I'm at the end of my rope here Sup Forums. My ex left me 20th of January back in 2012. It's been years, I've drank...

I'm at the end of my rope here Sup Forums. My ex left me 20th of January back in 2012. It's been years, I've drank, I've smoked, I've worked, I've cried, I've fucking done everything.
How the fuck do you get over someone you truly loved Sup Forums, when she doesn't love you anymore, if ever...

if u cant get over kill yourself. you are pathetic.

it's me again. i meant it seriously.

Step 1: tie noose
Step 2: place noose firmly around neck
Step 3: run away from the noose as fast as you can

It never gets easier dude, anyone who says it does wasn't in love, I've hated myself for 9 solid years since she left and I've improved none

I would kill yourself before you rebound yourself into a stupid commitment

Let yourself get over it. You gotta let yourself. You have to accept yourself.

You have to, man. Inside you is a beautiful human bean, you just gotta accept it.

You will when you find someone who loves you as much as you loved them.

Good luck with that.

Yeah that's just about emotional maturity. I was with a girl for four years and she dumped me outta nowhere last year. I loved her like crazy and honestly I still do love her but I don't let that affect my day to day life and I'm pretty happy most of the time now. Just let her have a special place in your memory and move on

forgive yourself for losing her

Never been in love

cut her off
cut off mutual friends
continue with life
only times heal
i am talking of experience. one day you will just look at her and think "why the fuck did i even obsess about her?"

You have or we have?

Off by two or three I guess both would worked

not sure if b8 or not

>hold nose
>say "boop beep"

If you don't let her go, you are going to be wallowing in self pity, and people who WILL be better for you will never measure up to your standards of her.

Knock that shit off. It's been 4 years. Move on.

Have you fucked? Try that. Fuck a different woman.

Time wounds all heals

Well you can always start throwing pots at everyone and making a YouTube channel based on that. Link seemed to do fine with that.. -user

This is the truth. It only took me a week to get over my gf of 5yrs but yeah it sucked a little from that point on. Imagining her getting dick from Chad's helped me move on to different women pretty fast though.


Can't tell if middle school user trying to be deep or if you smoked that first joint real early today

I want to make fun of you but deep down I felt the same way. The thought of my ex fucking another dude helped me forget all about that bitch real fast and move on. Buuut since we're on Sup Forums bla bla bla you're a cuck beta bla bla bla

>human bean

nice dubs