How do I prove to my wife I'm a man?

How do I prove to my wife I'm a man?
A few days ago a gentlemen insulted my wife's hair at pf changs. I attempted to diffuse the situation calmly by telling my wife to collect her things so we can go somewhere a little more peaceful, but she accused me of being a coward and not loving her because she thinks my refusing to fight was a refusal to defend her honor. The thing is the offender in question was about 6'2 200 pounds and I'm 5'7 134 pounds with no martial training. That gorilla would've beat me all over that restaurant. With this fact in mind I figured the best approach was to just get away from the situation, that way my wife can't be offended by him anymore and I don't have any hospital bills tacked onto the normal ones.

My wife doesn't see it that way. She said that I better prove to her that I'm a man or she'll leave me and find a real one. What can I do?

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Get a new wife


here is your (you)

i hope you enjoy replying to other socially lonely fucks whoe you (you) each other into the afterlife.

Nofap, feel the testosterone.
Once you gain the powers nobody will be able to stop you!

Nice dubs summerfag

You didn't want to fight because you might lose.

That's your problem. You're supposed to lose sometimes.

Well, she called you that because you're a pussy piece of shit coward. She should divorce your retarded ass. You fucking bitch

First don't let your wife tell you what to do. Tell her to shut the fuck up. You giving her boundaries about what she can say to you will make her think if you can stand up to her, you can stand up FOR her.

As for the primary situation, if the place was crowded you could've made a huge seen and the man would have got riled up and maybe at some point someone would've stepped in and said they're going to throw you out of you don't stop, which could've been your excuse to collect your shit and leave. Point is, you know your limits but you can't your woman know where those limits lie or she'll see other men as better than you. Being a man is all about performance, probably why that dude said that shit about her probably

Size doesn't mean shit in a fight. You wiped your vagina and your wife lost respect for you. Kill yourself faggot.

p.f. changs sucks

Whatever your probably a Virgin

This should have been /thread. Honestly what kind of person starts shit then expects their significant other to clean it up for them? You have a shit tier wife user. Either tell her to shut up or leave.

She wants to live out some princess "ooooo fight over me" fantasy, it's probably not about your manhood. Why is she even with you in the first place, then? AND got married?
If I had a nickel for every time a woman started a fight and expected me to finish it... I'd be poorer than if I had a nickel for every time I wanted to fucking strangle the woman for volunteering me.
Maybe remind her that you also have the ability to leave the marriage. You did the right thing, OP. No one needs to get beat up or go to jail because your wife is insecure.

>never fought before
6' 2" 200 lbs vs. 5' 7" 134 lbs that shit does matter. OP is shorter, skinnier, and lighter. He'd get thrown around like a ragdoll

Buy a gun

I'm not going to shoot a guy over just starting shit.


Fight em, win, go find the first bitch you see fuck her brains out send pics of cummed vagina to your wife, and tell her you're man with or with out her.

Get rid of her, or tell her how fucking stupid she is until she is apologizing to you.
You defused the situation without anyone beating up anyone else. That's a good thing. Fighting in this day and age is just dumb. If you win, have fun with the lawyers, if you lose, have fun with the doctors.

For me, i'm scared of situations like this, because i'm a fucking impulsive guy, i don't think shit through like, i have 2.5 seconds to do the right thing and if I don't i'm fucked cause i'm either bash the dude skull in or, figure out how to properly diffuse the situation. i should clarify i'd try to bash the dudes skull in, i am in no way shape or form a fighter, but i will fight, no doubt abotu it.

Call him a nigger bitch and once he starts killing you call the police so they can shoot him.

for me though its like yeah ill fight punch the dude break his nose, but like nowadays you can't even stand up for yourself or you'll end up in jail with some outstanding fucking crime that some how doesn't even represent why you were arrested in the first place.

This, you should have fought op, even if you had been beaten in the end you would have won something more important the respect and the admiration of your wife, she'll never trust or respect you and honestly she is not wrong in doing it.

Manlet detected. Should've hit that nigger with a chair instead of using your hands.

an d this is what we teach women to do in rape classes today. just laugh and take it

I'm with user on this. I recommend against picking a fight with an asshole because you might do more damage in a fight that you can live with afterward. I've seen permanent brain impairment from just a shove and trip. (No, it's not myself.) I come from a family that has the fastest apology in the bar. Leaving so that others can enjoy the event is not a loss of honor with my family.

Get a bitch with a better hair cut

Appease her however you can without getting yourself into trouble. Hopefully she will start cheating on you. In fact, count on it.

You, however, will plan ahead. Contact an attorney and private investigator so that when she does start "staying late at the office" or whatever, you can start getting evidence.

When the time is right, file for divorce and claim damages that will ruin her.

That and by escalating it with instant violence OP could have been charged for assault without the big guy even having to retaliate. In all honesty wife's a cunt for being mad about it, because there's no way it would have ended well for OP.

You could have told the guy that you liked her hair so it doesn't matter. You could still talk back without being threatening.

tl;dr Hire someone to attack her and you will step in and save the day. Or be one of those douches who does open carry so that no one fucks with you

You know I agree, i've been scared to fight ever since I got sent to jail, i stood up for myself got sent to jail, now its always in the back of my mind, if I get angry and lose control ima do something I regret and lose every thing i've worked for, its not fair, i can't stand up for myself, i already have a record so i'm fucked, i have to keep getting pushed around until ive learned how to control my anger, and the irony of it all is, the more i let it happen the angrier I get, this world is fucked I would stand up for myself if I knew I could do it with out fucking some one up.

You didnt even need to fight, you called have just yelled at him. Weren't you mad at all?

she may be fucking that guy instead of you man.

>How do I prove to my wife I'm a man?
Do like in the video you posted, except the whole time keep yelling "I'M A MAN"


her name: yui ooba

Get mad and punch a hole in the wall the next time she disrespects you.

Get mad, all swollen and red, but silent and stare at her.

Then tell her she's a bitch, and if you can't respect others, at least respect her own self.

Tell her if you were to confront the man it will only worsen things up, that at the end of the day no one is in the right, and everyone loses.

Don't scream at her. Just make it appear that you're really trying to hold back. I mean really unleash yourself but don't cross the line.

Tell her you don't it, you never like it being angry or get involved in wrong doings.

>Thinks 6'2" 200lbs vs 5'7" 134lbs doesn't matter

Ahahahaha nigger cmon this aint an anime

OP, I understand it's not about winning, but to her it obviously is. Don't give her what she wants, as as matter of fact, show her that you can do better and give her the exact opposite. Listen to this advice and it will do you well. If she's so willing to leave over such a slight issue, then she may have never wanted to be with you in the first place. Find someone you can actually and truly love without fear. Also...
>Sugar in the gas tank

Well, first off its pointless to start a street fight over anything especially over a girl. If its that big of an issue you step up and tell the idiot, they should mind their own business and not to disrespect your girl. If he really becomes aggressive try to make him admit his own idiocy and let them know you're not wanting to escalate the situation. If he still wants to fight look up your mutual combat law. Here in the states its completely legal to fight as long as 1. Its sanctioned (discussed before hand) 2. There is no death or weapons (depending location) 3. You have a 3rd party to prevent the fight from turning to attempted murder.

Normally i walk around with a mouth gaurd and or set of gloves just in case if someone wants to really escalate it to that point. But more often than not qhen you discuss the issue and make them think about it. They will probably back down and talk shit while doing so.

Prolly cheating on you tbh

Samefag...??? Idek.. 4chinz never prepared me for this situation!

Leave her
She's a cunt
There ya go OP

The respect and admiration of some cumdumpster whore such as your wife isn't worth getting a paper cut over, let alone getting half murdered.

I accidentally double posted
I'll delete one

Nice summer dubsfag

quit her

you sound like someone who has never gotten their ass kicked. Dude its terrifying. You can seriously die or be permanently disabled challenging fucking apes like that man.

You're placing a lot of trust that your opponent will show restraint and you're rolling the dice that he doesn't just accidentally kill you.

I realize that there is "honor" but dude I have seen people get destroyed right before my eyes and I have gotten my ass kicked too because I thought "Hur Dur Muh Honor" Now I fucking can't pronouce "ch" sounds.

Idk but I am a cop and in most states you can get some training and get a CC license.

It would have been to call him out on it and then if it escalated from there, deal with it.

But in your predicament OP I say you did what you could.

How about learning basic grammar and impressing your wife with not being potato?

>a gentlemen
a gentleman

>diffuse the situation
defuse the situation

>my refusing
my refusal

>thing is the
thing is, the

>situation, that way
situation; that way

>I don't have any
I wouldn't have any

Thanks for contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation and inflating your own self worth and ego. I'm sure your just the best speller mommy has ever seen. A+

People like me, I react too negatively to negative situations and create more problems than there were.. which is why I ended up in jail the first time, but I get so angry and can't help it, jail sucks and its not even prison, so it can get worse, me personally, i'm just keep avoiding trouble until I can't avoid it any more. Hopefully the law will be on my side when it happens.


So start shit because you have a gun? Fucking pigs.

Rape her then tell her to start dinner

hit her


No user, its not about honor, is about you sacrifice yourself for your wife, i mean is YOUR WIFE, is the woman who will be the mother of your children (probably), is the woman who you will spend the rest of his life together, if you are not willing to fight for her for your family, for what you are willing to fight for?

>you sound like someone who has never gotten their ass kicked.
I've already been beaten up in school, but nothing too serious, I admit

This. You fucking pussy. Sometimes a man just has to do what he has to do. Regardless of winning or losing. Next time take your beating like a real man.

Call her bluff and leave her first.

Never tolerate an ultimatum, and any girl that wants to see you hurt, wants to be the one to hurt you.


why the fuck does nobody understand this in thia thread
>he is small and skinny
>opponent is big and tall and angry
he would have gotten btfo and possibly been really injured

Brain damaged user detected.

sauce on OP?


Dude, what good are you to your wife if your dead or a fucking vegetable in the hospital? I agree user should have at least spoke up but dying because someone remarked on your wives hair does NOT sound like a worthwhile cause.

The reason his wife got mad isn't because she doesn't think he loves him its because her ego got bruised. And she needs to get over herself because if she really cared about her husband she wouldn't want him to be put in situations where he'd likely be demolished. Especially about something so asinine

Neither here nor there. Most fights arent about winning or losing. If its worth fighting for its worth losing for.

Thats why i said to try to diffuse the situation by making them admit their idiocy. If you cant keep yourself level headed in a stressful situation your girl is right and should leave you. Also you should let her go because with that personality type you're not doing her any favors.
Or like previously said just use laws to your advantage. Also prison is much easier than jail. Unless you are in with maximum and/or there for 10+ years, its a walk in the park. Its literally a giant daycare for adults. Jail is terrible because its so packed and people are usually drunk and scream the whole time. You can only avoid so much for so long. It also dont help when you have a girl that wants you to be macho. Usually those who want to just fight without discussion are usually the cowards that sucker punch and tend to be the ones who talk the most shit. Its more likely due to the lack of intelligence.

Leave her. She is using you. End of story. If she needs some gorilla to use violence to make her feel pretty she is shallow cunt. Leave her. Tell her that her obsession with violent conflict resolution instead of being a mature adult is a huge turn off

OP is a pussy. I'm the same size and stood up to an apeman at a concert because he thought he could push me around. No wife involved. Op is a chicken shit mommys boy. Said apeman is the one who left not me.

wow you didn't catch my

mistake? I thought for sure you'd railroad me on that. But I guess you missed it. Anyway mommy is very very proud of her big boy for being such a great listener in English class!

Well first you need to get a wife

Tell her to stop acting like a child and make you a fucking sandwich. Giving into her whims is the exact opposite of what she wants you to do. She wants you to stop acting like a lap dog that does whatever on command and that starts with her. Adults don't come to blows over name calling. Tell her you agree that her hair looks stupid and then tell her how you want her to wear it from now on. Now go get dinner ready I'm hungry.

Tell her hair did look fucking stupid and that you werent gonna get in a fight with a guy who said what you wanted to and tell her that if she wants to leave she better pack her shit quick because you can find another hole to fuck. At least this way she can see you dont care if she leaves (even if you do dont back down like a little bitch) all women want a badboy and by saying this youre telling her to fuck off and asserting yourself.

Women are retarded subhumans controlled by primitive emotions, so of course they will get turned on by you acting like an obnoxious brute and acting like she's your property and picking fights with everyone who even looks at her. Leave the bitch, this is the biggest red flag of all. Your ideal gf would not care if men catcall her, insult her or even slap her ass at a party. But not too far that direction that she enjoys the thrill of flirting with other men in front of you

if you're going to make up a story, make the height to weight ratio more threatening. 200lbs for somebody 6'2" is VERY skinny. hardly a gorilla

i'm 6'3" and 240lbs and people tell me i'm thin all the time. your comic books have lied to you.


Just beat the shit out of your wife.

ITT: hopeless faggots who have nothing to live for
If you have a history of fighting you will lose a chance at a really good job because of violence being in your records. life isnt about this stupid trivial shit unless you have nothing to live for.

ITT: Fedora tipping cucks. Good luck getting pounded in the ass tonight guys.

Goddamn this generation of men is fucked

I'm a woman and I'd at least insult the guy. If he touched me first I'd do my best to beat his ass. I'd rather get dragged away defending someone I give a shit about, and honestly, we'd probably just exchange insults and a fight probably wouldn't ensue from that. OP is a bitch for asking his wife to leave after some dude randomly insulted her.

inb4 tits, this isn't my thread.

OP should've gotten his wife a mercy divorce instead of dinner.

Your a bitch. It doesn't take strength to be strong. You're wife will leave you one day. Sorry, fag.

lol I noticed that too. But he's probably speaking from his own heights perspective. a 200 5'7 dude could be a smol gorilla

Sometimes I wonder if I should drive with a mouth guard in

The dude insulted his wife, he wasn't raping her. Words are never a good reason to fight

>I'm a woman
Opinion discarded

>gorilla weighs 200 lb
>gorilla's head weighs 5 lb

Just fucking hit it. Also, get a new wife, she sounds like trouble.

>I agree user should have at least spoke up
yes, if he is so cowardly to fight at least he should have done it, but he abandoned her, and in my opinion, that was the reason she got mad, and she is right in feel that way.

As a woman you don't have to worry about getting into an actual fight with someone that could kill you

this. Sounds to me like OP's wife wanted OP to get beat up. either way like in so many marriages, she got tired of his beta ass

you did good OP. good you didn't let yourself be manipulated into a fight by your frigid wife, now get rid of her and buy a motorcycle

OP, you should have done what I did in a similar situation...

Some piece of shit made a nasty comment to my wife. Rather than start shit and wind up tarnishing my perfect record and possibly losing my job, I followed the fucker to the parking lot. Followed him until he parked at a store:

>Took out my handy dandy drill from my trunk
>Removed his license plate
>Swapped it with someone else's
>Snapped a pic of both
>Kicked out his tail light
>Called in his "new" plate as a hit and run, gave vehicle description, said he was drunk

Fuck that guy. Bet he had a fun time explaining his license plate to the cop that stopped him.

leave your wife for a real man

lol I like how women have this bizzare perception that if they were men they'd be bruisers. Lady you can get into fists fights with men just as easily as men can so why don't you see for yourself just how much of a fight "wouldn't ensure" when you start talking shit to someone with a whole foot of height on you.

was what I thought, I think that his wife felt that way

And then what? Knock him out and got to jail for assault or get the shit beat out of you and go to jail for assault

women know jack shit about honor. All they care about is making men do things for them. OP was right to be the better man here, and his wife is a bitch because she'd rather see her hubby get beaten up for her own ego

Nicely done Sup Forumsro. Always play to your strengths

I am 6'3" and I weigh 250lbs.
I am not skinny.
People are lying to you.

It's not only about this shit. This is just an excuse to bring up something that is wrong with your marriage. Women do that all the time but because guys are so hardwired to diffuse the situation of their wives and find logical solutions to every problems they don't understand it.

Simply put the most likely scenario is that you are being a bitch all the time or that she's bored. Next time she is bitching and moaning and nagging your ass don't say anything, just hold her. If that doesn't work you have a little bit of problem.

In that case bring something up about her, fuck with her a bit, create tensions, belittle her and whatever, you can not lose this argument. All you can do is release the tension when her behaviour gets better. Stand your ground on this.

Women shittest you all the time and if you don't play the game you are losing, we are animals and we are hardwired to successfully pass our genes.

Then take a long chat with yourself and see if you actually respect yourself and if you are really the man in the relationship or if you just go along with her shenanigans.

Next time you fuck her, spank er a bit and slap her lightly, spice it up.

>she's right to be a fucking dirty cheat and run off with other men!!
fuck off cuck