How do you pedos find stupid and unsanitary humans attractive? I swear I personally hate kids for these reasons

How do you pedos find stupid and unsanitary humans attractive? I swear I personally hate kids for these reasons.


So you find whiny snot nosed kids attractive? Not even jared was that gross.

Not really just had this image in my folder and though it was appropriate for this thread can't understand why anyone would want to fuck a kid now a preteen maybe and teens super fuckable but kids ther is nothing there this right here is one of my favorite types of bodies

That's why I only watch 2d loli stuff. Yet you people always call us pedos.
Clean anime girl > filthy animal

Lol icon means pedophile in japan.

Ehhhh.....only late teens I can moderately understand. Preteens are still annoying kids who need shot taught to tyler so I don't understand how pedos are able to put up with that.

And sake refers to any alcoholic drink in japan.
It may mean whatever it means but it has become a genre.

mean to

>posting on MY site as if they will ever belong here
Run along back to facebook with all the other sheep.

It doesn't you dumb fuckin gaijin

double dubs of truth

I'm no pedo but I've watched adult women scoop up dog diarrhea and eat it. And eat a bowl of vomit only to throw up and eat more.

Not sure I'd say kids are the most disgusting unsanitary types.

I just wanna know how you pedos can handle being around annoying kids.

I knew a kid who ate his own shit and said it tasted good. And another who ate and collected gum from underneath tables.

Look it up. It's true. If you're not oedos, then why do you like loli?

First one to make me gag wins the entire internet.

Dubs demands it

Because I don't like filthy creatures which have not reached the status of being human?

Anime kids are just as, if not, more annoying.

There are plenty of non pedos here.