DOOM or Uncharted: A Thief's End?

DOOM or Uncharted: A Thief's End?

I'm a poor college ramen noodle eatin' faggot who needs help choosing.

Self-Bump #1

Self-Bump #2

How bout you go study more instead of worrying about some video game you beta fag

he still more alpha than you

I'm out of college jackass. Paying off student loans made me a poor faggot

Self-Bump #3

Then go get a job and worry about your student debt for your shitty communications degree.

I got a motherfucking job and my degree is for criminal justice. How in the FUCK do you think I'm paying for said vidya game and my loans? Use that goddamn muscle between your ears fag.

post on Sup Forums.

on here you will only be called a faggot.

now go study faggot

Uncharted is nice, but DOOM is fucking amazing.

Unless you want it for the multiplayer, like some kind of retard.

>im so poor i have to buy one of the 2 most expensive games right now

Go buy system shock. Its better than the 2 games and a newfag like you probably havent played yet.

Campaign only. Not buying shit for Multi. Heard Doom's MP was pretty shitty.

A great, one-playthrough interactive action adventure movie, or a gory fast paced shooter with awesome visuals and high replayability.

Download both cracked for free and get some proper food. You can pay for games after college, even the ones you've already played and enjoyed if you actually feel guilty.

Doom runs 60 frames even on your peasant console, good story and multiplayer.

Another job you retard your so stupid I don't belive you have a degree. Anybody with half a brain would redbox doom beat it in a day and buy a used copy of uncharted instead of asking on Sup Forums like a tard.

System Shock 2 is a classic, Faggot. Anyone over 28 years of age has played it.

The MP is terrible. But that campaign... It's everything you could ever hope for in a DOOM title. Nothing like Doom 3 for sure

Doom of course how could you even ask.
Doom has:
>loads of guns with upgrades and mods
>loads of enemies and satisfying glory kill animations
>Loads and loads of secrets and rewards for finding them
>easy and quick level editor that's easy to use but hard to master
>a good upgrade system for your equipment
>loads of self-irony and stupid ass humor that will make you try to deny your laughter
>it's doom you fag

Uncharted has

I love reading everyone calling doom's multiplayer shit. Does anyone remember when quake 3 basically ruled the mp world? unless youre all 16, doom's mp is pretty much a remastered quake 3.

Need a credit card for Redbox.

You first post implies you are in college. Doubt you even graduated with such moronic in-capabilities of English sentence context.

You don't deserve either of those games. They are too good for you faggot. Now go back to college studies and get that degree you pretend to have and be poor elsewhere.

Fuck it. I'll go with Doom.

cod, bf and cs fps is nothing like quake 3s. Maybe its because everyone is used to modern fps multiplayer and quake 3 is almost 20 years old and the fps target audience is 12 and up.

Those people suck at arena shooters and don't like the fact you can choose what weapons you start with. They prefer the mad dash at spawn to rocket/shotgun to die on the way there every time.

Alright, lemme put it like this: It leaves quite a bit to be desired. Which is fine, because it's not the focus of the game, it's more like a sideshow attraction, as it should be.

Salty ass bitch. Save the world and go jump in front of a train faggot.

to me, it felt like a standard multiplayer to doom's standards. Even uncharted has mp. same kind of decision in my eyes

We are all different people you idiot. You made a shit post proving you are 18 and starting college. Too stupid to make friends and too stupid to notice you can't afford these games.

Uncharted 4 was good, finished in 16 hours though.

What could you want more in DoomMP? You run around killing people. Are you fucking serious?

doom sp is exaclty 16 hours with exploration.

That's just it: I don't give a fuck about the multiplayer.

I bought DOOM to rip Hell a new asshole, and that's exactly what I got for my money. I could not be happier with it.

No it isn't. Do you suck at doom? It took me 10 hours on UV and that was with almost every secret. About 16 hours for every challenge and secret as well as getting snapmap MP achievements.

I'm 28, Been in college for years. I need no friends when I've got the internet. I just wanted a game goddamn.

so yeah, 16 hours. Dumbass.

lol, you idiot. You did a good job avoiding intelligence. Try having a discussion when people point out your idiocy instead of pushing yourself further in the hole. You clearly suck at DoomMP.

You idiot. You couldn't be any dumber. Most people will take far longer because, like you, they suck. They will also take 10 hours because the game is easy as fuck until Ultra Nightmare.

>Hurr Durr sp is 16 hours EXACTLY

>all achievements are 16 hours plus mp unless you suck


Try and keep up kid.

sorry we arent veteran in cod and have a fucking karambit knife you prepubescent troglodyte.

Comparing DoomMP to CoD. Can you be any more preteen? Stay of MP. We need more intelligence challenge not CoD basic bitch like yourself.

I mentioned exploration didn't I? that encompasses everything including all secrets, rune trials, secret levels, classic levels and just general sight seeing. I dont play games on the highest difficulty in the quickest amount of time just to boast about it on the internet so people can read it and not give a shit. 16 hours.

>Buys a singleplayer focused game for the multiplayer
>In a day and age where there are multiplayer focused shooters
>Calls others unintelligent for not liking or playing the multiplayer to said SP focused game

It's okay little guy, the nice mod with the banhammer will make sure you never manage to stumble into the adult section of the site again, atleast not until you're 18.

You have to remember it is basically a new generation deciding what's popular now. Doom's multiplayer is pretty cool.

The reason people can't seem to agree about DoomMP is because it honestly depends on your past experiences.

If you grew up playing Quake Arena or Unreal Tournament, then the movement in DoomMP is going to seem genuinely slow and unresponsive. If you grew up playing Halo, then the movement in DoomMP is going to seem genuinely fast and responsive. It's a game that falls somewhere in the middle between the traditional PC arena shooter and the modern console whatever-Halo-is shooter. On the console the MP might be worth checking out, but on the PC it seems like a pretty paltry offering.