Hey Sup Forumsros

Hey Sup Forumsros,
Any words of advice or wisdom for an Army hopeful?
>pic related

Gain military strats from this training film

>for and army hopeful
>what is grammar

you're right where you belong, user
canon fodder while we fuck your gf

try not to murder anyone

it wont make you a hero, just spark more fire

I love you user

In what fucking thread does it say and?
I think you misread.

oh and autism too I see? typo's mess with your brain a bit eh champ? the sentence still doesn't make any sense

Armyfag here, don't do it. Join the Air Force instead.

Former 13M (HIMARS Crewmeber) Army National Guard. It has its pros and cons. A lot of cons. When I got recruited back in 08 I was told the army national guard doesn't deploy except for like natural disasters and civil disturbances which in my state both are highly unlikely. A year later I deployed to Iraq as a machine gunner in an MRAP turret, which was not even remotely close to my military specialty. I did make bank from deployment at Annual Training sessions and get wicked drink and partied after training day. Also have a sick civilian job because of experience . But being ordered around is gay, the people above you are normally incompentent, and you'll just end up in some shithole fighting for some bullshit cause since America goes to war every 10 years or so. I heard regular active army sucks but the parties and debachuery is awesome. Go ask a soldier in person.

don't waste your money and start applying for government jobs, you're gonna need it when you get out, check out customs, tsa, USPS etc. once you get in, start applying for FBI, CIA, secret service etc. also get your degree if you don't have it yet, and put at least 10% in to your TSP. do this shit and you'll be set for life

Literally I just cropped the word 'for'.
I'm fairly certain
'Any words of advice or wisdom for an Army hopeful?' Is a logically flowing sentence.


Dont waste all your pay check the night you get it like i did... great memories though

I was a Army grunt for 5 years. I have nothing to do for the next 20min. Ask questions

They're the only branch that will take me
I've spoken to a guy in the Air Force, one in the national guard, and my recruiter (obviously). I can't really seem to meet people who have been in active duty.
I have a year of college as a Comp-sci major. I don't think school is right for me though.

ask a ParaCdo anything

Army fag here, took this a couple days ago, dont do it

>i dont think school is right for me
even a better reason to start applying, at CBP you can make 80k a year with no education, it's not amazing but it will get you through life with money to fuck around with, there's lots of other shit you can do depending on your exp in the army too

You're better off going to school and applying for a government job in my opinion but, if you're dead set on joining then don't be a dumbass and pick a deadend MOS that won't do jack shit for you once you get out. Pick a cushy office job that will benefit you in the future; admin, intel, comms, etc.

>at CBP you can make $80k a year with no education or experience


How bad is BCT? Mostly I'm just wondering how throughly I should be prepared for it.
Is it worth the pay?
What's combat like, if you've seen any?
What was your MOS?
How long were you deployed for, if you hold vet status?
What was MEPS like?
My question would be what is a ParaCdo? Nice abs by the way.
I literally don't know what the fuck else to do. I'm smart, yet have no direction or desire to do anything right now.

whats funny about that?

I'm guessing laundry technician is a job I shouldn't take huh?

But seriously any field-orientated MOS that you actually need some intelligence to do? I'm not really interested in a cushy office job.

Im the one with the picture of my middle finger, dude basic training is easy as fuck, the only thing i hate is the "new army" you get things get "counseling statements" where its a piece of paper that says you did something bad and you sign it. You need 5 to get recomended to get chaptered out (kicked out). I got one for leaving my locker open in ait

ParaCommando. Commando units that have airborne capabilities. different nations have different names for them I believe. elite combat units. and now my buddies (I got out 2 years ago, entrepreneur now) are guarding the streets of Brussels and securing Belgian prisons because strikes. highly trained combatants in a fucking babysitting job. I'm glad I went out before that started. still have 4 years active combat experience though, 3 abroad deployments and 4 abroad long training sessions all in EU or Africa.

Also the nco's can give a fuck about you, all they care about is making e-7

firstly, why did you say the Army is the only branch that will take you?

>How bad is BCT? Mostly I'm just wondering how throughly I should be prepared for it.

I went through 14 weeks of Infantry OSUT. So my basic training was 14 continuous weeks. It sucked dick when I was going through it. But once you have been in a few years and look back, it wasn't that bad.

>Is it worth the pay?

Don't join the military expecting to make money

>What's combat like, if you've seen any?

I went to Afghanistan toward the end of the war, I didn't see a whole lot, mostly just IEDs.

>What was your MOS?

I was a Infantryman (grunt)

>How long were you deployed for, if you hold vet status?

I was deployed for 1 year. yes, I have 5 point veteran preference for Fed jobs. Although it hasn't done jack shit for me since I've been out

I know that CBP Officers and BP Agents don't make jack shit. starting is $39-45k/yr out in the desert. He'd have to have some really specialized experience like being a pilot to get $80k/yr

Intelligence is subjective. Guys in combat arms are smart in certain things just like guys in desk jobs are smart are certain things. I'd highly advise not going combat arms though cause a flashy MOS like infantry sounds great right now, but after a couple years your body will betray you and you'll realize that everything you learned in that MOS won't do shit for you in the civilian world.

intelligence is subjective
>what is IQ

A measure of how good you are at taking test...

Ill keep that in mind, thanks.
Well, I'm a tranny, and I'm on hormones. Navy/AF told me I can't be on any meds for two years prior to enlistment. At least with the Army I can [apparently] get a waiver for them.
So it's not worth it in the long run? And I want implying that foot soldiers were stupid, I really don't believe that at all.
Probably shouldn't fuck myself over for the civilian world then.

that's what people say that score bad at those tests.

meant for

active here

dont do it. trust me

Do as you please, but I'd highly advise picking an MOS that will help you in the civilian world cause most people don't make it to 20.

Why not?
I'll take your word for it. I'm not really sure where I wanna go with my life, right now I don't want to live past 40. Is there a safe MOS you reccomend in particular?

I can't say I got a great score (123) but, then again I can't say I got a terrible one either.

I'm an intel weenie and I absolutely love it. If you got the scores for it then I'd suggest that.

always ALWAYS secure your shit.

go officer or air force.
don't buy into the "who is tougher" BS, even the most hardcore motherfucker specops I met regrets busting his back and knees for a shitty pension and little to no prospects when the army spits him out.

lookout for your own interest, NO ONE ELSE WILL EVER.

take your time, don't get bullied into anything and don't assume something is going to be fair and balanced (services, contracts, resource dispersal etc)

take what you can when you can, hoard gear and equipment, ammo and food when you can without hurting the overall effort, if there's a surplus, secure that shit and put it away.

2 is 1, 1 is none

don't bitch about anything, just remember what not to do to get pulled into the suck.

if someone fucks up, you find a moment to kick their fucking ass, the DS will tell you not to, blah blah blah, you beat their ass.

apply for every single program and rebate you can, ask every career counselor and DEROS center you can get to about perks and specials for service members, invest your shit (savings plans etc, you pay into it and forget it exists besides the payments, make an alltment right away, you WILL blow all your shit, make it your "I don't touch it until I'm out fund"

tested 3 times, once as kid twice in highschool when I was 14 and 17. 153 on average. I did have some personality disorder (ODD) as a result but overall often I'm the one that always flashes with the problem solving skill and logical reasoning. I'm content with it.

>Well, I'm a tranny, and I'm on hormones. Navy/AF told me I can't be on any meds for two years prior to enlistment. At least with the Army I can [apparently] get a waiver for them

Don't join the military. Seriously.

That's great Sup Forumsro, I'm content with my score as well.

allow me to instantly clarify that I was tested by 2 different psychologists, one of which was a professor in my homecity of Leuven. the tests happened as a result of my weird behavior as a kid

Go coast guard instead and actually do things that help America instead of the military industrial complex and Israel

I'm going to bed. Good luck OP.

getting treated like youre 12 isnt worth it.

What MOS were you looking at?

>I'm a tranny

So stop being a tranny. It's in your head, it isn't fucking real.

keep your stuff simple and practical, have a purpose in mind, all your fancy shit will get ruined in the moves or fucking stolen by your buddies.

you will make bros you can trust with your life, but not your money or your wife. just the way it is.

your gf/bf WILL fuck jodie, I don't understand your love, your ove is not like others blah blah blah STFU, they will be on all fours getting pounded.
have your fun and do NOT get married or commit to anyone until you're out

get the cushiest, easiest assignment you can grab, NO ONE will recognize your efforts, if you actually want to climb the ladder you have to be the biggest loudest self aggrandizing kissass you can possibly imagine

Wanna be a pawn in a chess game?

I heard the DoD was changing things to accomadate trans people.

If not I'd be going in as a man and basically not being a chick for awhile.

Good fuckin advice, thanks mate.
I will definitely look into that.

maybe, but it is real fucking.

Join and get a good MOS in Air Defense Artillery. If you're smart, get in the 14 series, as an 14E or 14H, but if you just want money, like me, be a 14T. I got a $25,000 bonus, joined as an E-2, and honestly the shits easy.

When will the "IQ tests only measure your test taking ability" meme die? There's a small nugget of truth to that but for the most part it accurately tests deductive reasoning, pattern recognition, logical reasoning skills, etc.

You belong in r/iamverysmart friendo!

just know you're going to be naked around other men, a lot. if you have like legit tits from hormones, expect to get treated differently.

no I like it here between the plebs :)

Make a better choice than selling your soul to the government. I guess, just realize that they're taking advantage of you. It's why they advertise to young people who will take a plunge.
If you do still enlist then at least take the least dangerous, easiest, and highest paying job offered. No one gives a shit if you do infantry, no one gives a shit if you're a trombone player either. Do whatever you can to ensure the success of yourself. And get ready to deal with a lot of insecure bravado because it's rampant in the army and marines.

I wouldn't expect anything less of an SO. Kissing ass is a specialty of mine.
Will keep this MOS in mind. Thanks!
There's a shadow under them yeah, they're noticeable.

Although I heard ya can't take meds in BCT anyway so hypothetically I'd look just as mannish as every other recruit because hormones don't have lasting effects.

I was an 11B (infantry) and was in for two years before getting a medical discharge. The main thing you have to remember is everybody's experience is different, but it is pretty lousy for most people all around. A major reason is that the people that stay in the army long term and the ones who are too incompetent to work regular jobs. Also, there's a culture of machismo that kind of permeates everything and it gets unbearably annoying. Here's the main things I would say I learned:

1. Basic is different from OSUT. Basic is for the guys who take regular army jobs. Your job will be way cooler than mine was because infantry doesn't do anything in the garrison since we have no translatable job skills (untrue of medics, MPs, and etc.).

This being said, it's not that hard and it'll be over pretty quickly. Just try to always remain somewhere in the middle, don't be the slowest guy, don't get into fights, don't be the guy everyone gets mad at, and you might actually have a good time. You're going to meet some interesting people.

2. Pick a job that has translatable job skills so that you don't have be like my stupid ass going back to for education for the second time since infantry doesn't translate into anything useful and a bachelors degree in psychology is equally worthless.

3. Go to sick call when you get injured. That way there's a record of your injuries in the case that things get worse when you're a civilian so you can file for disability.

5. The girls in the military have higher rates of STDs then the general population because there is such a low ratio of girls to guys, so be careful who you're fucking and wear a condom.

6. Don't rush into getting married. You'll make more money, but it won't be worth it when you get your divorce.

7. Don't buy into the messages of the Army. You're part of something bigger than yourself and it will likely made demands of you that will make you mature, but don't become brainwashed into the nationalism.


I guess I just think being a pawn is some kind of purpose to live? Which I don't have right now.
So everyone's trying to out-man one another?

Fuck an old mans war

Such a pretentious dickface.

IQ is an old model that wasn't created to see how "smart" someone is. It's good for identifying deficits and aptitudes. People get wrapped up in it, but there are many different kinds of intelligence.

Won't have to worry about fuckin with girls, but everything else here looks like great advice. I really appreciate it.

>Well, I'm a tranny, and I'm on hormones. Navy/AF told me I can't be on any meds for two years prior to enlistment. At least with the Army I can [apparently] get a waiver for them.

No offense, but I think the people responding to this thread haven't seen this part.

Do not join the army. You won't have a good time.

The army is like a giant highschool, except the ratio is 90% jocks to everyone else. If you're showing up there transgender based off of a recruiter's promise that it'll be okay, you're making a fucking mistake.

Typically yes, not sure about army but in the marines there's definitely an atmosphere of "we are killing machines, we're tough guys, don't be a pussy" which leads to guys trying to prove their worth especially in combat roles. It tends to wane over time as they come back down to earth and may be less common in technical fields

Dude, don't try to change what you are. What you ALWAYS will be. Regardless what you do to yourself. Your DNA is male.

Just accept what you are. Drive through and be successful.

I guess. I definitely won't get invested in it, like mentally at least. Nationalism is a load of shit.

Like I said, I was MOS11B for two years. Ask me anything while I'm still here.

In fact, if you wanted to talk on the phone about it, you can email me and I'll chat with you. Maybe even skype.

No homo though.


Don't join the military. It will be a VERY unfriendly environment for you.
And if you do, especially don't join any kind of of field/combat type MOS. Those will be dangerously unfriendly for you. Seriously.

The Army is the same way, but it's more so in Combat MOS. in Infantry you continuously have to prove your worth. My squad leader told us one time, "you have to keep earning the right to wear that Blue Cord on your shoulder every day you're in the Infantry"

This is a fact OP. This is very real

>The army is a giant high school, except the ratio is 90% jocks to everyone else
Fucking truest statement in the thread.

And hold on my nigga OP ARE YOU TRANSGENDER? You will have a hard time in the armed forces. How far along are you? If you can't pass as a female, you'd be fucking up to join as a male. The recruiter doesn't know shit. The recruiter is blowing smoke up your ass to get you to join so he can get his commission.
The army has a real nice bureacracy where you can't get shit taken care of if the superior guy doesn't like you.

This is so true. Another older 11B here.

The thing is that the Infantry runs on pride because that's all you'll have. I've had friends die. I got out and couldn't find a job. I've had the president cut my GI Bill. I had the army try to fuck me out of my school benefits (that I paid into). I had the VA fuck me over when filing for disability. I've had the government swear up and down they'd get me an interview after college, only to find I was unemployed for like two years.

My point here isn't to pretend that I'm entitled to anything because I'm a vet, the point is that you're promised all those things and they almost never follow through - so all you have to fall back on is "WELL MY BALLS ARE SO GREAT BECAUSE I WAS INFANTRY."

And honestly, a lot of the infantry guys I met were fucking pussies.

I concur. As An army vet, 35q, join Air Force or coast guard

Keep your nose to the grindstone and don"t give up. Good luck OP.

Thirding this to join AF or coast guard. Use your smart brain OP, don't sell it out and become a mule.

Dont sell out and join thearmed forces

I could honestly a glint of "Holy shit in ruining her life" in his eyes, not gonna lie. Would be a real big fuckin mistake but it wouldn't be the first one I've made.
Not a homo, just a tranny
Yeah I'm more than certain I'll be invalidated and brainwashed a million times over if I have the nerve to go in as a man.
With effort I could pass. See below.

As a former 97E/35M, join the Air Force instead if you want to serve,

The first sentence of my first post said to do something other than "sell your soul to the government" so I agree but OP should be aware of all advice and options

I stated earlier they wouldn't take me. I'm trans.

OP see this thread

So skype me and I'll tell you all about it.

Do you have skype?

That's some bullshit then. You should get what you were promised.

>go in as a man


Enough of this trans argument shit and let's focus on OP's life here for just one second. It's probably not a good idea to join as a man given OPs status.

Whatever you do OP, don't quit/give up during Basic or AIT. I know it'll be rough, and your life will be changing quickly (the realization that people's lives will depend on your actions, for example), but DO NOT give up. There's nothing out here in the Civilian World, and the military's going to coddle you until you either fuck up and get kicked out, or you retire. Stay in for as long as you can, make rank, and do your job.

//don't be like me

Vets never get what we're promised. That's why most of the homeless population in the US are veterans.

I graduated high school early, went to college, left without finishing a degree, joined the military, honorable discharge, got accepted to a mini-ivy, told that they didn't want me because I was a veteran ("We don't even have people who handle the GI Bill at this establishment. I think a state school would be more your price."), declared two majors and a minor at a state school, cum laude honors/officer in three clubs/ president's commission on gender/ all this prestigious bullshit nobody cares about, was unemployed for two years (couldn't even find a job waiting tables), finally got a job at a hotel cleaning toilets, got accepted into a programming boot camp that boasts of 98% job placement on a full scholarship

>let's focus on OP's life

That's exactly what I'm saying! The military is all about masculinity. If OP thinks he's a girl, he's I for a VERY rough time. Not only that, but he's not going to click in male dominated groups. Regardless of his MOS. he's going to be in a hell of a time being accepted. Hell, even if he was able to join as a chick. Do you honestly think that the females in his platoon would want to shower butt ass naked with a person with a penis? They are not going to give him a special shower. He WILL be in very close quarters with people butt ass naked. No way around that.

I think this is bad advice.

The civilian world has something the military doesn't - the right to be treated like an adult. There are opportunities out there, it's just that the job market is unforgiving and insanely competitive. Like the president said, "Just getting by is the new American dream."

There's still a way though. One of the army's major tactics is trying to scare people into believing there's no jobs out there when you get out. Don't fall for it.

This is the old 11B. I hate to rain on everyone's parade and don't want to get into the transgender argument, but this is absolutely correct. He's going to get is fucking ass kicked, be ridiculed, mercilessly bullied, and possibly killed.

I'm not exaggerating. They feed on weakness and feed on difference. You don't want this.

Seriously, Skype me OP Sup Forumsrother. We can talk about this.

>implying this mongolian manscaping anonymous image macro board is for plebs

>One of the army's major tactics is trying to scare people into believing there's no jobs out there when you get out. Don't fall for it.
They weren't lying. The job market is shit. There really isn't many jobs

>went to kabul
>Later nat guard 68W
>works at lenscrafters.
>use post 9/11 to go to school for optician licensce
>mfw wasted my 20s
The financial aid is nice, I guess.

>treated like an adult
Yeah, *after* you get the (hypothetical) job and some seniority. Until then, employers will look down on you and treat you like dirt, even if they hire you.

If I could do it all again, I'd have stayed in the first time, in the Air Force...or, depending on how far back I could go, I'd push even harder to have gotten into the Navy from the start. I literally (verbally) fought/argued with my AF recruiter every time my parents took me to him, outright telling him I didn't want to be in, and would much rather go next door to the Navy (which did happen once). And yet, I still got into the AF, and washed out less than 2 months later. I regret everything I've done since, pretty much.

Didn't really have a choice in the matter anyway.

They are lying. The job market sucks and it's highly competitive, but there are better options than literally selling yourself to the government to be their property. Even if you're making significantly less money, at least it's your own life.

Why are you so concerned user? U jst hav 2 bee urslf ;)

Yeah, I have one. My skype name is CordialRookers.>
Never thought I'd see a comment like this on Sup Forums. Highly appreciated, user. I'm not asking for trans validation or any of that bullshit. Just as a rule of thumb it would be psychologically jarring to try and force myself to be hyper masculine again. Also my name is legally changed so how fucked would that be? Being addressed as sir with a clearly feminine name.
I'm right about where you were, holy shit if that's my future
From what I understand they're going to accomadate trans people (segregation? I'm not sure how it will work. Tbh I don't want to be with girls, I know I'd creep them out.
Ideally I'd be able to stay on hormones and just be considered a guy. I'm more than okay with that. I just don't want to become a fuckin hon.

no they are not lying, my nigga. I did 5 years in the military. I'm full Civ now and the job market is shit. Sometimes I wish I just had stayed in and reclassed my MOS. I probably would have gotten 2 more deployments if I had stayed in. Fucking shit

What's your skype?