What's Sup Forums's plan for the zombie apocalypse?

What's Sup Forums's plan for the zombie apocalypse?

Find where you live and make you my sex slave for a few months before trading you to a gang for some food

bullet in my head, fuck everything about trying to survive in a zombo apocalypse

Finally killing myself?

Killing myself ofc.

learn how to write as proper sentence on a door

A higher Killerspree before get dead.

make sure i always have a fat person with me

get bit

My friend owns a flour /wheat distribution company. The homies grab their families and guns and meet at the Wearhouse. We'll board it up and we should have enough food for a year or two. Water would be the only thing Wed have to make runs for.

To check these dubs first and foremost

Legit though, me and my best friend have a compound up in North Georgia that we plan to hole out in as long as possible.

Wait until the birds and insects eat all the zombies and then resume my life


Grab my SLR107 AK, grab my bugout bag, head to my parent's house out in the countryside. It's on a few acreas and isn't visible from any major roads. Enough food for a while, plus gardening.

whip it out - start beating off

find delicious young girl and save to make my sex slave and slowly repopulate the world after all zombies have perished. also would try sexing chained zombie girl

>look for my niece
>she is unded
>tier her zombie body
>fuck it without condom
>creampie it until the virus affect me too
>turn zombie inside her vagina

Don't dead, open inside?

Turn my car into a bomb.

Fuck you I kekd

i didn't realize i'd find so many people an heroed while i scavenge for pain pills, guns, and aluminum


Wear condom - creampie for life? win !

Loosely translates to: don't feel dead, we're all open minded inside.

India - weed fields - safe

>don't dead open inside
what the fuck

me entire family knows in case of local disaster, to head to the city library.
its got steel bars all around every entrance. flat roofs, good for farming. its across the street from a lake full of fish and a block down from the cities water purification plant.

the library contains all kinds of information that will prove useful to me in any given situation.

i would spend quite a bit of time running things down with a truck

I read this too

Thanks for the translation, bruv

>lets go somewhere without food

Fantastic idea, user. Really great.

thats a pretty nice lookin library

just remember you are not the main character, just a passerby. you will die within the first 24 hours


do op ne tn di en as di d e? what the fuck?

did you even read it.
its next to a lake. theres all kinds of fish and edible vegetation. not to mention ill have hundreds of books at my disposal on how to do everything.


Fuck her right in the pussy

this thread sounds an awful lot like

>Live on a military base
>Move to the most secure compound
>WW2 air operations room
>Bunker within a wired fence area
>Grab as many ration supplies as possible
>Grab weapon and ammo from the armoury


Sounds like fun, i cant wait.

Do you have tackle? Fishing equipment? How many fish can you realistically catch per day? In a zombie/disaster situation you really want to be outside most of the day trying to catch your dinner because you didn't plan ahead? Stupid. You'd probably be sniped anyways. Some chuckefucks in cities will perch on buildings and just shoot people. I hope you're ready for that, faggot.

>go to a place without food or weapons in the middle of the city
>implying you'll have time to fish or farm during a invasion

Best option is aways the biggest Mall and/or shopping.

You could just collect rain from the sky


>zombie apocalypse starts
>zombies everywhere
>people don't like zombies
>sjw claims zombies as a new gender
>you can't do shit about zombies since now they're equal
>we all live together
The end


Nice dubs then trips

tbh terrible idea, and not just in zombie situation. Anywhere that the public thinks of as a safe or well stocked area will be hit the hardest by people searching for help or loot. Which is magnified in a zombie situation where even if the civies die they can potentially comeback for round 2 as a zombie.

My friend and I* you idiot.


>Do you have tackle? Fishing equipment?
yes i do have fishing equipment actually.

>How many fish can you realistically catch per day?
more than one at least. but i dont plan on making fish 100% my diet. i will farm the roofs of the library.
>You'd probably be sniped anyways
there are no buildings taller than the library in my tiny ass town.

What? Like what even, FUCK!


"dont dead, open inside"
Your english is shit and you make no sense

holy shit if you read it like a manga panel it works out perfectly.

Find all the food and water I can and get to an island

>Don't Dead Open Inside


Sit in my house and eat my food, if they run out i'll kill myself.

I have all the faith in humanity being able to dispose of the zombies fairly quickly.

suggesting most of your town shows up the vending machines only have so many cheese crackers and last time i checked plants take a while to grow so yes fish and books with be 100% your diet for a while

I'm near some pretty rural Valley area, id just go to a house with preferably Solar panels, and steal some nearby faggots live stock (chickens and hopefully pigs and such), also hopefully start farming.

I already have like 6 guns with about 8000 rounds between them and a crossbow with around 100 bolts so hunting and defence would be cake considering the housing location.

Basically I'd live like a king compared to all the city people and probably most others to.

Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil - "Sorry." - grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?

Heyyy that's where me and my buddy are heading when zombies come! Maybe we'll meet up and try not kill each other

An isolated self contained camp with no unguarded entry point and enough weaponry to quash a small rebellion within the surrounding area is easily the best place.

If civvies tried to come they would be dealt with, once the apocalypse starts its every man for themselves, Joe public can eat lead as far as I'm concerned.

>Go to mall and take all the can food
>Go to a rural area and learn how to grow food
>Try to save science and knowledge

Dead island?

Just saying, you should probably keep some nonperishables (canned food, freezedried) in your car or something, relying on fishing for even part of your diet is not the greatest idea, not just for zombies but consider a natural disaster or civil unrest you want to be outside as little as possible to avoid getting killed by someone or something.

All depends on the type of zombos to be honest.


Tripple dubs

>Go to mall and take all the can food

The mall will be a clusterfuck once people realize what's happening and everyone will head there. You should have stocked food up before it even started.

grab my fishing gear drive to coast hit up hardware store and any fishing supply store take a boat and sail off

Get somewhere extremely cold and live out the rest of my days there.
Zombies are essentially corpses with no sense to protect themselves from the elements, so they would just freeze.
And since I'm pretty well adapted to the cold I would not.

3 dubs in a row wtf?

honestly I would prefer the zombies from l4d since you don't get infected upon getting bit

Islands are isolated and zombies can't swim win-win

i have plenty of stuff growing in my yard already. it wont be hard to relocate anything.
i live 2 blocks away from the library. i have stocks canned foods that i pick up from churches that give them away. i dont take a lot cuz other people need them now. but i take a box every now and then for later. i have a big collection of seeds too. im obviously not going to stay in the library forever. ill be doing runs do gun stores and grocery stores also.

the one thing i need i do not have. guns.

The main characters are just immune

Why are almost all libraries built like fortresses? JUst about everyone in Vegas looks like it could withstand a medieval siege.

What about winter wont zombies just freeze and from there it's just demolition man/t-ball?

It could work, for sure. I'd just rather round up the people that were skilled and trustworthy, load up as much gear as was convenient and hole up somewhere that wouldn't draw as much attention. Hide what you could take with you on the first run for later supply trips if needed.


Except everyone will have that idea. Hard to keep it safe


ayy shaun of the dead

they're staying positive surely one day all the people will come flooding back and we must be able to withstand

Yeah would be the best. Not the ones from walking dead. Would never be in a group fuck you dieing in your sleep and eating me yo.


>impling we can't affor it
Everybody in USA have a gun, or similar.
Also, forget about hollywood myths, The Military is not so dumb to be raided easily by unnarmed slowfuckers.

The infection would be restrained before get the city.

Also if that wasn't possible to get to safely there is a abandoned military training mock village made of concrete that like less than 1% of people in this area know even exists and is 2 miles away from any other building in a closed off area. Also it's like a 15 min bike ride from my place if you know where your going. Basically all the same shit as the rural Valley area but no panels no nearby livestock to steal and the buildings are just solid concrete shells built like housing.


what about when summer comes along or all the snow melts and hordes of zombies thaw out and reanimate since their brains where never destroyed?

they wont even be weaker since the freezing will preserve the bodies. might even be tougher when theyre thawed and still have partially frozen plates of skin

not enough details like traditionally slow zombies? pretty much this entire generation of humans is well versed in zombie bullshit. 13 year old white kids would be making zombie trains irl.

Ignoring it because its a physical impossibility for the dead to come back to life.

Next stupid question:

After a while they will fully decompose though right ? so only have to survive so long

>begin injecting myself with human growth hormone and whatever steroid makes me the biggest
>begin 24/7 DYEL exercise lifestyle
>purchase full-body armor (whatever type is in vogue) with a special emphasis on a huge, protective helmet
>firmly attach jagged, serrated blades to my forearms
>cover self liberally with barbed wire
>infect myself with zombie virus
boss zombie, gg survivors

Go solo out to the woods and fashion a cabin from the corpses of the slain then ride it out for a bit.
Or equip myself with a suit of armor wired with C4 and light a chainsaw on fire then go out out spectacularly.

>Dont Dead Open Inside?
what the fuck OP

curl up in a ball and die