I herd u leikd cringe threads

I herd u leikd cringe threads

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how is this cringe tho

OP is gay..?

We do, maybe we should start one

No shit


Shad is probably better than whatever meme artist you love

>better than anyone

>doesn't name an artist

Looks like I'm right

Unless you like disproportionate bodies, moles, freckles on characters that don't have them and a whole bunch of unnecessary shit then no, Shad is a hack.

You're going to say they're shit anyway so what's the point?

DarkDP is the best hentai artist like ever


Said the pot to the kettle.

Get help

I love starting shit this

>You're going to say they're shit anyway so what's the point?
What an argument.

Why would I? That was my first post in the thread friendo.

Congratulations autismo

There was nothing to argue in the first place. Someone's taste being shit or not doesn't make Shad a good artist.

Get help

>implying there's a point in arguing with someone who's just going to go "NO HE'S SHIT REEEEE" just to defend Shad's shit art

Get help

Het Gelp

pleh teG

pleG teh

So, why exactly is Shad a bad artist? What makes a good artist?

Decent anatomy and perspective helps. OP already provided a bad example.

>So, why exactly is Shad a bad artist?
see Specifically
>disproportionate bodies, moles, freckles on characters that don't have them and a whole bunch of unnecessary shit

Not be shadman, fuck shad I hate him I hate him I hate him fuck him that fucking asshole piece of shit RRRREEEEEEEEEEE

Disproportionate bodies is the only valid argument against shad. Everything else like moles and freckles and piercings are a design choice and only butthurt fags nitpick against it because they just don't like it

I'm guessing it's because of how wonky her leg anatomy looks..?

>Everything else like moles and freckles and piercings are a design choice
There's a "design choice" and then there's overloading it on a character that didn't have them in the first place.

As someone that hates Shad's art I agree.

I mean i'd like to see you draw something better

OP here, i just dont give a fuck

This is bait. Nobody believes this line anymore.

If you pay me for it.

Yeah you don't like it, dont confuse your personal taste with shit art, retard.

Even though you're right about cosmetic details, that doesn't excuse shit like the gross stump legs in the OP pic.

Ur negativity gives me a raging boner

>Moles, freckles on characters that don't have them

You're honestly arguing this?
Omg this guy drew my cartoon character but didn't represent him with 100% realism

Get a life

Take your own advice there jackass.
If a character has none of those defining features that's not an excuse to go buck wild on it with gaudy shit that doesn't look good.

Take this thread to /ic/ they'll love it

>my character isn't being accurately portrayed waaaahhhh

Cry more faggot

/ic/? U mean ?

Well, if you're going to complain about adding freckles to characters that usually don't have them, you might as well also complain about every other porn-artist, drawing cartoon and / or anime characters in an out-of-character scenario (i.e. participating in sexual acts). I can definitely see why that would upset you and make you dislike his work as you obviously have other preferences, but honestly, that really isn't an argument when it comes to an artist being shit or solid.
Like said, it's a design choice and part of an artists style.
Shad also seems to at least have basic anatomy down / is at least over-average regarding cartoon-style drawings.
He does make mistakes and is far from absolutely perfect, but literally saying he's bad even though his overall work is pretty solid, just isn't right.
You can find little flaws like the "stump legs" in OPs pic in most pics from any artist, and even professional ones. Sure it would be better without those, but my guess is that you'd be looking for the 1% if you really consider everyone making those mistakes bad.

I DO acknowledge that he oftentimes has a lot of trouble in terms of perspective, I'll give you that.

>hey you know what'll make the Mona Lisa look better
>a mustache!
>Hey it's my design I can do what I want even if it ruins the image

I heard you like cock.

Honestly, I thought you were saying sexual cartoons in general were cringe.
But you're only hating on one artist? For no good reason except that you're unhappy with how his drawings represent your lovable waifu fetishes?

You're the cringe one here

>in an out-of-character scenario
Yeah no, there's a difference between design and setting user.

No thats ur father faggot

You're funny flim-fam, I'm done arguing with you tho. Stay mad

Yeah that's about how art works

He is gonna have a hard time when he is being skull fucked by maggot.

Why not promote the artists you find good instead of bashing the ones you don't like?

All your thread will have done in the end is give Shadman a bit more attention, and probably a new fan or 10

At least he won't resist


God Mode Cringe



Sure there is, but the point mostly remains the same. I'm sure you know what I'm getting at, even if you don't agree.
Hey, believe or not, but as much as I'm defending Shad for being a good artist, they don't fit my personal taste either. I mean, call him mediocre / average all you want, but literally calling him bad (not in your opinion, but in general) for stuff like that? Come on, bro.

I never really found what is so appealing about shadman's drawings. He puts way too much unneeded details that it makes his pictures borderline uncomfortable to look at.

This is the best cringe thread ive ever seen, faggots arguing over hentai artists