Kek keep telling yourself that, maybe it will come true

I don't think banging her is the only way for her to reach climax.
Try to be more gentle, soft but you should also play with more eregenous zones (nipples, neck, ears...)

fuck her in the ashole dry

foreplay is pretty important op

Dont worry OP, I've made your gf cum.

>smallfag pretending to be bigfag

Forgot to mention. I can make her cum by rubbing her. She can. Make herself cum by rubbing herself, but I'm looking for that vaginal orgasm. I've tried "g spot positions" but they never worked I guess

Keep laughing
We all know its true, fuckwit :^)

I had one like that as well user, turns out she was molested as a young femanon. Nothing a few pills of xtc couldn't fix.

I had an Asian gf, was pretty hard to make her cum.

Hispanic. Just really tan

Try oral, it'll work wonders.

Not even being a preachy cunt, but you should probably just alter your mindset. Foreplay, penetration, making out etc. is all part of sex. Don't get wrapped up in thinking it's just penetration.

Sounds like a plan

Just having a big penis won't ensure an orgasms. You need to add more than that, Try new techniques, play onto new fetishes. Most girls I've met like being choked in bed, you can try that. I'd tell you some of my techniques but tbqh fam they're too good to just give out over a Gaelic chess board.

protip: buy her a hitachi wand, let her use it while you fuck her

Dude it's true

Not same user but he is kinda right. Some girls (avtually a significant amount) just dont come from penetration alone, they usually need both clitorial and vaginal stimulation. And there is usually no need to rush things, start slow and build up. Remember that you do not give them an orgasm - you help them get one, its all in their heads.

Buy a Sybian.

Congrats man, spics typically have little dicks. Now learn to use it.

Doggy style with thumb pulsing anus.

Fuck her softly

try fucking shaving


Femanon here. No matter how long your dick is, nothing gets me better than good foreplay.

Jack Black detected.

You're a nigger, stay on your online fantasy blacked and admit you're inferior already.

I have tried a lot of foreplay, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Something that also confuses me is that she gets crazy pleasured when I fuck her. Definitely more so than with clitoral stimulation. (And gratefully, she doesn't moan like a squeak toy)

You are confusing the shit out of me. Take your 8 inch cock and go fuck yourself

Oh we do choking, tying up, blindfolding, spanking, spitting, foot. And we try new things quite often. She's sub as fuck, and I love it.

Had the same problem with current girlfriend. Tiny asian aswell.

Previous girlfriends would come quickly with simple fingering.

First time I fucked current girlfriend, noticed rubbing her pussy had no effect, proceeded to insert penis. It was painful for her, fucked her doggy for a good 15 mins, the whole time she kept moaning but more like pain moans, constant "ow".

After the 10th time we fucked she finally came. She then told me im the first guy to ever make her cum. Since then I've found the CORRECT positions that make her cum. But shit user i have to work hard to make her cum. Shes 20 now and I'm her third guy, the biggest shes had before me were under 5 inches. Some girls just need figuring out more.

>getting cucked by a machine
Been thinking about it, but it would be last resort.

Try a little tenderness

stop using dick
use tongue
never failed me yet

Op here. I think you're right

stop trying so hard let her work it out itll take time or she'll leave u either way worth

Despite what you've learned from porn, you can't bang an orgasm out of most girls. I've had a girl that only came from oral during foreplay, one that only came from manual stimulation during sex, one that only came from using vibe during sex... Point is, all girls are different. And until they're comfortable enough to tell you what really does it for them, they'll probably just fake it during sex and then rub one out after you leave.


This. Even if a girl says she doesn't like to be eaten out, she actually likes to be eaten out.

Same thing here, some women can't come from penetration tho.

Again, not being a cunt, but I'll give you what you've given us:
>cock isn't working
>she seems to fucking love your cock
>still doesn't cum

Makes no sense.

We can only give so much advice. Why don't you ask her? Ask how she does herself, ask what positions she's enjoyed before, etc.
Also try introducing toys - I bought a vibrator for when I feel lazy, and it works in a pinch.

How is an old ass mobile phone supposed to help?

Aim for the belly button

I've asked her many times. She herself doesn't know. I've got quite a problem on my hands. We've been together for a bit less than 4 years now. I've made her cum 3 times (vaginally) during that time

With my dick?

What the fuck is ASIAN douchebag?
Japs are different from Chinese and different from Koreans etc. Maybe if you knew that, you wouldn't have to hire a big nigger to ball your old lady.

Wow. 666 two days in a row (op here)

made a girl cum 4 times once just from rubbing her clit with my hand fast as fuck. Clitoris nigga. Use the clitoris.


Post pictures of her, not dicks, you moron.

I want to give her vaginal orgasms with my dick. Clitoral orgasms are easy

idk, maybe rub her clit with your hand while you fuck her. She obviously can't cum without a lot of stimulation. As far as hitting the G spot goes, you need to have a sideways bent dick.


mine bends upward. Can't really see it in the pic.

That's a whole other thing though as you probably know

the real one pls ...

Well G spot is basically just some shit you get lucky with if you hit her in the right place after fucking her for a long time and when you do it's like the orgasm of orgasms. But I mean, that's some fabled shit. For a regular orgasm all I know is clitoris

>>Current year
>>no big cums

Maybe she can't cum only with her vagina did u try to stimulate her clitoris while you are stroking your cock in her vagina ? You can also try anal doin DP with a dildo it's a good sensation for both of you

tell her to start doing kegels

probably because you're trying to hard to make her cum

just fuck her and get on with your day

are you retarded by chance? because that might be the issue

It's her, you faggot

face? pussy ? is not her ... pussy picture and will be fine . By the way ... try to fuck her fast and slow and always stimulating her clit . I had a chinese gf and she always cum with me doing like this ... and making her really wet before .

I'm not

Thumb in pussy

that's not how pussy works tho, OP

no more ? looks hot !!!

Outdoor fuck

I guess you just dont fuck as well as you think you do

I mean. She loves it. I make her scream. Just can't make her cum

She says she doesn't mind not cumming. I don't buy it

don't worry OP, someday your girl will find someone who can

Vigil detected.

Op here. I gtg. Here's a last picture. She's such a good little slut

Can she cum otherwise, through masturbation by herself for example? If she can then she just has a mental block with you. Don't worry, someday she'll find someone that can make her cum.

open pussy pic mate !!! pls

Yes they can.


Turns out I don't gtg
I have this and a nasty cream pie after a rough fuck. It's not as pretty

your gf is lying to you

Post rough fuck creampie

virgin detected

Phimosis Bro, you have it.

It's because she's not getting enough friction inside her vagina. You need to get circumcised so she can feel it more.


Nice bait shlomo

I always roll back when we fuck


It took a few months but my gf cums just from vag sex now in about 30 seconds, give her time, girls are fucking weird, it's about trust with them

My foreskin retracts perfectly, mind you

only way i can make my gf cum is to go down on her for around 10 minutes