Fuck you, Marvel

Fuck you, Marvel.

Fuck you.

Isn't captain winter soldier now?
I haven't kept up..
but surprise marvel habitually shitting on their characters again I take it.

Oh NO! a cartoon character created for children done something that will be retconed in a year.

Marvel sucks shit.
Daredevil the show, xmen since first class and captain America 1 and 2 are all that matters.
I liked batman vs superman more than I liked all the iron mans, thor, and all the avengers combined.

Trying this hard

DC Baby!

>but surprise marvel habitually shitting on their characters again I take it.
They're only really shitting on xmen, becuase they hate sony.

Wish for new wolverine arc even a new cable arc would be sick.

I've run out of interesting backlog, am not reading any of their shit ATM.

Let's see what Marvel has done these past few years..
Killed spider man
Killed thor
Killed wolverine
Made them all girls
Killed off captain
Replaced him with soviet Winter Soldier
Iron man now uses nano bot's..

I prefer DC because they do dumb shit too but nothing on marvels level.

On a side note looks like Seth organ hasn't fucked up the Preacher adaptation, might actually be good (better than the bullshit attempt at Constantine/hellblazer)

Is rather burn all of my batman merch than watch that new piece of shit that's coming out....fucking Ben Afleck are you serious....Jesus fucked up Christ.

god this is going to be retarded asf

You think so? I thought the pilot was really boring and confusing.

Time Magazine: Is this just another gimmick?

Marvel: You’ll have to read the rest of the story to see.

Marvel is like the kardashian family in the comics industry.

They are now dependant on causing controversy and scandal around themselves to make money forsaking effort or creativity.

The smudges left all over DC continuity from them taking an eraser to it periodically are preferable at this point.

What stupid shit is going on now? I hung around through and even enjoyed Secret Wars but what did we get? The same universe coming back for the most part and Caption Falcon becoming a faggot SJW

DC got me interested though with Dr Manhattan and Watchmen now fucking with the main DCU

Captain America has been revealed as always having been part of Hydra.

Everytime he foiled their plans, he was just going along with their plans....I think my IQ dropped from typing this.

Uhhh do you guys not realize Marvel has been massive faggotry since Rob Liefield? (Surely going on 25 years now)

>X men since first class
Terrible taste, X men 1 and 2 were great

wtf last time I read marvel he was an old man


Stop trying to sound smart

I stopped reading marvel when the two universes collided.

After that it turned into a feminist drama, every single hero is a girl now, hulk is an asian manlet, wolverine is girl too, peter parker is a millionar and he attends a gay wedding, deadpol is a serious guy, and iron man doesn't have any money.

Had to stop reading because of wolverine, that was boosheet

They killed Cyclops so fuck them.

And Steve is cap again right? Or is he still an old man? Is that Bucky or Steve? Wait, I thought Falcon was Cap now? You know what, fuck this shit

Anyone have thoughts on this?

I am not trying to defend them, but you have to realize these comic books are around for a many years now. They have to come up with something new, they fucking tried already everything. Now it was turn for this.

best strategy is to pick and choose what makes sense

ignore the rest

New DC is terrible. And this is coming from a diehard Batfan.

Steve is evil cap and he doesn't even get his shield back.

Falcon is Captain America and still has the real shield.


The marvel experience in a nutshell..

>they fucking tried already everything.

The bullshit cry of the unimaginative.

Most of New 52 is trash I agree but I am actually curious with where they are going to go with this Watchmen thing. If anything I like the idea that they are bringing back the ideas of hope and legacy. Also I really do dig Bats new costume

Hydra did nothing wrong

Is Falcon still a faggot cuck begging to be fucked by the writers womens studies professor?

He is fucking Whor now.

Cause you know, there was a white blond chick in the Avengers and she hadn't gotten blacked yet.

Möbius chair Batman though. At least DC is coming up with new shit and not just throwing gimmicks to the wind to see what happens in the marketing department. Marvel had become the sjw of the industry. To the point its laughable.

How the fuck?

I mean, I get it, they've tried everything else, but seriously, how in the fuck can this make any kind of sense?

And Spider-Man is half black and Puerto Rican.

Anything Jim Lee had done has been gold. Personally I prefer the new 52 to the dumb shit they've done in the past.


Batflek is the shit

There was a big major drama when Dococ killed Peter, and nothing bad happened he returend.

I guess he will be a double agent.

I stopped reading marvel long time ago can somebody tell me how did he turn young again?

When did Comic Book guy clone himself?

Like I said I am just interested in this new direction and also REALLY glad to have ginger Wally West back.