What is the preferred energy drink of Sup Forums?

What is the preferred energy drink of Sup Forums?

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Ice Cold water

I've been trying different ones, I have to say coffee is still the best

I drink tons of water, but I need a caffeine boost some times.

Natual orange or lime juice with some brown sugar and ice

Rip its

Black coffee

I like NOS and Redbull

Red bulls are so pricey though...

I pour Nos in my redbull


Easily a #1

I bet you give yourself wheatgrass enemas

NOS. I love the taste of it. Definitely the best tasting ones out there. However, as far as what works with giving the energy, Red Bull is one of the few that I've noticed gives me any.

I like meth

Regular Monster energy, black coffee, water


monster Javas
can't stand the taste of redbull without jager
I don't like the taste of other energy drinks

Monster Rehab, or Monster Ultra Zero


My nigga

dont be such a 12 year old faggot

drink coffee if you need caffeine


hot dogs

I quite like the cherry relentless if I'm just drinking it randomly (I like the taste of most energy drinks, some people don't but meh)
If I wanna wake myself up a bit regular monster tastes sharper

only the best

but i don't need caffeine, i like the flavor of the energy drink's fag

forgot pic

Also what's the caffeine content of energy drinks like in the US? Far as I'm aware the maximum you can have here in Britcuckistan is 32mg/100ml

if you don't drink them for energy you're even more of a 12 year old faggot so good job on that one pleb

Passion fruit and lime. Yes.

Any monster

Only acceptable answer. All others are trash

Green tea. With addition of grapefruit skin or orange. I don't liie coffe, and drinking energy drinks is just slow suicide.

use to like JOLT, haven't seen that in years. So, black coffee.

Before Hansen beverage discontinued it

160mg/473mL for the monster pipeline punch in OPs pic.

980 mg of caffeine

monster has 86mg per serving

Besides coffee, organic rockstar. It's only 2.44 at my 711


and ultras are 70mg

pleb? do you call me pleb?

Amp strawberry limeade till I die.


pipeline punch is the best monster. it tastes like the syrup thats in cans of fruit cocktail. the other monsters are pretty bad...the pink lemonade and tea one is ok.


holy shit where do i get this??

oh ok, that's like 1mg more per 100ml
fuck me 200mg/100ml? do people OD on this shit?

This one's my favorite so far.

They are 1.20 at the winco near me.

the gayfaggot store

I just fap when I need to wake up
>so I guess my own cum

Those taste good but they don't do shit.

Redbull or Blue Monster

what are those red balls, m8?

Most expensive energy drink I will buy kek

should i ask for you?

do you wanna suck this, you gayfaggot?

All of the ultra flavors are good though


taurine is bull semen

best right here

What's that flavor?

They're pretty delicious

Or these when I only want to spend a buck


Fuck yeah. May night. Those are only $1 too. I like the pomegranate ones the best but lime is dank

Tastes like cherry


Replied to the wrong post. It tastes like cherry.

Black cherry

you dont believe that...do you?


this one is brewed like beer except no alcohol

Tastes like cherry

Actually it isn't, but bull semen does contain taurine.


this or Full Throttle


Im the one that posted the Soma. It's mainly a Washington/Oregon thing. If you are a fan of Kombucha then you will love this. Warning: It is not cheap, but it is healthy. Would you rather spend $2.50 on kidney stones like Monster, or $4.70 for a Soma? It's on this website. I highly recommend it. symplefoods.com/

Tell that to literally any deployed personnel.

Oh lawd in heaven. Why did you take Full Throttle orange from us

>big black
I bet you love that one, user.

black cherry

drinking those since i was a kid

chili balls i think


the flavor is black cherry

its black cherry

i think its black cherry

It tastes kind of like cherry

probably black cherry

Fuck soma. Why would I willingly take a mind control drug dispensed by the government in order to control us!?

I kind of like NOS and Red Bull

I'd say it's probably like a black cherry

Pussy Juice

a bit of black and a bit of cherry

Spicy V8 juice!!!!!!

Anybody know what happened to this?

Is there a cherry version?

pic related is the only energy drink that matters homies

Nothing, I see it everywhere