For $1,000,000,000 would you have sex with a girl who has a dick?

For $1,000,000,000 would you have sex with a girl who has a dick?

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I would but I dont have $1,000,000,000 to spend right now. :-(

I'd do it for less, but sure

I'd do it for free

Girls have vaginas m3n, not dicks

Nigga, pay my gas to the location and I'm in.

A billion dollars? I'd fuck that dude until he couldn't walk, then I'd push his wheel chair down some stairs as a happy ending.

a girl who has a dick, is a fucking dude you asshole

But, that'd just be having sex with a man with boobs. Boobs become less awesome when they're on a man. Don't be a fag.

For another billion, I'd fuck him one more time while he was waiting for the paramedics to show up.

So, you would pay someone to fuck you or pay someone else to fuck them? Am I missing something here?

I'd do it just for interest, lol.

>For $1,000,000,000 would you have sex with a girl who has a dick?
>girl who has a dick?

pick one:

There is no amount of money that can make something with a dick into a girl, you're starting from a flawed concept faggot.

neither of those
you get paid to fuck them


Who the fuck wouldn't for a billion dollars

>tfw you've already paid someone else to do it

For that amount I'd stomp on the puppy too.

Holy shit all these fags... My masculinity is worth way more than one billion. Everyone who said yes should kill yourselves.

For a billion? You bet.

I don't have that much money. I would for $50

i'd pay 1$ to sleep with 1,000,000,000 dick girls

The point of having sex with a girl is the pussy. Anal and oral, you can do that shit with just about anyone. Except Kim Jung Il.

If I'm getting paid 1 billion usd then sure.

>My masculinity is worth way more than one billion.

I don't have that much money

A guy with boobs, after taking hormones you mean? Eh, probably

How to have sex with an oxymoron?

Stick your dick in it.

for 1 million i would blow a dog and swallow the jizz while someone recorded it and then uploaded it online.

already banged a hot tschick, so provided she was very attractive i see no reason why not

there are no girls with dicks, just dudes with tits...

Yeah, why not. I'd do a proper job for enough money to buy my employer and most of his competitors, plus the entire street I live in. Where do I sign up?



newsflash: all dudes have tits

i'll just leave this here


I've had sex with a guy who had a dick for free, so hell yes.

>With dick
It's one or the other
And I'll only do it if I'm paid upfront.

I would fuck her 24/7 for a fucking month. I'd be her boy toy. I would eat the corn out of her shit for that kind of money.

Me too. No shame in my game.

Hello from /d/ mein nigger

Dude....i would marry a chick with a dick for that mucg cash and im straight

Same. Op needs to get real.

If I get that amount of monnez than yeah, I'd do almost everything for that

> Straight

Cheqt tho


I'd do all that for free even

I have paid upwards of 3k to fuck a beautiful girl with a cock, so yes, I'm in.

I can do it without money

Your logic makes this impossible.
>girl has no dick
>therefore having sex with someone who has a dick = gay sex for male, straight sex for women
>no money for being a faggot
Therefore no, I would not.
I would only engage in sexual congress with a man with a clean sexual and holistic bill of health for $500 million US dollars held in an offshore escrow account until the completion of a sexual act observed by a neutral third-party who upon completion of the contract would release all funds to an account of my choosing. No filming, photography, recording, or other documentation would be permitted.

If said male wanted to pretend to be a girl during that timeframe that would be up to that person. However, the conditions would still apply.

Just stay on Sup Forums for a few more years. You will become so gay that you'd even pay for it

Oh, and FYI, if you fuck a "girl with a cock" you are gay. You are not having sex with a woman any more than you fucking a silicone vagina would be fucking a woman, or getting a handjob in a circle jerk is getting a handy from a woman.

Hang on to your illusions, little faggots. Nobody is buying your shit but you.

kissless virgin never been broke, homeless, starving, mummy buys your clothes, knows fuck all about the real world, worthless beta faggot, kill yourself..

shit dude, id pay to fuck her

for that money i would let and fat, hairy man rape my ass!

Been here since 2008, chucklefuckle. Still not gay, still not going to change.

And this is coming from someone who had to spend three years working in Bangkok with a herpes-infested degenerate who said it wasn't cheating if he fucked ladyboys.

All these faggots sayin yes... Sup Forums is fucked

>three years working in Bangkok with a herpes-infested degenerate who said it wasn't cheating if he fucked ladyboys.
Wow that's exactly the image I have in mind when I think of bangkok. On point.

What did you do there? And did you eat any crickets and stuff at their street markets?

I let an entire football team fucking turn me into a spit roast for a billion... Why? One million dollars worth of cocaine will erase that shit, then 999 billion will make everyone I know a pointless blip, rendering their ideas about me as worthless as a fucking gnat in my chicken pot pie.

Like it was ever any different

What about the surgery that changes gander in the womb so it is born opposite gender?

Not legit grill

chicks don't have dicks
case closed

For that amount I'd fuck that male being.