Old thread hit bump limit:

Old thread hit bump limit:
Alright Sup Forumswe're continuing our anti-shower campaign and we're close to getting this trending! Make sure to follower each other and use popular hashtags like #feminism, #equality, etc. alongside your tweets!

>Tweet about how women and feminists alike should boycott or altogether stop showering because taking a shower conforms to the patriarchy's standards of smelling and looking beautiful until they get their equality.

>Let's see if we can get some social justice warriors to rank like shit. Remember the hashtag. #NoEqualityNoShower

Other urls found in this thread:




> power to the shower
Instantly reminds me of
> gas the showers

hi opie




Meet up at tinychat


>Equal Pay 4 Equal Shower



Now's the hour #noequalitynoshower


That feeling when dickwad mod bans you for playing a video.
>do you really need complete silence? nothings happening





Can we spread this to Sup Forums and /r9k/?


look how it works




Yes. I'm keeping up on Twitter though.




If you spread the idea to pol and r9k, be sure to spread the link to the tinychat as well.





Proceeding to dump all of the anti-shower pics posted in the old thread.



Could make a sob story of how a woman was forced to take a shower before being raped because as a strong and independend she was on a run late at night and getting sweatty, giving her a fear of showers and proving that showers are a construct of patriarchy which of course since she is a woman then her experiences relate to all women.


Some people with a shitton of followers are spreading the word! We're getting there!

THIS. Make it seem like a feminist came out of her shell to talk about this horrible experience after finding "#NoEqualityNoShower" so nobody finds it fishy



I dont use twitter myself though, just sharing my idea. Do how you want with it.



just create a fake acc

Guys, put all this stuff into the tinychat @ /w5farn

Holy fuck they would actually fall for this


Motherfucker you get all the shit you want all the fuckin attention you want you are a few level of attention higher than men what kind of a fucking female equality you fucking want? Want me to cut off each one of my balls and force feed them to you? Rip my eyeballs off and eat them for you? Fuck off bitch




keep this thread bumped guys, this has some serious potential



For Great justice



>putting tag in thread
fucking dumbass


Ok guys, shouldn't we be putting this shit inside the tinychat?

Seriously guys, people can easily find this. This was EXACTLY how the last hashtag went.

/w5farn @tinychat if it helps

are there any people already?

Huh. I always wondered where this endless amount of stereotypes regarding stupid feminist were coming from, of course though. It's just Sup Forums reinforcing them.

15 others besides me.

Nope. they are doing a good job on their own. Just talk to any feminist for 2 minutes.


Shower is CLOSED


I know plenty of feminist, and likewise - they don't pull shit like this. Of course though I don't just go onto tumblr. You know, where all the SJW teenage girls are. Who don't even consider anything near logic; allowing transgenders to exist and even grow this far without considering or caring if it made sense or not. Tumblr and twitter is full of stupid "feminist" sure. But its also full of blind teenagers who will attach themselves to anything and defend it with ridiculous amounts of loyalty. Of course though there's always the barrier in which you consider a "stupid feminist". We all know things like #NoEqualityNoShower or anything related is stupid, but do you think women complaining about the pay gap is stupid, even thinking its a myth? do you think women complaining about being objectified is stupid? You probably don't even get their point there either. Women, and REAL feminist (which aren't rare outside of tumblr) don't care about being judged on their looks, they care about ONLY be judged on their looks. Which everyone should commonly know is a real problem.

what was the last #


Talk to a real feminist not someone who just claims to identify as one.

I wish there was a land where everyone on/b/ could live together


Get the fuck out of here

It's called America

Awww did every boi in the circlejerk finally cum and now we're cranky? *shoves your beloved it cock pacifier in your mouth and u suck*

w5farn @ tinychat

Move all operations there.

Prevents cucks from determining who we are.

Oh that's interesting. So then, do you think a real feminist would be a proud fat, and (stereotypically) crazy feminist with the utmost extreme ideas? I'm very curious why you would choose this to define a "real feminist". Especially considering the solid definition of feminism "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men". So then tell me, why, why does the crazy tumblr-fag claiming to be a feminist qualify as more of a feminist then the women who are actually talking about feminism in your book?

get out of here you /r9k/ rp fag

Burn in hell, heathen. I actually have morals whereas you do not.

Your assdamage is showing

Well time to get £10k out my bank account and get myself a green card.

>doing *action text* on Sup Forums
This is now a cringe thread.

The definition doesn't mean shit. Nobody's identity doesn't mean shit. Only what the mainstream feminist movement accomplishes counts and they are nuts over the top. It's a political movement which creates bias and hate. That's the real feminism.


In this situation you gave,
he's innocent and shouldn't have gone to jail (Obviously)
Now, why exactly do you think the police would believe the female in this situation over the male? It's simple. Because on the majority males are guilty in this situation, yes. In most allegations like this the female is right. (Of course this is generally speaking) This only proves further how lopsided it is, but in two very interesting ways. (Generally) Males do this sort of thing, which is a right for males, but females can use that right against them. (which is a right for females) But I would however like to point out that this is also generally not the case that females can do this as you can see in this picture.

Use the hashtags #feminism #fatacceptance #equality #fairright #blacklivesmatter with your tweets Sup Forums!

This is a great plan

Your same-fagging days are over user

are you a bot?


Oh if you want to separate everyone like that, alright. Lets give it a shot, see how that might work out exactly. so then, the ones that are nuts over the top are the real feminist because that's what the political movement mostly consist of, yes? Got it. Nuts = Feminist. So then how exactly would you group the non-crazy practical ones (If you even consider them practical) the ones fighting for actual women's rights and not trying to strip away mens, (or their own while doing so - #NoEqualityNoShower) where exactly do those ones belong, after all. If someone considered these ones good feminist and would want to support that cause? If these kinds of feminist are separate from 'real feminist' then why do they also get bashed the same length? I know what you mean. Definitions change over time by the way we use them, and this applies to groups as well. But all I can really take from this is whoever can successfully steal a name (which of course is stupid teenagers as I stated earlier) has power over whatever that name means. Which to me sounds true, but stupid. After all when they were stealing this name nobody ever said "no you're not real feminist because the political movement doesn't make up with you're kind of feminist" yet now that they successfully have the name feminist we can use this argument? By calling the good feminist "real feminist" all it's doing is shining a light on where you're hate should not be.



Not at all. Perhaps my universal way of applying things seems technical and gave off that impression. But no I'm not.



Just like GG is made of angry misogynist necbears who can't leave their mothers basements :)

No I got the impression of your incoherent way of constructing sentences with no logical context and meaning.

Oh? then I'm probably rushing them and not explaining them fully enough, if that's the case ask away and I'll try to explain it better

the angry misogynist neckbeards dont get government fundings to support their hate movement or neckbeard-only quota postitions in power

pa ruski yes?

But really, when you're accused of something without any proof you shouldn't go to jail. All convictions should go trough the proper legal system where you're innocent until proven guilty.