If this game wasn't made by Blizzard you wouldn't be playing it

If this game wasn't made by Blizzard you wouldn't be playing it.

Bump, So niggas can see this shit.


This is my first blizzard game


Then again I just joined the pc master race so that may be y

Shit is gonna be a rehash of ts2...
Just like every other tongue n cheek fps coming out this year.

to be fair even though it's a mediocre game blizzard is grossly over marketing it so it makes sense a lot of casual players are buying it

It's actually pretty good

I didn't even know it was made by blizzard I just played it and had fun.

It's a copy & paste of TF2 right down to the character tiers.

doesnt matter

nobody will remember this game in like 1 year

I'm not playing it. Can't even be bothered

I'm not playing it anyways, it's a shitty tf2 copy made by a shitty overrated company.

You're probably right. Blizzard's games generally have an incredible amount of polish on them most other developers don't get near.

I'm not playing this shit, I don't care who made it

mine too, all their other shit seemed too fucking nerdy and shit, world of warcraft and that other space one, fucking nerd shit lol, rpg is just boring to me...
I can play a good shooter anytime tho.

Same genre =/= copy

still a copy

First blizzard game, long time PS fan

False. I'm not playing it regardless.

Are you retarded or you are purposely talking like a nigger

Wrong. I've hated everything else Blizzard has made in the past decade. No matter the developer, I'd still play it for my waifu.

Also fuck Team Fortress 2. It's about time we got something that's actually visually appealing.

No. Not really. Unless you're trying to make a case for it being a copy of Doom, as well.

OK so cod isn't a battlefield clone or vice versa don't feel like looking up whether the egg or the other egg came first

to nerdy? its a fucking game you could be playing call of duty and still get called a nerd. you play a game to immerse yourself and get away from the real world for awhile. you should go and give diablo or warcraft 3 a try sometime.

I probably wouldn't know about it, but if I did I would still give it a try most likely. Can't say for sure since it was made by Blizzard.

Newbies only play this shit for DAT TRACER ASS.

Tf2 has very basic, generic sterotypical characters. Overwatch has very different charcaters to Tf2 and all of them are pretty varied. Just a copy m9

Since when did doom have several different yet eerily similar classes
Tbh I don't give a shit about it being a copy cuz it's not like valve was putting out anytime soon, just personally think the game is overrated

You don't belong here you CoD loving faggot.

the game has so many differences from regular ole tf2 perhaps if you guys that think its just a copy gave it a play you might realize that your hat store is shit tier.

>guy said "I don't like rpgs"
>you tell him to try rpg #1 or rpg #2
You might actually be retarded. At least the other guy is just pretending he's a nigger.

It's a much, MUCH better version, so I guess copy works.

The only other Blizzard game I played was Diablo 3. That shit was a bore to get through.

Overwatch is pretty fun though!

Overwatch came out way too late for its level of "innovation" if you even want to call it that.

They looked at TF2 and League of Legends/MOBAs and were like

>"hey those make money, lets mush them together in a half-hearted attempted at sucking in both FPS customers and skin-buying tart customers."

Yeah, okay, cool blizz, but maybe do that 5 years ago.

The first two cod games were good that's it the rest are shite

classes? You mean weapons. Boom. Same game.

>installs battle.net
>thumbs through diablo, hots, wow, hearthstone
>what it's made by blizzard i didn't know

Porn is there for that. No need to get your ass kicked for some plump latex.

But I am not playing it.

How do people relate mobas to overwatch? I don't see any similarities that aren't just part of the Tf2 genre already

Are you fucking retarded?

>thinking war3 is RPG

You know the drill.

Playing it because it isn't p2w like tf2 and has better balancing than tf2. Also, game mechanics are pretty good.

Truth is Blizzard has never made anything original, they just put their own polish on ideas that have been around for a while. Like it or don't, it's pointless to argue what's a clone of what.

But I'm not playing it

I'm not playing it

Man she looks bored as fuck.

thats what got me playing it.

"Pretty varied." That gameplay is gonna be really diverse without loadouts huh


You wouldn't be shitposting about it if it weren't

That's exactly my point.

Games usually don't last longer than a few months regardless of the company

You must be new here.

>Games usually don't last longer than a few months
Have you seen the terraria community

he says, not knowing I've no idea as to what game that it

Do you have a disability or something?

>ITT: A bunch of mad kids whose moms won't buy them overwatch right after they spent their good boy points on shitty Doom

You don't need load outs to have varied gameplay. The characters have such different weapon sets and strategy choices they don't need load outs.

It would overcomplicate it so the entire strategy side of the game, which overwatch has over most games like this, would be useless now.

Stop being stupid


Big fucking bump right here. I'm still hoping that the game will fall flat on it's ass along with that peice of shit movie they're pumping up. Maybe then blizzard would go back to making quality games instead of looking for the easiest way to make a buck. Or just go bankrupt. Either way

I don't even know that game. Looks like a fucking cartoon so won't be playing it probs.

If this game were made by anyone but Blizzard I'd be playing. Sick of this overrated shit being everywhere. It might be playable if the battles weren't just massive clusterfucks of weapon spamming. Worst multiplayer game I've ever played. The only good stuff is the r34. And most of of is the fat bitch.



Oh I'm fully aware. They've never had an original idea in their life.

However, my point was that the stuff they're "innovating" on has been out for so long now it just comes across as silly to use.

There are plenty of new and exciting thought-outside-of-the-box games in the last X amount of years they could have put their own spin on instead, but instead of coming up with ways to moneitize/micro-transaction the ever-loving fuck out of those, they just went ahead and took the safe TF2/MOBAesque route.

I mean, it's just plain sad when they can't even innovate on their ways to suck money out of us. Like c'mon, at least try.

I guess Titan absolutely falling to shit (That is a great interview to watch btw, really brings out the infallible god complex in Metzen) scared them into an impenetrable safety zone.

I don't really have a pic for this response, have a Taric gettin' dank bans.

How is TF2 p2w? Are you retarded?


Have never played a Blizzard game before Overwatch.
Never gave a single shit about The company or their games.

Didnt even think about it being made by blizzard until after I decided to buy it.

Have been excited for the game for a long time and didnt even know it was a blizzard game until recently.

still dont give a shit about blizzard.

But I love overwatch.


it is a fucking good game though, best blizzard game out there right now.

Or Minecraft, WoW, Diablo, League, DoTA, Total War, CoD, Halo, even fucking Mariokart U.

C'mon people.

I hate Blizzard. I played the Beta because it was fun, but I'm not still playing it because it wasn't amazing. I might pick it up later.

Also the writing is fucking garbage (like all blizzard products)

Bull fucking horse shit lol

>implying a website has any bearing on me
>implying it's any less fact than it already is

>implying ppl are playing it

game sux breh

What strategy choices? You could argue that every game has that. And how does garbage watch have better strategy and teamwork? People barely ever see their team from what I hear.

btw i wasn't the other user, just wanted to point that out

Just because mommy didn't buy it for you doesn't mean people aren't playing it

oh look its the new team fortress 3 game.

Ah, fair enough man

If Blizzard didn't make it I'd only have to pay 20$ for it like any other game worth playing.

I would still play it, but I admit I feel more comfortable putting time and money (loot boxes for cosmetics) into it knowing it's made by a big company.

I'll be perfectly honest, Hearthstone is *really* good. I don't even like card games. It is hard to find a fault with that stupid game.

Heroes of the Storm isn't bad either. Starcraft and WoW are stale, though. Diablo as well.

Are you fucking retarded? Is exactly the moba moneymaking scheme, just mashed into a fps setup. Specific characters that fit specific roles, and counter specific other characters... But then every month they release a new paid character that completely changes the meta of the game and forces many players to buy more characters to round out their roster... It's just a cheap bullshit way to continue making money off a full price game while avoiding the dlc/core game issue. Faggot.

awwww, is does someone not have enough gbp for their mother to buy them the game?

Pretty much.

Blizzard titles are usually 6/10 at worst, aside from the fact they never learn how to handle their day 1 launches.

It's fun, but it's gonna need some balancing.
>looking at Bastion having 600 HP as a fucking turret.

>game where roles are played as (select race/character here)
Regardless on how pedantic you want to be about it, he went ahead and said he doesn't like that starbullshit either, could you not fucking extrapolate that he doesn't like RTSs either?

Holy shit you're stupid.

lmfao alright lets lay down some facts
>HotS Sucks
>WoW Sucks
>Diablo 3 Sucks
>Hearthstone is a straight rip off of MTG
>No one plays StarCraft2

you basically made a thread saying "lol i'm too poor to buy it so lets troll le 3+1 chen hehehe xdxdxdxd

Actually its the fact that its made by Blizzard that i'm not playing it

Well I play with my friends most of the time, so we are constantly talking about where we are and the status of things to strategize. It's a massive part of the game.

A lot of the characters can be played in different ways. You have to be ready to change how you're playing depending on the status of the match. Instead of w+m1 in tf2

Except for the fact that all characters and maps, future and present, are free you autist

Less typing, more Tracer porn, faggets!!!

I'll just sit here and laugh at you filthy casuals

Lol, another newfag going to the grinder. You'll realize, years after that fact, just how hard they're reaming you.

because u are stupid.
Hope u understand this.

>>No one plays StarCraft2

Why did they kill it. Why. ;_;

Kinda like valve...

Bastion is annoying buy Genji's reflect rapes him, and everyone knows that now so nobody will play him except new players.