I don't know what to do with my life anymore

I don't know what to do with my life anymore.
I'm turning 20 soon. My step-mother don't likes me, she don't even look at me when I'm talking. I have no social life, I have no job and pratically no future. My boyfriend and I broke up yesterday..

I think that I should just end it.


Do what I am doing next month. OD on sleeping pills. Have like 20 at once.




thanks it helped a little

Wether it's real or not, just keep going. It gets so much better. There's never a good reason to end it, tough through it and become stronger from it and just remember that there's always someone else who has it worse than you!!

Embrace your pain and burn it as fuel for your journey.


Are you a faggot

If you, rope around your neck after taking a bottle of sleeping pills

And dont forget to slit your wrists

I really wish I'd give a care

Tits or gtfo

I'm 19. Kik me: JasonKlein12

Yo, shit is shit, but there's always something decent down the line. New boyfriend... job.. or even just a hobby you can lose yourself in. No point ending it unless that's all you want. Shit gets better, I hope it does for you :D

your 19, you've got all your life to complain about today and yesterday.
Just make sure that tomorrow is better

Thank you.
Don't kill yourself. I love you.

Unrelated but sauce on picture looks like the type shoujo shit I'm into

What the fuck is this, why is Sup Forums section so fucking nice all of a sudden like
what the hell im used to people saying fucking do it while livestreaming man Sup Forums Sup Forums is tame as hell these days

Hiru by Imai Daisuke. (hard to find online)

to many nice people these days
>>wai is it like this

Thanx :)

If it helps, the kanjis for is name are 今井 大輔

Save up and travel
You act as if you're trapped
You're a free human being nigga.
Go out and live. You're doing this to yourself. Fuck your mom not litterly or do and post to Sup Forums
But just get the fuck out of life you live now without ending life. These feelings will pass as you leave them behind. But you haven't done shit yet. You are the reason you feel like you do.
