Red Flags

Red Flags

post 'em

>dyed hair
>uses social media often

that and bitching about how shitty the ex was, more often that not it was them being the cunt and living on the fucking phone and taking ages to answer or reply when you're apart

Any hint of this.

Just dropped a girl because of this. She was narcissistic as fuck too. Fuck that shit.

Red Flags?

Wants to have sex with me. It's pretty suspicious when that happens.

you made the right choice user, I did the same

>mentions that she is X (vegetarian, vegan, frutarian, gluten etc) pretty often, does not allow other believes
>is 24/7 on her phone, manages not to answer for hours once I msg her
>facebook, believes all the 'facts' there and forwards them


Long nails

Shaving her legs even though she's gonna be wearing jeans/pants while going out with "just the girls".

Found OPs perfect m8

>talks shit about her ex
>is still friends with her ex
>reads cosmo
>bad spelling/grammar in texting

Am serious about the last one.

insane amounts of rings and bracelets

totally depends on the person and the tattoos

Not OP, but I hate tattoos too because they look like tumors. Do you want to have sex with a tumor? Good for you. Have sex with that tumor!

>posting about red flags on Sup Forums

Biggest red flag of all.

nah, nuns are cunts too

lol faggot

Nice digits.
Dubs spoke the truth

let's see who got it

>"Mentions that she is a gluten"

>likes SoFlo page on Facebook

i see you there h3h3h

Have fun fucking basic bitches missionary position for the rest of your life

>how shitty the ex was.

basically the indicator to how she will describe you when your relationship ends

>my ex hit me
you become the abuser
>my ex cheated
you become the cheater, or under constant suspicion

this type of hoe should be avoided at all cost.

pretty much sums up 99% of people in this thread

that image isn't relevant to a single post in this thread

tf is wrong with this new batch of fags

hoop earrings

>females getting pissed

>she's a woman?