Face it Sup Forums

Face it Sup Forums

No matter how much we call each other faggots, cucks and degenerates.

We are one big retarded family

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except for fur fags

holy shit comfy af

nice gif
thank you
very much


the gif has compartmentalised the entirety of your precious world user

Yeah... except that this family is malicious and will gladly ruin your life if you fuck up on something they like.

I think a family means loyalty, but I don't think you're going to get that here.

Back when I was a newfag and thought Sup Forums was really "cool" I may have agreed with you.

hows my drawing?

this place is really cool
I spend every summer here

u are not my family u like men please stop this now

You said it Sup Forumsro.

Except for the fur fags and trap lovers. They can fuck right off.

i claim the top left room!

i came

> Back when I was a newfag
> Back

Fuck. Saved.


actually the unattended boiling pot bothers me greatly.

the house will burn down, guess who is trapped and cannot be saved


i like the gif but why is the right side of it so bright? looks cropped

it's ok, our tears will put out any fire

It was bound to happen tbh, especially with no smoke detector

you have ruined my childhood

>Yeah... except that this family is malicious and will gladly ruin your life if you fuck up on something they like.

Isn't that how all families are?

that cat's really not giving much of a fuck

or trapfags

pretty much lol

Not true families.

no it isn't

We're you an only child?

or ponyfags

One of 3

All brothers?



perfect song for this image