Anons can you help me with my computer, i just need the hard drive installed and im pretty much done

Anons can you help me with my computer, i just need the hard drive installed and im pretty much done
idk how the wires with the hard drive work

just google SATA

just like this.

youtube newfag

>Sup Forums

The back of your hard drive should have a SATA power and SATA data cable, data goes into the motherboard,power goes into psu

Yeah u sure installed the cooler, but do not know how to install the HDD...

>building pc
>doesn't know how to google

Nigger, you better use this PC to better yourself.

Simply power the HDD with the right cable from your PSU (don't know the name but it's wide and thin and will only fit in your hard drive. Every PSU has like two of them.)

And then plug the SATA cable into the motherboard. In fact, the only advice you're gonna get is

"Plug it into the right sockets"

Wtf bro lmao

try this

Idk where the package went, this rooms a fucking mess

You have to delete system 32


You have to solder a data cable to the port on the HDD then you just plug it in. For example, a USB cable like for your phone. Good luck this is the most difficult part of the computer installation process, but its not too difficult. If you dont have solder equipment you can just stick them together with very powerful magnet.

Id love to be able to do that

Pretty simple shit

Im here right now


Do i need another cable?


Hard drives un, i had to use the cable from my ssd so ill buy one later,mi need to get these wires sorted out


Theres 3' they all go to the top here