Why do i find a girls stomach attractive?

why do i find a girls stomach attractive?

Because you want to stuff your fat fucking face with a shit load of food like the girl in your OP does? Disgusting.

A girl has no name

Im not a fatass I just love bigger girls


Who knows why nigga you just do.

Don't give a fuck bout what all these queers say to bring ya down.

why is this attractive?


Because, like me, you like belly(i also like girls with abs) and chubby woman, because they are superior. We are tall endomorphs brother. We can resist cold, bulk muscle and be strong asily, skinny beta faggots cant. And because of that we like chubby woman and vallue different parts such as belly and calves, we instinctly look towards the future, our brain thinks on the best for procreation

why can't i find a guy who likes it lol

to the Mater Race

because you assume they're in your league.

we are every where your belly will serve us well


Because bellies with a little fat on are sexy. When I watch this I just want to grab her hips and eat her out

it's fucking not

it must suck to be a betafag

any moar? /b bro

Here, m8

this is great

This. But i think the fat starts getting disgusting when it stops distributing in a uniform straight way, lake making tires and holes, in another words, it can look good even having "a lot" of fat


a bulge is good is what you are sayinh

Oh holy shit, this so much


It must suck trying to find the vagina under all the flaps of fat on your beached whale of a girlfriend.

I quote this, big and proportionated girls are sexy. The one you posted is perfect

see we arent talking about obese women



because female stomaches are attractive

why though they aren't supposed to be sexual?

Yes, thanks, i am practicing my english
FINALLY. I thought i was the only motherfucker who was into calves. Left > Right


same here brother im into calves

is iskra her name? where from?


This is one of the most hot i ve found, too bad i dont have moar...
There is a hole on her left butt cheeck, and the butt cheecks are unproportionally big, but she still hot anyway, could be better tho


it's called cellulite

thanks for contributing m8 you are welcome any time


cellulite can be a good thing

Seriously, this is one of the best chubby threads we are having since a while, the other ones are infested with chicken legs, cellulite and BBW

lets keep it that way

wtf with her eyes user?


femanon here, had cellulite even when i wasn't chubby so i stopped worrying about it


are you chubby now femanon?



lets see it, show us your stomach

little cockeyed maybe, but still have beautiful eyes and face

love her smile

Sauce is jagetjejok. She bas a few more

A little cellulite is hot


Here, unloading food material from my cellphone now

I meant good...

Go get them, i want to increase my chubby folder

do you have any attractive chubbies?


Pic was once called fat bitch in another thread, some people are just pathetic

Pics pls

any moar?

Im on phone. Just google them lazy fagit.

Also imagefap "pale chubby girl" and youll find it


Start lifting, cellulite is a muscle problem or something like that. Squat, femour biceps flexion, leg press, leg 45, cardio - concentric and excentric slow

fucking beautiful keep up the good work femanon

oh i work out but i eat junk lol

ty user :)

>cellulite is not a muscle problem or anything like that


cos girls tummys are nice
not fat ones tho

No problem with that, you just cant have celulite. Are you a nigger?
But dont lifting fix it?

Damn, you are exactly what I love.



any moar?

52, thick, juicy

I missed the chance to have the complete set of this goddess


user that told you to keep up the good work

Yes but smaller than that and also she needs to be really white

still have moar tho

10/10 will fap



The calves now

got a pic of her stomach?


No, sorry


Bump this shit up, i have more to unload




moar of this girl

i dont have moar D:


too skinny throw out