Trap/Mental Illness thread

Trap/Mental Illness thread



>Trap/Mental Illness thread
>Mental Illness thread




Does anybody has pictures of a retard trap?

is that a boy or a girl i seriously cannot tell

This one looks like a fish, all I got

heres a gif


All of them








Still would fap to that pic


Like clockwork
Jealousy is a hell of a drug

>jealous of photoshop and fake tits


so either way idgaf



If you wouldn't fuck Kalindra then you are literally gay

I'm bisex I can go for total femme girls and guys to butch femdom women and pic related. Nice, yes

but I get your point

This one looks like Iggy pop

more please

>Tfw no trap gf

not the same two people in the right picture

probably because you're fat, ugly, smell gross, and fetishize traps

>probably because you're fat, ugly, smell gross, and fetishize traps

I am but a man can dream


and you left out lazy.




I don't like to post pics of myself, I'm a trap, because the guys who post their butts and crop out their heads usually fill the threads and it takes away what it truly means to be a trap.

Wearing a pair of panties isnt the same as taking hormones for years and dressing like a girl, full outfit, every day.

Posting your butt isn't the same as voice training and learning how to do makeup.

Its all just off-putting since I try so hard and went through so much to get passable and to nail feminine behavior and then some guy posts his dick, nothing more, and says that he is a trap too.

Post pics

Yo guys i am not actually gay but i have a frotterism fetish and i would like to know where to buy the striped thigh high socks and the arm socks too?

What ever happened to Kalindra? She just up and stopped posting, it seems like... :(


hot topic

yet we're left with tons of reposts of the same old garbage day after day, nothing ever new. Maybe she gave up crossdressing or photoshop

tits or gtfo



trap doesn't equal hormones, buddy.

Also it doesn't matter if someone calls themselves a trap. The only people that can determine if they're trap or not is the audience. Also the people here are totally willing to egg on someone with no trap potential just to see some pimply asshole so, like. You know. Sup Forums has no standards.

If you're really as great as you say, all attention would be diverted to you as soon as you posted a picture and the others would disappear without the attention.

You kinda seem like an asshole though, to be honest.

Also lol voice training, it's pictures brah.



>posts a dude in a wig

a trap can be a dude in a wig. A transgirl isn't, unless they are, in which case oh god I'm so sorry you poor thing.

chloe rose/ kimberly foxx

>this webm with no sound

These guys posting their dicks and asses aren't feminine whatsoever. HRT makes your body feminine but not necessarily passable. I'm passable and have a feminine body.

You post a guy in a wig who isn't passable, so he crops out his face.

Traps aren't always on HRT, but no cds or sissies are passable. You do know the point of hormones don't you?

You seem to be too dense or arrogant to have gotten the point of my previous statement. I assume you are one of the ass posters since you are so extremely butthurt at me expressing my opinion. You kinda seem like a moron, to be honest.

That dude isn't a trap
hes not passable

I hate that guy even more then that baldy headed twat

thats not a woman

Thank you!



Pic with timestamp or gtfo aka not passable

Fuck off dude

i still can't hate anyone moar than that hairy dude who used to fuck all the ladyboys

sause asap

You're the one who's too hot to post in this lowly trap thread.

And the definition of a trap has always been "Who fucking cares as long as it looks girly and has a dick" which is a subjective as fuck definition.

Hormones are one thing, but fucking Donald Trump could take at least one decent trap photo with enough good lighting, make-up, and angles. Changing your body isn't the only way.

We're talking about taking pictures for people to jerk off to for god sakes, get off your high horse.

Also, you know. Prove you're not fucking ugly, since you made the claim and passed judgement on everyone in here.

That dress doesn't fit him
no feminine hops
masculine arms
cropped out man face
man hairdoo

>posts the most godawful ugly man in makeup i've ever seen

Oh GAWD I know exactly the guy you mean.

Where was that asshole from?

looked like a paki




Trap means a passable girl with a penis.

You're just plain wrong that a dude in panties is a trap, and you're extremely stupid for thinking so.

If you want to jerk off to young boys in panties then get a fucking clue, you're a pedophile. If you want to jerk off to a trap then thats just normal.



>at least one decent trap photo with enough good lighting... and angles

this is resonsible for at least 90% of my stuff looking good

Fuck off dude, you're not a trap

Oh look, its this overposted shitty set by a sissy. In a trap thread...

Guess we have 100 more of this boring shit of the same picture just slightly moved from the most boring crossdresser on Sup Forums

If you don't show your face and it doesn't look feminine, you're not a trap.


>bitch bitching




you put a lot of effort into this don't you?


You can count, don't you feel proud of yourself?



same retarded sissy








