I am from 2050, hurry, i have not much time left

I am from 2050, hurry, i have not much time left.

did Trump make America great again?

was my cadaver of much use?

No. Trump was assasinated

Also, Sanders dies, Hillary wins.

exact date

I agree with this user

3days after his inauguration, injured in a bomb blast, then when struggling for help, was shot by haters, mostly mexican men

Since you told us that....
is he assassinated because you told us, or is it now changed?

Was also sabotaged by the security group.

Will androids destroy the human race?

lol libcuck faggot.
I love how Facebook political activists go "OMG TRUMP WILL START WWIII AND 'VE ASSASSINATED GURRRR HURRRR"

Fuck off

market share of Linux in 2050?

WWIII will not start, idiot. It's just a soft proxy war, ended by a pact, between russia, china and the U.S

Nope, basically, almost all the dirty work that requires no precision is done by robots. Especially prostitution.

OP: I am also a time traveler from 2051, sent to warn you. Don't go back the way you came; it's a trap!

The fuck? Why?

I'm keeping the date

You better be keepin it. It will be very dirty.

You are altering events that have ramifications in the future.
Hide blend in and wait for instructions.

Also, don't go into the purge of 17-21

Also, a similar 9/11 event will happen sometime soon.

But i'm plunging to 18! What do i do?

Stop it, you don't know what you are doing. So here will be affected by the event you mention.

Im transporting to the purge of 18!

Hide and wait. Travel to Canada if they have not yet sealed their borders.