Insult me Sup Forums

Insult me Sup Forums

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You're a good person.

Time stamp


>You're a magnific person and wish you the best.

That harsh?

You seem like a nice guy

You're heartless

Sup Forums ain't holding back today.

Such a lovely person

Life already insulted you enough

Tell me more, OP.

What is that, a penis? Or did you just leave some leftover ham down here.

I can show more

Is that a usb cable?

You seem like a lovely fella.

no thats my penis

Why the fuck do you have such a small penis you beta cunt?

Nice bed, I like your taste I future

Good try not posting your penis, op.

Nice clit

are you that mache alles guy?

you seem very fat are you ok do you wanna talk about it? Sugar kills don't eat it.

no.,.. the white wire...

Your presence today is appreciated.

Your bed is like your dick. Small and uncomfortable.

It's my iPhone charger. was not OP

That is a heated blanket on a memory foam mattress. If my bed is anything, it's comfortable.

You'd probably have a bigger dick if you weren't so fucking fat.

Yes, being a fat ass is like sticking your dick through a pillow (of fat) you can't take off. But fat also somewhat alters the body's hormone balance, as it stores estrogens (in tiny quantities, but the more fat you have, the more that adds up). This means when you were a teenager, your physical sexual growth (i.e. testosterone) was counteracted by all the estrogen floating around, reducing the size of your penis, testicles, keeping you less hairy, and probably making your voice less deep than it would otherwise be. You dun goofed OP. Even if you lost weight and that pillow of fat, your dick will never get bigger than it is. Think about how it could've been an inch or more longer and girthier, if only you weren't fat.

On the plus side, you have slightly lowered chances of going bald (if you were genetically predisposed to that anyway).

If you shaved your legs, torso, armpits and face... And grew your hair long, I'd totally fuck you. No joke.

I have the same remote controller
It's like we could be friend

You are loved OP, and nothing says I love you more than people who love you for you, and not your body. You are amazing OP! Do you have anything nice to at from your home?

>Do you have anything nice to at from your home?
Do what?

So, OP, are you game? I'd get you off with the shower head after I came in your soft, warm asshole.

How many inches are you erect?

Around 4

Perfect size.


Are you bi or curious?


Nah, I'm straight, just an exhibitionist. I'll fuck around online sure but that's it.




I would love to fool around with you.

I got first dibs on him.


Ahh you're that guy!

op what the fuck

What? It's my tiny dick and a time stamp.

I can't tell if that's a clit or a dick, judging by its size


Well it ejaculates, from what I can tell, semen. So I've always assumed it was a penis.


Moar op

What do you want to see?

Here's the thing. From the pic I can tell that you're about 100lbs overweight. A lot of penis size can get buried in subcutaneous fat for heavy guys.

I should know. I was a girthy 7.75 in high school when I was fit. That's a pretty respectable size. Here, 15 years and 80lbs later I'm just over 5" hard.

Back in the day, most women were very impressed with what I was packing and they'd let me know. Now, it's always embarassing to let them see/touch me for the first time and there's nearly always an "I'm disappointed but I'm trying not to be mean about it" expression.

There have been many ladies that simply stopped flirting or expressing interest after they saw/touched it the first time. Most are polite but seem unimpressed. A couple were downright mean and checking out my hand/foot size for comparison, telling me I'm small, that most guys have more, etc. But like most smaller guys, that sort of turned me on.

But anyhow tl;dr, moral of this story is losing a ton of weight will help out with many things, especially penis size.


this is sad, i cant insult you in a tough situation like this...

Looks like God already fucked you over.



I don't normally post, I prefer to lurk. However I saw this post and I have to say you look like an upstanding member of the public and I would be happy to get a pint with you.

Any small cock bros wanna trade pics and jerk off together on snap chat?

I call b.s. You're posting your erect dick on Sup Forums so other dudes can look at it, but you're straight? Riiight.

>I'll fuck around online

Plus I'm an exhibitionist, I like people to see me naked.

Online gayness translates to gayness period. If the thought of dudes fapping to your micro penis online gets you off, that means you're flaming homo. Period.

Again, gay.

>Showing your dick = taking a dick up the ass

you are a valuable human being. when you pass on, the world will be less than what it was with you. it will be a poor day for humanity.


What do you want to see?

Given that logic, receiving head from a dude or jacking each other off is perfectly straight. Not only are you a lardass, you're a gay lardass in denial.

I bet you suck at driving.

belly or ass

Are those Christmas Lights in May?

>NEW xxx CHAN..

Look at yourself, you have it hard enough already. Cheer up.

Is that a penis?

I might suck at this whole comforting thing

I can hardly ever get a good shot of my ass, this might be the best I have from a while ago

Is that a penis? Or did you drop a cashew on your pussy?

that is the same photo from the other day?

dick pls

Yeah, I've used it a few times, best shot I've ever got of my ass

use meth, stop being a fatfuck

I'm straight and I'm into fat girls, you're somewhat feminine, and I like it...

go for it

Already here and here . If you want something specific I might do it.

you are an amazing human

Whenever I think I have a small dick, I see shit like this and remind myself it could be so much worse

you are right thats a tiny dick man

Have you ever thought about actually becoming a woman?

If nothing else I'm useful for that.

lift your legs and shows that dick

Not even once.

You have a massive vaginal destroyer op, truly colossal fuck stick.

kek looks like my GFs clit


I dont want to say the same , but it looks like a clit