Implying video games are fun

>Implying video games are fun

Why do people even play this shit game? And why is it not dead yet?

Are there any fun games even these days?

thats the point. there are no fun games these days besides LoL.

Overwatch will soon be released user just hang in there. Gaming will be saved.


I know some manchild that addicted to that shitty game (LoL). He literally dressed up as one of his favorite in-game champion and going in public.

Pic related, is him

Thats the problem with this game. Most of the people who play it are either children or manchilds

Damn, the cringe

Yep, used to be one of my friend. That loser got bullied at high school i tell you

Oh, he's also a ponyfag/furfag

Also idk why but i got a feeling telling me he is being ironic

ARTS games are simply cancerous. DotA is cancer, LoL is cancer, and whatever other carbon copy of DotA emerges is fucking cancer.

Yeah, that fag masturbated to pony porn yet he says he doesn't.

Why do you know or care what he masturbates to?


Everything I don't like is cancer!

great contribution to the thread there. spider man?

>pony fucker
>wears those shitty rubber bracelets
>shitty haircut (little nitpicky, honestly)
Where'd you find this quality example of degeneracy?


Rocket League

the shitter a person you are the more inversed a relationshit you'll have to schizshit tier games like league of legends and runescape.

Because he's a cringelord?

Why do I know?
Because that fucker send me shit tons of pony porn and forced me to watch my litte pony WITH HIM.

I bet your mother is so proud of such clever wordplay.

thank you summoned retard on hand for case in point.

Please tell me more about how he held a gun to your head and would have killed you if you left.

If you say so. The games aren't bad; the community is. I'm a slightly above average DotA 2 player, and working from 100MMR to 3,000MMR, I can honestly say that these fucking games are cancerous.

What case? The case where you can't speak English properly?

facebook com / justin.shepherd.5661

He blocked me or some shit, so I don't see anything else beside his avatar

nope nothing is gona save your broke ass. get a job faggot

changing the goals as a strawman arguement further eludicating to your inconsistent delusions of the mental illness: schizophrenia

atypical in your entire userbase you worthless retarded sack of stupid wannabe shit.

ur on a list.

:^) Oh wow, you have access to Google so you can use big words, we're so impressed.

>doesn't even use half these words correctly
>still thinks he won

Stop trying to sound intellegent on Sup Forums
Use simple words faggot

oh i see an appeal to majority of your multiple compartmentalised personality disorders, on top of clearly skipping the constructs of arguements made; further, psychosis

>the games aren't bad, it's the community
>I can honestly say the games are cancerous
Okay, user. Your logic is flawless.


because thats why im here, to placate to your retardation

fucking loser'

evil triumphs and all dat jazzyhands

>atypical of*

maybe you guys should try getting some friends and playing a game, with friends. enjoy the off cream white of your screen.


Buddy, you're not impressing anyone. You have access to Google, congrats. Stop being a cringy faggot. You're misspelling half these words, misusing most of them, and not even bothering to use correct capitalisation or punctuation. It's just a complete mess.

Because some people think it's fun, and you don't. Get over it


ur autistic


I played league back in season 2, with friends, then i lost interest. Now we play cs go or duck game, and they are begging to become boring as well.

I join my friends in their skype call sometimes when they play league, they are always pissed off, everybody is pissed off when they play that game, no way they are having fun they're just addicted

beginning* or rather starting

aka triggered Anonymous


>forced to watch porn by this kid
What does that say about you, faggot?

okay well Atypical means irregular. so the inverse is "typical behavior" in your argument.

>atypical to your entire userbase
>typical behavior to your entire userbase

see what I'm saying? it looks like shit

>Atypical of your fanbase
>typical behavior of your fanbase

if you're going to be an asshole, atleast master the basics first.

Go away, Konner

I like tabletop games, mostly D&D 5e. Those are way more fun than video games.

second implies mere casual observation where as i imply something more judging then that

but whatever man nice try same shit ive already covered dont come near me ur as retarded as the schizoid shit going through crisis right now that was/is likewise trying to reply

Meh, I don't really care about it much since I already blocked him, shit was annoying as fuck

Something bothering you?

Come now, sit. We'll fix that head and grammar of yours, and then no one can make fun of you anymore.

how's that sound?

like your provocation is assault and id beat you bloodied dead with a rounded stone and unlike ur schizophrenic passive aggressive ass ive got no issue telling u retards this so stay the fuck where u r behind those screens and know ur on a list u ressentient ugly disgusting retarded piece of shit incapable of critical thought undersevent of life u tragic cunt!!

>playing any MOBA that isn't SMITE
On second thought, maybe you niggers should keep playing your trash games. SMITE community actually ain't bad.