Name a funnier show

Name a funnier show.

You cannot.

Other urls found in this thread:


family guy


Cory in the house.

Married with children


How dare you call me that! Only we can call ourselves cannot's you fuck! Burn in hell you racist fuck

Seasons 1-2 were very good I will concede.

Colin might be one of the funniest humans alive.

I know this was a meme a while ago. No bullshit was it actually a funny show? I never watched it.


Curb Your Enthusiasm


malcom in the middle

Spongebob Squarepants

Honestly I think they're pretty equal. Curb was just better in that they were on HBO and could swear, but I feel like the shows are of equal quality.

Leaving the tv off is infinitely funnier.

A show featuring only jews, about jews, making jews rich.

Yeah I can think of better things to contribute to. Fuck Seinfeld.

What do you think ?

>Serinity now


I'll have to check that show out.

I remember being 13 and thinking I was hardcore.

>pic very related


even if he is 13 at least he is not race traior sheep like you.good goy.

They really don't make comedy like this anymore. What they do now is pick hot people and hope the writing makes them funny. It does not, funny people know how to act funny hotties rarely do.

2/10 not very good satire.


did a jew steal your girl and kick sand on you at the beach

No bullshit I want to fuck the shit out of Kaitlin. Skinny white bitches with no tits that's my thing.

Regular show


Only thing more white bread than seinfeld was Fraiser.

Al got this

I'm assuming you calling the 'Feld white bread because it's so popular and does well in syndication.

It's because it's a great show. Sometimes a golden nugget can slip through the cracks.

You're 12 years old and don't get the references.

im 29

Even if that was a solid argument (which in no universe even within the multiverse theory would it be) references to anything are never funny ever.

>'Feld white bread because it's so popular and does well in syndication.


implying seinfeld was even funny.
Protip: It wasn't funny.

Yes seriously. Now say something of substance.

pro tip kill yourself

care to explain your shitty reference ?

Ok. You are a fucking retard if that's what you think white bread means.

How about that you skilling retard

Demonstrate with yourself how I should and I will.

Why aren't references/parodies funny

Not substance just inane and unoriginal insults that bore me.

shit tier show with too many jews

well helium mask is prob the best

The same reason this picture of a vinyl record isn't funny. There's no science to it it's just not funny.

It's a parody of all 80s pop culture. Montages, hair metal, corny sit coms, etc. It's not the best show off all time, but it's still good. Better than a show about nothing

Your racism is weird.

South Park

>says something completely stupid
>hides behind durrrr you bore me durrr

Well played! You are a literary genius Now pretend you were only joking aaaaaaaaall along

Just referring to something isn't funny. That is correct. But a parody openly mocking and pointing out the ridiculousness of something is. I'm not saying regular show should win an Emmy. But it's still a funny show.

Needs a hug and a blowjob desperately. Maybe I zuck ya dick?

at the time seinfeld was on, cannot.
hard to say now, since comedy has evolved

No substance. Now you are boring me. Yawn

Ricky and morty

Oh I get it you took what I said and then used it against me.

See when you do that it makes the insult betterer.


Very yes.

my racism is justified


Pick one.

No it's bizarre and sad actually. The fact that your racism can stop you from enjoying things. It's really goddamn sad when you think about it.


>hating jews is bizarre

found the tumblrfag


There's a lot of entertainment without jews for me to enjoy... fuck you and your PC bullshit

What about the actor who played "Kramer"?

Law and Order.



Seriously though, thought someone would have posted this before me. Anyone?

Do you wanna get Ants?!

He was a comic having a bad set and he went on a weird tangeant that some fagola recorded because they got offended.

Michael Richards isn't a racist, the bit just didn't work. Anybody who knows anything about comedy would know this.

not sure if bait or jew...

>british comedy

had to look that shit up.

you call that funny?

>name a funnier taking a dump. you cannot

because i did. jolly good

You filter your entertainment choices by how many jews are in it. My sides are in orbit the concept is so insane.

It's Always Sunny

Neither, fagola. Just a pretty cool guy.

he is a racist. everyone is a racist. Only thing is to not get caught being a racist.

One of my favorite episodes

...can't tell if trolling, or are actually that stupid. And it's Irish comedy you yankee cunt.

are you sure though?

he probably doesn't understand how many jewish people work in film

here check your favorite movies

oh I mixed up the two replies, switch the response around

>and you wonder why no one mentioned it before

makes me laugh that the jews actually made that as a pro-jewish tool

Peep show

If you're gonna be all racist and claim there are lower life-forms than you, than you'd better be pretty fucking perfect on your commenting skills there dumbo.

Even I know that, and I'm a dirty jew loving PC faggot.

you're confused, go take a nap

Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
Rocko's Modern Life
/end thread


My statement still stands, person who fucks up literally the most simple thing ever.

No it doesn't.

1) I am not the person who's talking about Jews being inferior. Like I said you're confused and making mistakes in reading comprehension yourself.

2) Boo hoo I mixed up which number in my text box was which person and made a reply correcting the mistake.

3) I don't give a fuck that you're Jewish or politically correct.

>>lower life-forms than you
Like monkeys?
look at those replies again.. newfag

>Boo hoo I mixed up which number in my text box

yes you did

>Boo hoo I mixed up which number in my text box

yes you did

>Boo hoo I mixed up which number in my text box

yes you did

I'm sorry this post is too dumb for me to acknowledged I'm gonna move on

pic related.

ukfag dont get american humour it's like the loudness is compensating for the low level intelligence in the humour

twinned with canned laughter makes for one un-funny show

Can't I like both Offices and appreciate them for different reasons?

Regular Show is a fun cartoon but it is just that -- a cartoon. You certainly cannot place it in the same bracket as things like Curb and Seinfeld, regardless of how many obscure retro pop culture references it has.
>inb4 too young to get it's meta winks to the adult audience
I'm 30.