Showing my gf Sup Forums give me your worst

Showing my gf Sup Forums give me your worst

Pic related?
Those nails are in a sad state of affairs.
You okay, OP?

Eat shit and die faggot


She already has you, I'd say she has the worst thing in her life

Make your girlfriend show dick or riot




Show Sup Forums your girlfriend.

We demand a sacrifice.








what is this? getting a bigger dick?






Holy shit

I applaud that dude, what a nicely thrown punch

holy shit thats an amazing operation



Is she OK?

Find the hidden mickey.

It's the wrong solution, tho.

having a good day user?

timestamp with girlfriend faggot



yes :)

no, just getting a dick



Welcome to Sup Forums, I'll be your guide

Sex "change" surgery.
or politically correct: Gender reassignement surgery.
Or reality: Genital mutilation with a 40% chance of completed suicide within five ears afterwards.

that's a lot of ears

Ummm.. NO?

>my gf

Wanna know how you can stop lil kids screamin and do shit?


KeK went for the pussy

Pussy was still fuckin warm and drippin


>bad in any way

They just look so happy...

Well met.


can someone who understands russian tell me what exactly happened here? all i could find out was that her name was rovita kramskaya or something

Yes. It was all a prank


look at deez fuckers, i'm so proud that they're asleep
I fuckin hate when they scream like shit

Itt: we act as if Sup Forums isn't 50% porn and 97% trolls

The glans has hair on it.

Not the first time children have been hung there. look at the shit stains to the left on the mattress.

And 95% faggots.



Dat ho got the hoe.

fake it's not his legs. why would there be so much blood stains on the walls, etc etc
Please use your brain or throw it away


va te faire foutre faux troll

he makes a doble hit lol






Fake, but I kek'd.


I want this guys psych report badly.


why they soo oily?


Please hang yourself



dude wouldnt bending it's dick around like that hurt it? the fuck


alot of fags want to show their girlfriend how cool they are for knowing about /b lately. oh yea its summer


Why though?


>Give me your worst.
Is why.

Is that a dog?
Also sauce?

Definitely a dog cock. Learn your cocks, bro.


No sauce available.


fuck off it's just a scratch

I don't get it


that's your worst? is this your first day on the internet or something?



what did I just watch?