Trips decide, my mom is sleeping in my

trips decide, my mom is sleeping in my

Let's go dude, get her naked

Wake up her by putting your dick in her mouth.


Donkey punch

this and post proof

Kill her

cum in her ass.

shoe on head

full body shot?

Get totally naked then position yourself so your lying near her face and put her hand on your dick then pretend to sleep and give her a kick or something to wake her up. When she wakes up, wake up as well and totally freak out on her calling her a slut and a rapist.

cum on her ass

Fucking trips thead, what a faggot. I'll play you no timestamping fuck, if trips jerk off in her hair and webm that shit.


pretty sure this image is from an italian kinda-retarded kid's Youtube channel

put your dick in her mouth and piss in it

cum on her flabby butt cheeks. TIMESTAMP

Aren't they all just bait anymore? I hope I wasted trips and killed this thread.

Grab her debit card and deposits 2000$ into a paypal account and send it to me

Put ur finger in her bum

just get naked and sit next to bed with your cock in your hand til she wakes up.
stare at her and stroke it when she's about to wake up tho

pour a gallon of milk all over her and then throw some nesquiq powder at her face when she turns and looks at you in horror.

stab her

First of all timestamp . Also cum on her ass


Lol, Winrar

jerk off and jizz on her back

Elbow drop


Call five friends and get bukaked on film, email her the video, film reaction and post it later in a thread titled "OP is a no-timestamping faggot"

Punch in head

lick her anus

Cum in hair

whack her in the head with a shovel or hammer.
>dealer's choice.

Set on fire

slap her tits

Fuck, I was so close, 777 get

blast her with piss



Shit on her hair

Wake her up and send her back to the kitchen


Cum on her back




fuck this thread


Tell her she's beautiful


bond-burger her


Strip her nude


Jizz in her ear

now get

No timestamp kill yourself



shave as much of her head as possible before she wakes up and beats the fuck out of you


rolling for this

you gotta timestamp that

timestamp faggot or GTFO !

Poop on her

Shave her head.

get her naked and cum

Jerk your dick and as you feel the cum rushing up the shaft hold the tip.

Call her name, till she wakes up. then as she turns her head around..........

Blast her in the face with your load of hot sticky man sauce.

also video tape and upload, then share.

Smell her butt and feet


Cum on her underwear amd spread it all over the pussy area.

No, no, wait. Poop IN her ;)

Re roll

shave her head ... with flamethrower (hairspray+lighter)

Set her on fire.

Pull down her pants take pic share




I smell bait

ez trips ez life



Put finger in her bum

re roll

Its time for trips


Leave Sup Forums and never come back.

Also, post her contact info.

2 in the pink 1 in the stink





Finger in ass

Leave her alone you fucking creep

cum on her ass, post pic

Off by one


jizz on her