It's my birthday it's my birthday I got no money and no life and nothing

It's my birthday it's my birthday I got no money and no life and nothing

Other urls found in this thread: improvement help books i'm a loser

Forgot to mention shit posts aswell

You got money for booze or weed?

Don't be a Faggot now, bro. Hang in there, go make shit happen.
Fuck bitches, get money

Stole some for booze.
Wish I knew how

It's his birthday. I think he deserves to take a day off from the shit that is life.

Do you have any friends?

Would it be cool if your birthday was also your death date?

Well you've got internet. You've got that going for you.

This. Could torrent some games, get drunk, try to acquire food, and celebrate.

Thank you.
I do, but none of them are close.

Hey man it's my birthday too! Happy same birthday

Happy Birthday mate!

Could still invite them out for a drink or something. The worst they can say is no and make plans later.

It would. It would be damn cool.
Atleast something without judgement.
Doing that from the morning, did speed run on re4 in 4h

plan how you're going to be next year and do it improvement

also help books i'm a loser

Thisl make you feel better user
this story is way too long for me to copypasta
>girl tells guy to get rid of hair below the belt
>gets drunk and buys nair
>hilarity to follow
Click or dont click, at least i brought it

Happy Birthday user!
Thanks dude
They did say no, tried to schedule good date for them then they are free and stuff but they just declined

Thanks mate, will do research on this
Check'em, bookmarked it

OP here. How about some old school ylyl anyone got something to dump?

You checkem too, were like dubs bros
>dubs bros
>Sup Forumsros

Dude, we're more than blood brothers

Have a good birthday man, this shits gonna 404
I dont think a kilo of columbian bambam
And a lightning storm will revive this poor bastard

When I was 18 I was a clueless fag
By the time I turned eighteen I was in college with the guys who wouldn't talk to me in high school. Things were different, one of them was sort of my friend but the rest kept shooing me... I wasn't like them. I didn't understand them. Fucked my first person thanks to them... it was a prostitute. I think it was half bro-stuff, half joke on me. Either way I lost my virginity thanks to them.
One year later I stopped hanging out with them and they didn't try to reach me. Dropped out of college.
Changed city and university, still clueless but with new people.
Be total robot with girl, freak her out. Do all the stupid stuff RomCom advices to do. Fail miserably like the beta faggot I was. Having fallen for her and being rejected, started watching TED talks, reading self help stuff, etc.
Fuck another girl, my first "natural". Still don't understand. She practically fucked me instead of me fucking her... chubby was desperate.
Fuck other stupid girls. Sex is ok but still not fully understanding humans.
Today I am on the edge of finishing 2 licenciates degrees, dumped a girl last month, no job but I think I¡ll be able to make it, volunteering every sturday at a poor neigborhod teaching poor kids learn how to read, still trying to figure out humans and improving in every aspect I can.

oops, forgot: 25 now. fucked my first natural at 19 or 20, and 4 or 4 more til now.

Happy birthday user
My birthday is on Tuesday
My 10 year old son told me he hates me and doesn't want to talk to me anymore
Odds are small he will call me on my birthday

Get the fuck over it you pussy.
Birthdays don't mean shit, just the anniversary of your birth.

Meh, im in the same boat only its not my bday im 35 and i live in my moms basement. Fml

tbh fam if you have nothing no one can take anything away from you

Looks like general booze and drugs tread

Op here. That's some honest truth.
>anyone got world is oyster greentext?
>would try that

>booze and drugs
nope. tried marijuana and when I was more anxious I had bad trips. after reading some books my trips got nicer.
but not a junkie anyway. don't drink, don't smoke unless I see those old friends.

You're lucky then. I drink like a Fucking fish

don't :)

Well I do


aw qt3.14 is alone :(

Happy birthday!

happy birthday!

lets be honest:
live get worse day by day.

user, much appreciated
Like me
Thank you!
Thanks. Life is worse than shit, but atleast this day i keep somehow or somewhat special

just keep that feeling.

Happy birthday, OP