What can I expect from 20mg of ambien Sup Forums

What can I expect from 20mg of ambien Sup Forums

Ambien experiences thread also.

I've got a fucked up ambien experience so I'll greentext. This shit is true
give us a minute

waiting patiently

Bumping before nigga reach page 10


bumpty dumpty

This is it
>Be me
>20 years old working on an oil rig (2 weeks on two weeks leave)
>Can never sleep the night before I go to the airport to take a plane to go to work for 2 weeks
>Tell doctor. Doctor gives me Ambien
>It works! I can sleep now before starting my 2 week shifts
>On one of my 2 week breaks I get really drunk with a mate and tell him about my Ambien
>It's like a psychadelic sleeping tablet I tell him. (that's how I've always experienced it). You trip a bit but you are too relaxed to care about tripping = enjoyable
>He takes 1 and I down 5 to see what happens
>Not long after we are both passed out in my granny flat
>"My granny flat" was a shed at my parents house. I had renovated it and installed everything a house could need (kitchen, fridge, beds, 2 rooms, airconditioner and lots more). I hadn't installed the toilet system yet though.
>That night I have a bad dream. I dream I am confused writhing around in mud trying to get on my feet.
>I wake up in the morning and the air smells like shit. Hungover I get out of bed to take a piss. I notice some poo marks on the floor of my shed and on my mates bed.
>I assume it must have been him
>Go out into the garden to piss and my parents are milling about. Ask me what I was on last night
>Holy fuck! What did I do! My dad tells me he caught me writhing around in my own shit on their toilet floor last night. There was shit all over the walls, floor, ceiling fucking everywhere!
>I was clean though. Dad tells me he threw me outside and hosed me down until I was clean. When he was hosing me down I took my clothes off apparently so he poured petrol on them and burnt them. (I could see the ashes)
>He said he hosed me down until I was clean and left me outside on the lawn.
>"You have to lean the toilet up mate" dad says
>My mate wakes up and I don't know what to tell him

this shit made me flat-out hallucinate the weirdest shit. it doesn't seem out of the ordinary while it's happening, but when i would wake up the next morning, my first thought would be "what in the unholy fuck happened..?" one time i saw a dozens of laser-like beams of white light flying through the air, and realized they were coming from the fingers of my left hand. upon closer inspection, the fingertips of my left hand were actually ghoulish ape faces, with the light emanating from the eyes, nostrils, and mouths. another time, as I lay in bed and looked out of my bedroom door, the doorway began morphing into those orange hamster tubes, which were growing and branching out like vines, with fucking hamsters running through them.

it was some serious fear-and-loathing shit. if you remember the scene of Duke freaking out in the hotel lobby where the floor patterns began morphing and climbing up the wall, that's the closest thing i've seen that replicated the shit i see when i take ambien.

I'll be sure to duct tape my ass shut before I go down the rabbit hole. Great story can't wait to shit all over myself.

Was this on 20mg though?

Sorry my typing is slow
>My mate sees the shit on his bed and says "what the fuck is this?"
>I told him I didn't know. He wants to use the toilet but I tell him it's blocked so he leaves early to use the one at his house
>HOLY FUCKING FUCK!!!!!!!! The toilet room is smeared with shit! It takes me all day to clean the shit off. I threw up about 10 times (cleaning up shit while hungover is fucked!)
>My dad thinks it's funny and tells my mate what happened later on
>My mate tells everyone
>I deny it at first but my dad keeps telling people until I just admit it and try to move on
>Not long after that I began using heroin. Just managed to kick it cold turkey after 8 years
Laugh it up anons. Keks on me

I'm not laughing at you at all. Shitting all over a bathroom is a champion move. It's almost a shame you didn't do it sober though.

this was on 10mg. it totally depends on the person though. some people trip balls, some people just get tired and pass out uneventfully

Dreams on ambien are so fucking real that they may shake you several hours after waking up, even with the acknowledgement that it was just a dream.

This dream I had had a narrative and a plot and everything. I was enrolled in some sort of private school, but through the course of the dream it was reveled that this was a brain-washing school that taught a fucked up cult-like religion. Being the skeptic that I am, I continually protested and got punished for it. Later in the dream after everybody had graduated, all of the misbehaving students and myself were ushered into a room where we had to witness each other get cut to pieces one by on, bit by bit. It felt so real that I couldn't get back to normal at least an hour after waking up. I left out a lot, but really believing that you're being indoctrinated into a cult for seemingly several hours is the most scared I've ever been.

I don't have any good stories. When I take it I'm out like a light very quickly. No dreams, no sleep walking.

It works well but it's not fun.

Thanks user. Smearing shit all over the bathroom was not a high point for me though it was kinda cool. If I used Sup Forums back then I'm sure I would have posted a pic for a thread. Apart from that one time, all my Ambien moments have been good. You don't remember much except what happens while you get sleepy. That period between sober and sleep is pretty cool. You trip but it'd not intense like weed or LSD. It's soothing. Like a nice dream while partially awake

Kind of what I was expecting, but exactly what I want. I don't so much like being high as much as I just like feeling nice. Like after an oxycontin. Niceeee aaannndd chiiillllllll.


If you buy certain brands of poppy seeds you can grow them into plants and harvest the opium. That's what I did for a few years when I was hooked on heroin. It's free and as long as you get the right brand they are medical grade poppies.

I'd like to add that I found it stupid to buy opiates when you can process your own morphine (or just opium if you're lazy) from poppies

What about drones hovering above my house user.

You spread them around your garden around other plants. They look like weeds and don't grow very high. Where I live people grow flanders poppies and opium poppies look really similar. Unless you grow them en mass in a garden with no other plants no one would ever know. Unlike weed plants, most people don't even know what they are when they see them

Honestly, I had so cops come around to my back garden and they never thought twice about the poppies. They have really pretty flowers too. You need about 50 plants for a healthy opiate addiction like I had