My Teacher is going to give a test via Kahoot in about 10 min. Fuck it up Sup Forums

My Teacher is going to give a test via Kahoot in about 10 min. Fuck it up Sup Forums

>Inb4 Sup Forums is not your personal army

Pin #?

will do; drop pin

Will post later with reaction.

In 10 minutes faggot

Here you go

Tinypeen_Trump reporting in

Mr Hilter checking in

hahaha, we both guessed right on #1

Rapedababy reporti g

pool sex reporting in

i have no idea how this works

Is it curved?

nice one hitler

I hope your teacher looks at the names.

>Een meloen op een schuin stuk weg

yeah, pretty sure not being able to see the questions if making it harder this time

motherfucker im tied with shregg

du fuck
>Een voorwerp zich verzet tegen snelheidsverandering

Jewhunter reporting him.

Is this a german class?

well guessing has led me to a bountiful life in 32nd place

kek, got one right

Tinypeen Trump holding on to 7th place


wtf is this, all it shows is 4 shapes as the options

Fucking Hitler is smarter than my classroom and people are yelling it's cyber attack. Amazing.

tied with allah

I Guarantee you There's No Problem

not bad for guessing

you pick randomly

YES pool sex rockets to 13th


23rd place, right behind JewHunter!

Can we see the scoreboard again?

>You’re now in 16th place.
>100 points behind user!
nice name faggot

YES MY BROTHER. Hunt the Jews with me.

op post more pics

how do i play this shit?

nickname! is fucking killing it


21 points behind RapedaBaby!

Im in 36th place names FagBag

OP, Don't get caught

30th now

What to do when your test is failing

bushdid911 checked


so its over

game over good job lads

we can't see the questions or the answers. we can only pick A,B,C, or D (red, blue, yellow, or green) and hope for the best.

damn finished at 7th

Game over
post board

that was nice


Mr Hilter here with a top 3 finish from guessing. Your class sucks OP

Thanks Sup Forums , No grades for science today


Do another OP

that was science?

lol inorite? Trump_Tinypeen came in 7th and I missed a lot

Looks like Dutch

kek, that's me

Mr.Hitler defeted the science geek in my class, the rest of my class is stupid as fuck. Now time for a smoke


Is this in The Netherlands?

Mine just disconnects me and says reconnecting.

Richly deserved op... nicely done!

same with me

It's over we missed the party

Poland, check
czeckoslavakia, czech (hehe)
italy, france, check check
science geek, check, now I can retire finally