Waifu claiming bread

Waifu claiming bread
>one claim per user
>refrain from rp or sexual content
>insult and discuss

Other urls found in this thread:


Megumin claimed~
>crossover edition

Britfag Maki Claim

This shit is creepy, but i like it

Hanako here.

What grinds your gears the most?

>People who sing along to your favourite song out of tune

Was thinking about making one just to see if i could beat you to the punch.

It's time for me to go to bed. I plan on getting back on at 3:30 pm CST. I wish you all warm, lengthy dreams of you and your waifu. Add me on steam: steamcommunity.com/id/IPlayTooMuchGMod/
69 get
nice quints maki

Rory-sama claimed

Still haven't done it edition

>closing in on a full panic attack

Yuuki claim. Still lurking, still working

happy people whilst i'm in a bad mood

Awoo~ claim

homu thread!!!

Couples trying to eat each other's faces off

i don't want to be rude, but you're being a fucking pussy. it's a simple shot, just do it already. nothing bad is gonna happen.

>When people don't check your quints
Probably when people ask what's wrong with you when you're fine but so much that they become the issue

>in public


>crossover edition

>What grinds your gears the most?
When someone is blatantly biased.

>People who sing along to your favourite song out of tune
I don't know that feel since my favourite songs are rather obscure.

You could probably do it, I delayed it a bit because I was wondering if someone was on it.

Sleep tight Shiro.

With Kagami in it!


i don't get angry much. i honestly can't think of anything lol
they well!!!
miyuki was my least favorite of them, and she doesn't show up a lot in the series lol
you need to!!! i don't want you to lose sleep....
hopefully it will work!!
same old. same old

Is there something in particular bothering you, Rory?

Oh i so could have. Was slightly disappointed with myself for not. Lol

>megumin with dank singles

yeah same. Just holding it down.

I work at a convenience store. Sometime over night a bunch of beer in the cooler fell off the shelf. The girl working the graveyard shift left it for someone else to clean. I'm pissed.

>still barely awake

>miyuki was my least favorite of them, and she doesn't show up a lot in the series lol
That's good, as much as she fills a gap in the group she was kinda boring. I like how the sisters have nothing in common.

But will you be able to do it next time? Find out on the next episode of /waifu/ Z.

cannibalism in public??? i wanna live where you're living!!!
>making out intesifies!!!

>because that's not suggesting anything
>wink wink nudge nudge

just they're looks!! kinda, but they're complete opposites other than that
>last time...on waifu z, 15 minutes of explanation!!!

what are you nudging for?!?

I like this crossover :o
I will buy some someday~
Sorry for worrying ya~
>got some dank singles yourself
I prefer having that kind of business in private~
>wink wink
>nudge nudge

>followed by 5 minutes of yelling while charging an ability

That sucks. How much of it broke? Can't tell very well. Looks like a few bottles of the bud
I... don't know if that's a yes or no. Lol
Oh well.
A :^) to you too.
>rattle rattle
If i'm around enough to noticed the image cap, maybe. If i show up with it capped like last time, probably won't try. Lol

Megumin gets it >winking and nudging escalates


I didn't save much crossover pics because most of what I saw was obscure characters I have no idea who they are, but I got 3 Homura x Kurumi pics.

I will make your words mine, but considering the thread is rather slow in the morning I will probably be here.

>winking intensifies

Claiming before bed.

o-oh!!! im not sure im into cannabalsim....
it's fine!! just get some sleep soon!!!
>winking and nudging intensify!!
hahahaha!!! don't forget about the spirit bomb!!!

Yeah, the image rotated itself somehow. All in all, two 6 pack bottles of Shock Top and a bunch of blue moon cans. The bud light was completely unharmed some how.

>winking and nudging escalates to the point that it looks like I'm having a seizure

>Will it happen again?
rolling on the river

Its difficult to explain. I used to do this no problem, but over time I developed a callis the pen couldnt get through. Wasted 5 doses on rebounding needles. When you fail that hard, it gets to you. If it were a syringe, which I jave changed to again, I would have been fine, but its the lack of control and the fear of doing shit like that again.

I have done it now. Took a bit of time as it does. I just need people to tell me Im a pussy, really. Worked the last few times with my brother, but hes not awake.

Sleep tight bun bun.

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Kagami take my energy つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
But who will be the SB target?

I only have Rikka x Megumin crossovers and the pic I posted earlier
I'm not planning on sleeping today~
>so much winking and nudging
>enough energy to have an explosion
One can only hope~

Best intensify gif ever. The other crossovers I have are /waifu/ references so... yea...

Oh for christ's sake just make out with her already jeebus all this winking and nudging's ripping a hole through the space-time continuum.

Cleaning up spilled beer first thing in the morning sucks. Been there and certainly feel for you.
Surprised the bud light didn't break.
Now that i'm looking at the shock top i can certainly see how it would break. I assumed it was just a half empty box to begin with.

Huh. Well if that's all you needed...
But yeah, i can see how that would get you apprehensive.

Unlucky rolls

Man you really hate romantic/sexual tension don't you hanako?

awww....well i don't think you planned on sleeping yesterday huh? lol
>is this the way we die?? winking and nudging??

Romantic build up's fine. Too much sexual build up on the other hand is not good for my heart. I'd rather skip the foreplay and dig right in.

>now those are some legs

>Kagami is Murdoc
Off course she gets the best character!

Right?! I love this gif so much~
Who made these /waifu/ crossovers? :o
I'd be down for it
But y'know, not a big fan of that in public
>Can you take romantic/sexual tension at all?
And we were so close...
I tried to sleep, ok? D:
>not necessarily~
Also I love your pic :o
Foreplay is the most important thing!

I can respect that


Good morning everyone! How're you all doing today?
>who wants a hug

Cory claimed

Random people when they feel like doing it I guess, I made this one and few others, Mrs Pauling used to do a lot of stuff like this but he disappeared suddenly.


Now my shoes smell like booze for another 6 hours lol. How're you doing by the way?


In a sense, yeah. It's just I'm really sensitive to that kind of thing and it drives me crazy.

>Foreplay's good too, but there I times when I would just say get on with it.

>It's Prinz

Oh dear.

Bad thing is its literally the pens. I ha e zero problems with the straight syringes. I guess its mostly the control issue.

In other news... I did a stupid and lost 3 hours of work on BITCHWHORE. Left the gameboy off charge while I cooked and cleaned.
>amateur mistake

Shinoa in 3, 2, 1.

Waifu claimed!

>it's Hana
>happy hugs

Priinz~ What's up friend~?
I don't think I ever got to meet Mrs.Pauling..
I see
Well to each their own~

She has amazing feet.

>Oh dear this is bad
>Curse my complex emotions

hahaha!!! bass players are best characters!!
so it's gonna be a good explosion???
i know you're trying, but you need too!!!!
not today future seeing homu!!!!

Good morning Prinz
How are you today?

Not bad. Fairly late in my day, might wander off to bed approximately soon. Never know though.

haha. Charging is hard.
Yeah i could how that would suck. I've never messed with the auto-injecting type needles, unfortunately. Have no idea how common it is to bend them.

>explosive hugs
Nothing much, I've just been busy the past few days with school. You?

>is something wrong?

Hey shizuru! I'm good, I wish I slept longer though ;w;
>tight hugs

How's it going Shinoa?


emotions are hell sometimes huh??
but they're good too!!

im fine but really really tired
how are you?

This appears to be less a waifu claiming thread, and more of a thinly veiled waifu roleplaying thread.

Oh trust me, that would cause the best kind of explosion~
But I'm going to a Thai restaurant today, I don't want to miss it D:
Hope everything goes smoothly for ya friend~
I got busy with NEETing
>Hanako have a love triangle confirmed?

Uh... nothing! Nothing's wrong!

>stupid heart
>you're already shipped dammit
>aren't you satisfied?

Like you would not believe


fucking nice feet

as expected, shinoa is around

>you're already shipped dammit
Not anymore. He's decided to moved past that.

i like best explosions!!!
okay....just because that sounds delicious!! lol
but get some tonight!!!
>definitely confirmed!!!!


Good morning.

We can assume he died or got jailed.

Im trying to think of a second favourite but can't, they are all tied.

That's the furry.

It's almost like completely ignoring certain emotions is a good thing to do.

Blame the newfags.

Pretty much the opposite of that. Considering bed and hoping i can force myself to sleep less than i have been lately.
Though i'll probably be up for a few more hours if i can manage it.

>Rattle rattle

>tightest hugs
Tired, I just woke up. What'd ya do this weekend?

>nuke-tier hug

O.. Oh Uh okay then..
H.. How're you doing?

Hey Maki! How're you?

Ah damn. Don't push yourself if you don't think you can do it.

damn....i know how you feel, i wish it was that easy to ignore emotions sometimes...at least the bad ones lol
>i wanna say 2d is my favorite, but it's hard to decide!!

I was talking to myself

I will stab you if you keep going with whatever you're thinking about.

I'm fine. Almost died again on the weekend. The usual.

Oh boy
Hanako getting defensive~
Plus he was ready to kill me simply for getting friendly...
>Hopefully he doesn't break Hotaru's hearth~
I'll definitely get some rest tonight!
>oh my~
I hope he's alright
>even tho I never met him
>H bomb-tier hug

go ahead!! i like that kinda stuff!!
>i read a book about a love triangle once, it was pretty sad actually!!

Damn, great feet.

Almost died!? That's not good! What happened?

that's a big explosion

A little tired but can't complain. Following the angler case is tiring work.
>thanks for hug

I'm so done. Singles relinquish me from this horrid cycle

Did you ever read 'Rise of the Ogre'? 2D was pretty awesome there, but drummers are cool too and the whole spirit thing is awesome, and Noodle is just Noodle.
>i know how you feel
I was referring to something else, if he is lurking he will understand.

>even tho I never met him
Nothing wrong with being compassionate about someone just because he is a waifuist.

We can't just blame newfags for everything, now can we?

. . .can we?

I'm pretty sure that's not the furry typing text. It has never responded to anyone ever

Why not "generic face with different hair" thread?

Anime is fucking done, unoriginal crap.

Never, in my lifetime, will that ever happen.

>I need to fix this, quick


Go karting. Someone hit my kart from behind and I spun out. Crashed into the tires and straight into the open field. Almost reached the actual race track, with actual racing cars on it.

>I'm indestructible

that's good!!! it'll be filled with dreams of barrels of whisky!!!
you've read the backstory stuff on gorillaz?? whoa!!! i thought i was the only weird one like that lol

No no i'll be fine. Even if i over do it i'll just take a nap later. Lol

Angler case? What's that?
>you're welcome!

Oh Jesus Christ. Thank God you lived! I'd miss you if you died!
>comforting hugs


shieet i just woke up and these niggas are here again? at least give it a break your cartoons will wait i guess being a loser is 24/7? ahah wtf

I'm sure that it'll be simple for you to move past them as well.

that was just a book though!!! books aren't true most times!!!