I'm honestly curious on why everyone thinks this overrated game is actually good.

1.No Aim down sights
2.Only cosmetic weapon customization
3.No sprinting
4.double jump
5.That thing where the enemy glows orange is kinda stupid. (my opinion)
6. No regenerative health?

no idea why people are comparing this to the "classics"...nothing like the classics i've played.

what are your thoughts Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

>No Aim down sights
Obvious bait at that point.

But overall, yes, the game is quite shitty. It ruins the Doom name.

well other than a few scopes, no this game doesnt have any aim down sights


>no regenerative health a bad thing

Literally everything you listed is a good trait to me. I think I'll go pick up this game now

yes the op is bait we know

children complaining...

Define classics
>inb4 CoD

Is it reverse psychology marketing?
Is it Bait?
Is it a shitty thread?

1. That's actually a design choice to reflect the original game. You couldn't aim in that game.
2. You are totally going to have time to mod your weapon in a fucking demon invasion. You couldn't modify your weapons at all in the original games either.
3. Doesn't Doom Guy already move at an impressive speed just like in the original dooms?
4. Yeah that is pretty stupid, I concede this point.
5. Yeah its kinda stupid but players need an indication that they can use their special kills to get ammo back since you constantly need ammo.
6. This also goes back to the original. You had to pick up health kits to heal in the original doom games and I think this is actually a better method for health.

So it does mirror the classics in quite a few of those points.




how the hell is this anything like mw2/bo1/bc2?

>No regenerative health
Stop whining like a little bitch and grab health items like a man

>no halo as a classic
Fucking faggot. Kill your self.

sorry to tell you but those aren't classic in the way we are referring to it. We are talking about classics from the DOS era. CD-rom need not apply.

you trew away any little credibility you had left (if any)

oh please, like anyone ever played any of those...
shitty graphics, terrible audio etc.. How were those games even fun?


CODfan fag bait, kill yourself

because of dank memes

Violence, in your face action, no thumb sucking behind covers, fast paced demon killing. Closest thing to a traditional fps. Gun mods, runes and all that shit they should've left out. Other wise I like it. Not the greatest but it's different from "call of halos: the advanced destiny" games


I give up.

How old are you, 10?, 15? Gtfo

What? This game is fun ass fuck


They were fun because at the time they were the cutting edge, and hell the original dooms still are fun for their difficulty. The original doom game was one of the first instances of 3d gaming coming out besides wolfenstein 3d. This was a technological revolution for gaming. I know of a video that can tell you all the details about it if you want to watch it but based on your argument you seem to think that older titles don't deserve to be called games.

They were the FPS originals you fucking degernate. Defining for the genre

now I'm really starting to think you are like 12ish

12 year old detected

Mods, please...

Im sorry yall consider a game from 1993 good enough to be considered a "classic". doesnt matter, infinite warfare and battlefield 1 will blow dooms ass out of the water


>infinite warfare

Well I tried but seems all you want to be is a troll.

Here have this.

>I like other things therefore they are better


Trips of truth. All games before 2000 are utter ass.

Sounds like a new version of counter strike.


>not bait
>posts bait

Troll or not, you need some cancer for saying that

was bored today so picked it up. holy fuck it's awful. campaign is retarded. multiplayer is even stupider.

Samuel Hayden betrays you at the end and sets the series up for Hell on Earth.

oh rly?

What's that pink thing? Lolololol.

I haven't played it myself but other than the fact that health and ammo management isn't there it does look like a nice throwback to how classic doom/quake used to be.

Can't say anything about level design since I haven't played. Probably isn't exactly like the old ones in this regard.

>1.No Aim down sights
>3.No sprinting
>4.double jump
>6. No regenerative health?

that thing is called a slowpoke
it originates from the pokemon series (both anime and games) and basically its gimmick is that it is (as its name suggests) slow in both movement and brain activity
when its image is used as a response to a post it is a meme meant to ironically indicate that the supposed surprise statement made by the post is actually well know to everyone but the poster himself
thus this indicates the poster's latent knowledge of stuff in comparison to others
ofc only true oldfags know these things but you will learn eventually



Gr8 b8 kid, now GTFO



Aww... Babys first troll post

Such a shame trips were wasteid in this b8

>its bait
congrats on being a fail troll OP, keep to sucking dicks, its more your thing

Because all the things you said actually make the game more fun. video games don't need to emulate real life there video games and we can do dum things to enrich the players experience this is clearly bait however. If you been playing the brown shooter everyone makes now days I could understand this users post as he most likely doesn't play other games and can't understand why people would want change as he is happy with what available of him and his skill level. well 2 things first of all play other games Regenerative health is actually one of the worst things ever to happen in shooters as it has it's benefits however fuck it's just way too fucking forgiving to players no actual challenge or real thought is needed as your able to use the fact that you have INFINITE HEALTH basically to take down each enemy it's not a good thing it's actually fucking terrible. You never asked to plan ahead or think about what your doing in modern shooters now-days because you have infinite health and ammo, essentially all you need is cover and you can basically win any conflict you come across. Having limited health forces you to worry and THINK about your choices in combat you find yourself looking around for ammo, health and barrels you can use, waiting for the right time to use them moving around so that you can effectively kill as many enemy's with the environment as possible lining them up for a BFG use saving power up for the big enemy's using health pack effectively as to get the most out of them. Doom makes the player THINK about how he plays the game. In most brown shooters the thought process goes as such, 1 find cover, 2 use cover 3 do I have ammo(%95 I have a fuck ton of ammo). never actually making the player think and never putting them in any real challenge. It's almost like video games can be more than real life emulators and don't have to be tied down to realistic ideas. And that's why people like doom


you faggots actually fed this troll?