ITT: Just how much do you hate Jews Sup Forums?

ITT: Just how much do you hate Jews Sup Forums?

>Pushing both does nothing
>Pushing one deactivates the other
>Again for the slow, pushing both does nothing

Id rather kill niggers and furries than just jews

Kill the jews for white genociding my beautyful homeland

If i push the right one all of Sup Forums disappears, but the left ome and i disappear.


Create a blue button that activated both green and red functions and press that.

I permanently deactivate and dismantle both. That's far too much power for any human being to be trusted with it. Humans are fucking retards.

Gotta admit though, that 9gaggers part is so damn tempting you have NO idea.

Can you clarify what pushing both does?

green every time

Meh neither. Most are decent people

Instructions unclear. I pressed both buttons.

Red button
niggers and muslims?
not even hard.

Pushing both only kills YOU

I wouldn't push either one tbh.

Green with my dick

so basically you have two options

push red like a normal person or
push both and do nothing like the fucking furry you are



Shut the fuck up.

>That feeling when you would push that green button on the left so hard, and so many times that your hands would break, and become broken bloody ruined mitts as you uncontrollably continue to beat the green button until you succumb to blood loss and pass out/die.

I wish there was a button that was just for you.


>fuck OPs tight ass

fucking moralfag

Id push both just to see what happens as OP did not state what it would do

Cry harder you whiny edgelords.

why would u do that


Red with a hammer over and over again just to make sure

Any button that kills muslims is the correct one.

I push both
I need a button for mudslims and im fine

"do you dispise the jews as much as i do?"


Green all day long, they are the world's shit stirrers.

I'd push the red one. We damn near wiped the Jews out in Germany already. They're not that hard to get rid of.



I go red because once all the Jewish pawns are gone, the jews themselves have no power.


I mean, I have two hands don't I?

Stop bending the rules you fucking moralfag.
Just pick a button.

I would absolutely smash that red button without hesitation.
I love the Jews!

Juggle them. I'm shit at juggling, so I'll drop one. Best if I didn't have a conscious choice.

I have a really hot jewish girl in one of my classes. Red button bye niggers

jews killed. no hesitation.

niggers can be imprisoned, muslims bombed, and the others are basically insignificant.

>kill all jews OR kill all niggers and muslims

holy shit that is actually a really hard choice

What do you guys consider niggers. Just every black skinned person or the really ignorant ones?

What's the difference?

Killing all of the other ones will be a serious blow to the Jews and their global schemes so I'm gonna have to go with that.

And fuck niggers.

Does fapping to humanized MLP r34 count as a brony ? I'm not a brony, I just think it's hot. Either way, doing red. If I die, I'm taking one for the team.

No, that counts as furry.

Seal the buttons in a Schrodinger box. Because of quantum mechanics, technically both buttons are pressed at the same time


Red. Jews made Israel, a fantastic amazing country, niggers suck ass

Why not just wait until all involved are dead and then push the green button to kill the jews if the buttons negate each other?

red button
jews arent that bad

Right button

I have to go with green, because I have nothing against Scientologists; bronies; or furries

Also my German heritage compels me to exterminate die Juden above all else


Jew tits

>Kill furries

Half of Sup Forums would die.

Right button.

Keep Jews alive and force them to convert, otherwise they face torture.

looks like a Junji Ito comic

>kill all bankers

>get rid of majority of crime and degeneracy

It matters how you define 9gagers, for me.
If it kills people who have accounts on it, i'd pick red. If it killed anyone who has ever visited the site.. then I'd pick green.

Plus bronies


Really not a fan

My sister's fiance is half Jewish. I've made him take Anglican communion before though. He's not super religious but his brother is and I hate him more


Muslims makes me press red


If you kill the jews you kill everything that funds the rest

I'm color blind, so I'd just push a fucking button.

>and fuck you for choosing red and green

Mystery button


I'd press red.. for the environment plus look at these birthrates.

pick one you fucking piece of shit

exactly this. though they will still have christians and spics, i think humanity can unite well enough to take care of that once there are no kikes in the way.

Are you fucking daft? The Izzy's own the entire united states and most of the Eu governments

Flip a coin.

Then push the green one anyway.

Even if you pressed green, the general population is too brainwashed to remove the chains of fractional reserve lending. That and you'd be overtaken by muzzies and dindus because of birthrates.