Helo Sup Forums im herre to spred the clorius wörd uf helb helbers. tihs be markt as the start of teh grusade

Helo Sup Forums im herre to spred the clorius wörd uf helb helbers. tihs be markt as the start of teh grusade.

Spred the wurd of hebl helbers as much ass yuo gan!


juokaa happoa


Helber troop reporting!




here is a bicture of you amerigans

cant kyke the pike mother dyke

apustus is working!


Dosnt smoke fumes.

i approve of tihs tred



Paska meemi. Lopettakaa heti.

Autist helber catt

I don't know what this is but I like it.
New mem?


it be an pep the frog but it has autism and it cant spek properly

I liek!



Llok this man is not verry inteligent! Did uy o get no deucation help heleper?

Guud mene!

Ops this wa ssuppoded to reply here