So this happened to me and my toilet

so this happened to me and my toilet

what do?

call a plumber

Add a couple more diapers , you almost have enough

Nothing, leave it be. Become new fridgebro

It's slime, call the feminist ghost busters

call a plumber, or start rolling up your sleve

Open it.

go to party city, get some water balloons, etc.

Get a plumber, and is that a pile of diapers?

call a plumber


Rolling for this

Try flushing.

so it is better now


It's blocked somewhere down the pipe. Take some drain opener (not powder. It makes it worse) and poor it down. Let it work for 30-60 mins, before you flush with hot water.

Save your money. Don't call a plumber.

Best wishes, your friendly user plumber.

Given all of the adult diapers that you have, just shut off the water and use the rest of your shitbags.

that must smell horrendous

check my filename.
the smell is not the same though

these diapers belong to my recently deceased grandpa

>check my filename

toilet is a live

Call an exorcist and a plumber, cus it looks like satan struck again

Throw a pokeball at it, might be slimeog

you poured bicarbonate, right?

The fuck did you put in there? Yeast?

Lololol the zozzles man

>flushing diapers down the loo

you did that didnt you

is ratemypoo still a thing? upload this to ratemypoo

oldfag detected

Time to fucking move. Whatever the fuck is going on there, I'd be too afraid of it happening a second time even if I managed to clean it up and get rid of the smell. Ughf...


Keep flushing

take another picture of toilet


If dubs drink

the end of the day

Buy a new toilet. This one obviously doesn't cut the turd.

Run a manual toilet auger if this happened after you flushed. If this happened and came up through other drains such as your shower or sinks, you will need to run an auger through both clean-outs; house and to sewer line. You may also need to get a hose and a pulsing bulb and blow your vent stacks clean. I'd do all this and then charge you about $1,500 for it and leave you the mess to clean still.

Or just start dumping phosphoric acid into drains not overflowed and get crazy with a shop-vac.


WTF was happen?

Your day SUCKED.

why the fuck do you have painted fingernails?

fridgebro go!

Since we're telling toilet stories, I've been wanting to post this all day but haven't got around to it:

Yesterday all I ate was pizza with jalapeƱos and doritos and beer. Wake up today needing to shit, someone's in shower (one bathroom.) Damn but oh well I can wait. 20 mins later still showering. Fuck. Tell myself I can wait a bit longer. Walking back from bathroom I get that cramp that means get on a toilet now. Remember there's an old bucket in the garage that I could shit in and then just throw away. Go to garage, don't see bucket but an old empty cat box is out there. Grab that, come back inside, waddle to my bedroom (fucking shower still running.) Lock door, drop cat box on floor, drop trou and squat. Can't believe I timed it right. Perfect aim headshot boom. A solid 2 or 3 pounds of dorito beer Jalepeno shit. Kind of worrisome that my shit was the color of the doritos (I usually don't look.) Luckily there is a roll of paper towels nearby, wipe ass with, throw those in the cat box as well. Spray air freshner, leave room, shower still running, ok. Get the cat litter and go back to my room. Cover the shit with litter, go outside and dump into dumpster. Then sprayed out cat box with house and put it back where it was. Go back inside, mom just getting out of shower. Wew.

it is me and my gf

tits or gtfo

oh, nvm

That's his cunt that fucks big nigger Daquan on the side. You dumb faggot!

U nignog left hand is shehand. OP is takin the pic with his left hand.

all you can do is get down there and start lapping it all up with your tongue. After about 5 mins of this, the clog will disappear. dont you fags know anything about plumbing?

one hand painted fingernails... sissy/fag/trap? wtf are you OP

>2 hands
>they look completely different
>picture taken with magic

Jesus are you autistic?

the shock will cause loosing taste fortunately

He's trying to suggest he has a gf...

Oh I forgot there was a speck of shit on the rig I had to scrub with carpet cleaner. It mostly came up but there's still a very faint dorito food coloring stain. Ferlsbadman.

me and my gf(right hand)
There is only two feet on the picture. gtfo OP

>on Sup Forums
>has gf

Does not compute.

sorry its the left hand. Since it got painted fingernails

isn't that meme a little too old?

story OP
wtf did you put in the toilet to make it foam like this?

The truth never gets old.

calm down and watch this

A shitty sissy.
A shissy, if you will.

2009 called

That's not even his own hand.


This is why my people use designated shitting streets and rivers and beaches and farms and sidewalks. You fucking disgusting savages.

wtf is a slimeog. Is that some new age faggot Grimer or Muk?

Flush it down