Roast my friend Bridget. This image hasn't been photoshopped

Roast my friend Bridget. This image hasn't been photoshopped.

looks like someone did 1000 randoms on dark souls character creator


People on Sup Forums don't have friends, user



Jaw line bigger than my life goals

Fake and gay

Fucking weird.

only the tryhards and goes together with traploving since they're socially dysfunctional

Ayy lmao

Crumble before me, Eternia!

her entire face looks alien but that jawline takes the cake

Cute in an alien-hybrid sort of way

Bitchs jawline obtuse

I don't know of her bass prowess


Thanks Ms Skeltal

Would fuck


Her eyebrows look like the up arrow key

i dont know how you dont bust out laughing when you see it in person.

The moment I first saw her I knew subconsciously she had to be Canadian, if that makes any sense

She looks like she's permanently sucking dick

fit wiv trips

look like its tooth whistling all the time

Old pic of her

she looks weird here
but good in all the other photos

how plastic surgery fucks you up

The musician that holds her heart.....

can't knock her body

they both look like shitty people that play like ass.


Is that Andy Warhol?




This is her nude. That's her tattoo

Who is she? I want her!

Bridget boltz.

I'm so sick of tranny vegan hipsters who think they're musicians. You're both pathetic and you deserve each other.

>you will never have Bridget plank on top of you
