Sup Forums What do you notice?

Sup Forums What do you notice?

White Power,

There's a TV in the background.

A bunch of cunts smiling like retards

All women

All white women...

too many stupid whores

mac fag

All MtF

No black people.

Only one of em has glasses?

none of them earned that job

they should be doing fucking work, zozzle

This picture explains a lot. It's quite uncanny.

All ugly white women... probably a feminist or anti abortion meeting

Everyone of those morons uses an overpriced mac

That explains their shitty articles.

>Eating during a large scale meeting

Women can't do shit right.

I notice they will eventually hate each other and be bankrupt


Stupid women with stupid faces using stupid hardware

Not a single fuckable woman in the room.

No logic

Lack of diversity.

The tv screen is just showing a reflection of all of them at the table?


It's sad that they obviously acknowledged the fact they're all women and felt the pride was too significant to pass up a photo op. I'm not a massive equality plugging fag but how is this 'equality'? If that was a room of men it would be considered patriarchy.

muh feminism

>huffypuffy complaining about women getting paid less
>huffypuffy hires all women
>"we zo proud of working for huffy's jew dick"

they deserve death for being women

The reason why Huffington post equals cancer.

nobody reads huffington post

No niggers

>be womyn
>organise meeting
>don't buy a proper table for a meeting
>be macfags
>eat food at our expensive laptops
>all these laptops and all using the wireless connection, while our phones also use the wireless connection
>not even using lightning-to-ethernet
>forget the purpose of a meeting and take a selfie with the group
>stupid womyn can't even meeting

Holy fuck. This nigger's on point.

What I noticed? Well for one this is the first time I've seen a Selfie from any meeting. Also there are only women. Those said women seem more interested in taking photos than talking about the matters at hand. I would not hire them.

All those women and I don't see a single sandwich.

This guy gets it

They're all women and they stuck

Nice diversity, bitches!

Wait, this isn't a kitchen...


That's a big kitchen table.


No useful person is in here.

They've graciously allowed the cleaning staff attend their editor's meeting

Each one of them has had their soul consumed by steve jobs

They're all fat.

The reason Huffington Post has zero credibility as a reputable news source.